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Saman Ghoddos @ Östersunds FK | 2016 - 2017

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    Kudos to him.

    I am very proud of him for choosing to play for the old country

    Zendeh bad IRAN
    Marg bar dictator


      Article on Samans' final decision:

      "Ghoddos' words about the difficult choice

      Saman Ghoddos has made the choice: he will continue playing for Iran's national team.
      "There are so many reasons, but I think it will be the best for my football career and I have to choose with the heart too, " he says to Östersundsposten.

      No, Saman Ghoddos did not change when Janne Andersson came and opened the Swedish Landscape Door.
      After a couple of days of extra reflection, Östersund's attack star decided to hold on to the decision to continue playing for Iran.
      "I have made my decision and I am pleased with that. One big reason is that Iran is playing the World Championships, they are already ready and it's a very big tournament for me, a dream I've had since I've been small, he says to OPP.
      "Can not Bother Me Less"

      Already on Monday, new country matches where Ghoddos can try to get into the World Cup squad. First, Togo and then Russia wait.
      But if the offer from the Swedish national team had come earlier, the situation could have looked different.
      "You might have wished they came earlier. Then we had another discussion, says Ghoddos to Expressen.

      For OPP he develops:
      "There are certainly many in Sweden who are disappointed, but I do not care what they think and think about. I've just mixed up my dear and their opinion is the only thing that matters. No one else has gone in my shoes and can know how I feel and think. I chose Iran first and I promised I would play with them and I would like to stand for what I promise, I must be a man and be able to keep what I promise, "said Ghoddos."

      Video Interview: [Swedish]


        Saman one of the 3 candidates for best player in Sweden.


          It's funny how many here started to feel he was a traitor before he had even announced his decision while after declining Sweden's offer, so many Swedish comments have been made in support of his decision under the articles posted here! We really need to learn this from the Swedes (yes there were bitter or racist comments as well but I'm talking about majority).

          I will translate some of the most interesting ones here:

          *Choosing national team should be personal. Good luck.

          *My new idol.

          *Good luck. You should always follow your heart.

          *You understand him more than well! His team is ready for the WC. His heart is beating for his country of origin. He's surely gonna take a spot in their team, certainly. His stocks have increased 10 times after his decision today. What does he have to lose? Nothing. Not even me and you.

          *Good luck with the rest of your life Saman. You're a nice human being.

          *Too bad. It would have been nice to see him in the blue and yellow shirt.


          *It feels like a good decision by him.

          *Too pity but understandable. Good luck. :heart: :heart:

          *I hope you can progress even in that national team and that you didn't choose them only because you'd become a superstar there. Good luck.

          *Good luck. I hoped for the Swedish national team.


            Taj apparently called him and thanked him again for being true to his word.


              I tip my hat to Ghoddos for his decision. The magnitude of difficulty in making what his heart wanted to all Swedes and their media was indeed huge and quite nerve racking.

              Not knowing what the consequences of this pick may be, he made the bravest and most amazing decision (indeed for us Iranians)

              This TM indeed will be the most decorated and talented, yet youngest TM we have had going to a WC. Many thanks to CQ for having helped TM become so strong, unified, disciplined, passionate, organized, and energetic. Our players all know that in order to be included in the team, they either have to domestically fantastic, or move to reputable European countries, where they will professionally and efficiently turn into professional and disciplined players, practicing and playing in amazing facilities, while better understanding the art of football and footballing.

              Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                No doubt a difficult decision, but he made the right one. I never doubted it, I knew he wouldn't go back on his word, and I am sure he will give it his all! His heart is with team melli,



                we're coming!!!

                * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                  Folks, c'mon you can do better. Respect one another, everyone should be free to express their thoughts and notion on the matter without having felt the fear of being attacked by those who think otherwise.

                  Let's not carry on the totalitarianism culture owned by the IR in here. Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion, as long as it does not hurt others...

                  Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                    Originally posted by Keano View Post
                    Folks, c'mon you can do better. Respect one another, everyone should be free to express their thoughts and notion on the matter without having felt the fear of being attacked by those who think otherwise.

                    Let's not carry on the totalitarianism culture owned by the IR in here. Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion, as long as it does not hurt others...

                    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                    Azizam, as you know - we moderators all work hard on this website. No one is trying to sway others or quiet others who have differing opinions. Yes, we are passionate and love Iran, but we also hope that the quality of posts stay high and certain members are spamming consistently. Saying 3 or 4 words on a consistent level is spamming - esp. when it's always against Iranian interest. For example, take Ando Teymourian (not the player ) post, where he is basically laying out the debate vs. what shahin said -

                    This is a simple and great post that lays out arguments. Huge gap between this and what some others are doing.

                    Ba Sepas


                      I AM SO EXCITED AHHHHHHHHH : D: D: : D : D :: D

                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                        Originally posted by aenima_8 View Post
                        I chose Iran first and I promised I would play with them and I would like to stand for what I promise, I must be a man and be able to keep what I promise, "said Ghoddos."
                        A player of high integrity. Amazing to have great character in Team Melli.


                          Thank you Saman Ghoddos e aziz!!

                          We love you!! !!


                            I just wonder what this message board would look like, had this guy chosen Sweden. doubt we would have been as respectful in showing our dissatisfaction with him choosing Sweeden.

                            I have never followed the kid and know nothing about him and although I am happy he has chosen to be with us, I would not have cared if he had chosen Sweden. He didn't help us get here, which is fine, but if he wants to have a place in my heart he better deliver at the WC. and then after that, come help us win a title in Asia, and specifically defeat KSA in the process.

                            I have a question for those of you who have watched him
                            can this kid really play the CAM position, or is he another winger/forward type player?


                              Originally posted by NFL View Post
                              I just wonder what this message board would look like, had this guy chosen Sweden. doubt we would have been as respectful in showing our dissatisfaction with him choosing Sweeden.
                              I have never followed the kid and know nothing about him and although I am happy he has chosen to be with us, I would not have cared if he had chosen Sweden. He didn't help us get here, which is fine, but if he wants to have a place in my heart he better deliver at the WC. and then after that, come help us win a title in Asia, and specifically defeat KSA in the process.
                              I have a question for those of you who have watched him
                              can this kid really play the CAM position, or is he another winger/forward type player?
                              He said many things that said he was happy to be in Iran, regrets not being in Team Melli earlier, Team is like a family etc. that if he went back on his word, would be real bad. He didn't say this about Sweden even though he was invited to Sweden before. I think he went to both camps and saw the huge disparity between them - and actually chose Iran (credit to IFF)

                              That's what made this debate so inflamed. If he had chosen Sweden without saying this stuff, we would have blamed IFF, etc. not HIM.


                              He said in an interview he prefers CAM - rarely plays winger but can play it.

                              My guess is this is what CQ will go with:




                              CQ has a real good problem, lots of players for different positions.


                                10k added to his insta in less than a day

