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PFDC members against IFF cooperating with Iran haters

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    Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
    Better to create bridges than destroy them. Mind you we're surrounded by Arabs so might as well slowly and gradually lower our rifts.
    Maybe then the whole world won't think middle east is filled with lunatics... I mean like it's a start.
    They have to show proper behavior.
    I'm not saying countries should go to war, far from it - but rather that the problem is from their end. We shouldn't be encouraging their behavior.


      maybe you feel that way because you are an arab!
      Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
      I'll tell you one thing, if you were president you'd be worse than the IR. Worst post I've read in ages, I'm sorry but this is one of those idiotic comments that make us Iranians look uncivilised.


        Originally posted by AIrani View Post
        Arab countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Kuwait funded Saddam Hussain in his war against Iran and Iranians. Many Iranians were killed and many more were injured because of that war.
        The whole world did! All western countries supported and supplied Saddam in every possible way, and on a much larger scale than these little Arab States around Persian gulf did. So I guess let's go ahead and refrain from using any products, service provided by the west, America, Germany, France, Britain being at the helm. It's such a double standard when it comes to these types of arguments, people forget to recognize the truth and only talk with their emotions, rather than their rations!

        Stop hating this, hating that please. You guys are sounding worse than Trump!


          Originally posted by Ata View Post
          maybe you feel that way because you are an arab!
          No I feel this way because I'm not retarded. Go move to an Arab country and start war with them there if that's how you feel. Tired of backward losers like you plaguing and ruining our country with idiotic thoughts like this.

          If Iran could have grown a pair and had a period of enlightenment we could pull off at least some of what a country like Japan has in these past decades. There's a lot of potential in there, it just needs the right mindset and leadership, one that would be nonexistent probably even if the IR ever falls.


            Well I have a neutral view on this. No question on hostilities between Arabs of the PG and us. However the tension should defuse. Any tension in long term will be against our country as they are many and we are one. The head of Asian soccer is Qatar and Arabs have lots of influence. Therefore, any attempt to defuse tensions between Iran and these lunies have to be welcomed! or as I suggested and lobbied many times: LET US GET OUT OF AFC!
            - IRAN - ONLY IRAN

            IRAN OUT OF AFC NOW!



              Let's not forget what they did to Israel!

              No Arab country wanted to play them! Therefore they were kicked out of AFC! We were going towards a complete ban after tensions between Saudi and Iran over the embassy attacks, but tension was somewhat defused due to Kafashian influence within the AFC.

              NOW I PERSONALLY DREAMED FOR THE DAY OF IRAN'S EXIT FROM AFC but I don't know how many of you wanting it at this stage when we are at verge of qualification.

              Now, mark my words today. With our regional crazy situation, don't be surprised to see Iran out of AFC while witnessing Israel's return to AFC. Its just a matter of time. Israel and PG Arabs are buddies now!
              SUPPORT TEAM MELLI
              - IRAN - ONLY IRAN

              IRAN OUT OF AFC NOW!



                Ok but I think that you are re. No one is looking for wars, we just dont want to be their bitches like you want.

                And Iran have a pair and they are using it to keep traitors like you away from the country!

                Originally posted by TheWheels View Post
                No I feel this way because I'm not retarded. Go move to an Arab country and start war with them there if that's how you feel. Tired of backward losers like you plaguing and ruining our country with idiotic thoughts like this.

                If Iran could have grown a pair and had a period of enlightenment we could pull off at least some of what a country like Japan has in these past decades. There's a lot of potential in there, it just needs the right mindset and leadership, one that would be nonexistent probably even if the IR ever falls.


                  Originally posted by Ata View Post
                  Ok but I think that you are re. No one is looking for wars, we just dont want to be their bitches like you want.

                  And Iran have a pair and they are using it to keep traitors like you away from the country!
                  We don't need to be anyone's bitch, that's Saudi's job. We can find a way to cooperate as partners with countries like UAE, they're far from perfect people but then again so are we. I'd like for us to join and have the middle east working together better. Sure as hell will help keep these idiot Americans out better too.


                    Originally posted by arasradio View Post
                    Well I have a neutral view on this. No question on hostilities between Arabs of the PG and us. However the tension should defuse. Any tension in long term will be against our country as they are many and we are one. The head of Asian soccer is Qatar and Arabs have lots of influence. Therefore, any attempt to defuse tensions between Iran and these lunies have to be welcomed! or as I suggested and lobbied many times: LET US GET OUT OF AFC!
                    Great idea, not like we want Iran to qualify for the WC or compete for a continental cup ever again....


                      Your heritage represent in sea name !

                      do you know When Augustus founded the Roman Empire, the Mediterranean sea began to be called Mare Nostrum (Latin: "Our Sea"). Roman sea

                      Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by imfromksa View Post
                        Your heritage represent in sea name !
                        do you know When Augustus founded the Roman Empire, the Mediterranean sea began to be called Mare Nostrum (Latin: "Our Sea"). Roman sea
                        Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
                        And did you know Arabian cartographers from the Umayyad and Abbassid Caliphates called it the Persian Gulf (Khaleej al-Farsi)? Of course, they were among almost all nations, including the Romans whom you mentioned, that have called the Persian Gulf by its true name for centuries.


                          Heritage is NOT just a name.
                          Heritage means people worked hard, for example, to create the waterway that separates Iran from its Arab neighbors which some of them were created by imperial powers (UK and USA) recently (past 50 years) in comparison to people who have been in the area for several thousands of years to build the waterway and keep it open for international use.

                          Persian Gulf means more than just a name. There are people who work even now on protecting all the creatures in this water which some of them are rare.

                          To agitate Iranians, a British used the A. Gulf in 1950 for the first time, then Nasser of Egypt and Saddam of Iraq used it whenever they disagreed with Iran.

                          To honor Iranians and non-Iranians who opened the Persian Gulf water for international use, the proper term must be used. Countries such as UAE have no right to use the