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Senior cleric demands Iran - SK match to be called off

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    Senior cleric demands Iran - SK match to be called off

    Ayatollah Yazdi, the former head of the Judiciary system and an influential member of the guardian council asks the ministry of sports to pay any price for not playing against South Korea on Tasooa day, in order not to violate the sanctity of this day.

    He questions: can we stop people's joy after Iran scores a goal against SK?

    For his attention, they minimum price we have to pay is the loss of 3 points (According to Taj AFC and FIFA already threatened with 3 consecutive defeats,which mean goodbye to WC2018).

    The other worry is that the interference of politics may wish to direct the result towards a draw or even a loss to avoid mass celebrations on a mourning day. I hope CQ and players will stand firm against these external pressures,but these kind of affirmation by officials are very alarming.

    آیت*الله یزدی:
    بعد از گل ایران به کره در روز تاسوعا، آیا می*توان جلوی خوشحالی مردم را گرفت؟

    عضو فقهای شورای نگهبان درخصوص بازی ایران و کره*جنوبی در مقدماتی جام جهانی گفت: مطلع شدم وزیر ورزش در این زمینه تلاش*هایی برای تعویق این دیدار انجام داده است و نامه*نگاری*هایی انجام گرفته است ولی خطاب به وزیر ورزش بیان می*کنم که شما در سایه همین احترام*ها به محرم و صفر به وزارت رسیده*اید. نظام ما هم در همین محرم و صفر محقق شد. این همه شهید در این انقلاب به شهادت رسیده*اند تا این کشور این حرمت*ها را حفظ کند و همه چیز ما از محرم و صفر است. اگر قرار باشد به همین راحتی نسبت به این مساله بی*حرمتی کنیم، حرمتی باقی نخواهد ماند. ممکن است بیان کنید که بازی نکردن ما برای ما هزینه*هایی خواهد داشت ولی باید همه این هزینه*ها را داد تا این حرمت*ها حفظ شود.

    When will this m'f*ker die?

    It's insanity people still mourn a death that happened 1400 years ago. Unbelievable insanity.


      GOH khorde , Iran is a football crazy country a revolution will happen before these akhonds ruin football for us as well.
      You just got Caged
      K.C McElroy's Fan


        relax the match will go on


          F*ck all ideologies specially their godfather Islam. If I want to cry for someone I will cry for my grandparents who didn't hurt a fly in their lifetime not those warmonger Arab family.


            the funny part is that, this match was known a year ago, why didnt iran requested that very moment, instead of now, we will play i promise you


              I hope the players celebrate their goals very hard




                  Fuck this tool!


                    I swear I am sure this dinosaur and his likes hope for Iran to lose against S.Korea so people don´t have a excuse to celebrate that day. Better morn for an arab who died some several 100 years ago. IDIOTIC HYPOCRACY!!!

                    Zendeh bad IRAN
                    Marg bar dictator


                      Unfortunately these negative comments can affect our players psychologically and might alter their concentration on the match day. CQ needs to work on this aspect.


                        Yazidi just wanted to see his name in the press again. Such an attention seeker.
                        Game will not be cancelled. TM and Iranian clubs have played on this day before with no issues.


                          Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                          Yazidi just wanted to see his name in the press again. Such an attention seeker.
                          Game will not be cancelled. TM and Iranian clubs have played on this day before with no issues.
                          Which teams did play on this day? And what were the results?


                            Originally posted by Omid177 View Post
                            Which teams did play on this day? And what were the results?
                            I remember Esteghlal 4-3 Dailian in 1999. That game wasn't shown on TV due to Tasu'a.


                              Fvcking doesnt deserve the lastname Yazdi. Putting dirt on such a great city. Should have surname Jahanami. Seriously man, I respect whatever he celebrates or mourns for but he cant take away happiness of those who dont celebrate it.
                              EAT. SLEEP. TM. REPEAT.

