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Senior cleric demands Iran - SK match to be called off

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      Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
      Gandhi and Mandela were passive revolutionists, Hossein got brutally murdered along with many of his compatriots in war (though they did slay many of Yazid's soldiers too). That's why people are very passionate about this, but it's pathetic that autistic monkeys like this cleric come and try to call off Iran's matches because of religious reasons. The sooner POS like him die the better.

      Oh and btw, I'm not religious lol.
      There are still lots of people like Hossien. Even from the same era. You have ibn Zubayr and ibn Muljam who were "active revolutionists".

      You could fill an entire calendar year with people who crazy people can cry over!
      راه یکی است و آن راستی است


        Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
        Gandhi and Mandela were passive revolutionists, Hossein got brutally murdered along with many of his compatriots in war (though they did slay many of Yazid's soldiers too). That's why people are very passionate about this, but it's pathetic that autistic monkeys like this cleric come and try to call off Iran's matches because of religious reasons. The sooner POS like him die the better.

        Oh and btw, I'm not religious lol.
        Yeah let's mourn a so called injustice over a thousand years ago but continue persecuting opposition, minorities and bahais. Such double standards.


          شروط امام جمعه تهران برای بازی ایران-کره

          خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران با ورود به بحث برگزاری بازی ایران و کره در روز تاسوعا شرایط مدنظر برگزاری این دیدار را اعلام کرد.
          [شروط امام جمعه تهران برای بازی ایران-کره]

          به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از ایسنا خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران تاکید کرد که اگر قرار است شب عاشورا مسابقه فوتبال انجام شود فضای این مسابقه باید صد در صد عاشورایی و کربلایی باشد.

          آیت الله موحدی کرمانی در خطبه*های این هفته نماز جمعه تهران گفت: مسأله مسابقات فوتبال، مسأله عجیبی شده. از طرفی تذکرات داده شده بنده هم در این رابطه تذکر می*دهم. از طرفی اظهار می*کنند که اگر آن را در ایران تعطیل کنیم توالی فاسد زیادی خواهد داشت.

          وی ادامه داد: من در این زمینه وارد نمی*شوم اما باید بگویم که اگر قرار است شب عاشورا مسابقات فوتبال انجام بگیرد، دقت کنید که فضای مسابقه باید صد درصد عاشورایی و کربلایی باشد، در و دیوار آنجا باید سیاه پوش شود، تمام فضا سیاه پوش شود و فریاد یا حسین از میان جمعیت پیوسته بلند شود.

          خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران تاکید کرد:* عوض کفی که در این مسابقات زده می*شود باید همه فریاد بزنند یاحسین.

          همچنین امروز جمعیت انصار حزب*الله در پایان نمازجمعه با انجام راهپیمایی نسبت به برگزاری دیدار ایران ـ کره در روز تاسوعا اعلام انزجار کردند.

          The perquisites for Iran-SK according to Tehran's Friday-prayers Imam:

          1) Stadium Atmosphere should comply 100% with Ashura and Karbala (i.e. black banners and clothes everywhere)
          2) The crowds should chant together Ya Hossein rather than clapping.


            Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
            شروط امام جمعه تهران برای بازی ایران-کره

            خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران با ورود به بحث برگزاری بازی ایران و کره در روز تاسوعا شرایط مدنظر برگزاری این دیدار را اعلام کرد.
            [شروط امام جمعه تهران برای بازی ایران-کره]

            به گزارش "ورزش سه" و به نقل از ایسنا خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران تاکید کرد که اگر قرار است شب عاشورا مسابقه فوتبال انجام شود فضای این مسابقه باید صد در صد عاشورایی و کربلایی باشد.

            آیت الله موحدی کرمانی در خطبه*های این هفته نماز جمعه تهران گفت: مسأله مسابقات فوتبال، مسأله عجیبی شده. از طرفی تذکرات داده شده بنده هم در این رابطه تذکر می*دهم. از طرفی اظهار می*کنند که اگر آن را در ایران تعطیل کنیم توالی فاسد زیادی خواهد داشت.

            وی ادامه داد: من در این زمینه وارد نمی*شوم اما باید بگویم که اگر قرار است شب عاشورا مسابقات فوتبال انجام بگیرد، دقت کنید که فضای مسابقه باید صد درصد عاشورایی و کربلایی باشد، در و دیوار آنجا باید سیاه پوش شود، تمام فضا سیاه پوش شود و فریاد یا حسین از میان جمعیت پیوسته بلند شود.

            خطیب نماز جمعه این هفته تهران تاکید کرد:* عوض کفی که در این مسابقات زده می*شود باید همه فریاد بزنند یاحسین.

            همچنین امروز جمعیت انصار حزب*الله در پایان نمازجمعه با انجام راهپیمایی نسبت به برگزاری دیدار ایران ـ کره در روز تاسوعا اعلام انزجار کردند.

            The perquisites for Iran-SK according to Tehran's Friday-prayers Imam:

            1) Stadium Atmosphere should comply 100% with Ashura and Karbala (i.e. black banners and clothes everywhere)
            2) The crowds should chant together Ya Hossein rather than clapping.
            8,000 years of birth of our nation and we are still are young and stupid!!! how sad...


              Maybe for the halftime event, they can bring in the ghameh zani crew
              “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                And how did Islam occupy Iran again? Oh yeah, that's right..
                Didn't we occupy many countries like this to create the Persian Empire? Everybody conquered everybody in that era so....


                  Originally posted by Omids View Post
                  Yeah let's mourn a so called injustice over a thousand years ago but continue persecuting opposition, minorities and bahais. Such double standards.
                  Hey man, I never said I agree with it. Fuck the Islamic Republic, I'm just saying don't blame Hussain for it. All he did was do what others were afraid to do.


                    Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
                    Hey man, I never said I agree with it. Fuck the Islamic Republic, I'm just saying don't blame Hussain for it. All he did was do what others were afraid to do.
                    The entire history of the Assassins is doing just that. And they didn't drag their women and children into it!

                    Why do you think his is any special?
                    راه یکی است و آن راستی است


                      Originally posted by rugs View Post
                      The entire history of the Assassins is doing just that. And they didn't drag their women and children into it!

                      Why do you think his is any special?
                      Um, he never dragged anyone into it lol, Hussain asked any of his family & followers before going to Karbala that anyone who didn't want to take part in this war could leave right there. He even had everyone cover their eyes so anybody who decided to leave wouldn't be seen and ashamed of it (hence pressuring them to stay) and a number of them did leave because obviously they didn't want to die. Those that stayed with him were just very loyal to Hussain.

                      And Hussain an assassin?? LOL, where'd you get that off of? Btw, Gandhi was inspired by Hussain's actions too.... just saying.


                        Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
                        And Hussain an assassin?? LOL, where'd you get that off of? Btw, Gandhi was inspired by Hussain's actions too.... just saying.
                        Really? Where did you read that? Nowhere have I read that Gandhi was inspired by Imam Hussain.


                          Ya Jalal hosseini
                          WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                            Originally posted by Omids View Post
                            Really? Where did you read that? Nowhere have I read that Gandhi was inspired by Imam Hussain.
                            Go search it, "Gandhi Hussain" on Google. Numerous articles pop up. I get you hate Islam, but taking a biased approach makes you no different than the Islamic Republic. Do some research first.


                              amazing how far these idiots go to humiliate the religion and the people who follow it!!

                              Imagine Gucci scoring a goal and running towards his teammates while he is beating himself on the chest and head and screaming Ya Hossein and his teammates running towards him doing the same..

                              OK, OK.. not saying that's what's gonna happen, but you better believe that this is exactly what these fucking idiots would love to see and if they had the means, they would have forced our players to do.

                              I swear, I have a few Arab Sunni friends who would pay big bucks to watch a video of that on youtube...


                                Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
                                Um, he never dragged anyone into it lol, Hussain asked any of his family & followers before going to Karbala that anyone who didn't want to take part in this war could leave right there. He even had everyone cover their eyes so anybody who decided to leave wouldn't be seen and ashamed of it (hence pressuring them to stay) and a number of them did leave because obviously they didn't want to die. Those that stayed with him were just very loyal to Hussain.

                                And Hussain an assassin?? LOL, where'd you get that off of? Btw, Gandhi was inspired by Hussain's actions too.... just saying.
                                Yeah, that's what Shias say. No proof of that. But even if that were the case, that's bad leadership. A leader would protect those who can't fight. Zubayr and Muljam at least went on their own. Same with the Assassins. They were at least successful in what they wanted to achieve and died for it(well not Zubayr really).

                                Who said Hossein was an Assassin? Do you not know of the Assassins? Hassan Sabah, etc.... They fought against and assassinated religious and political figures like Nizam al-Mulk?

                                Anyway, you never said what makes Hossein unique?
                                راه یکی است و آن راستی است

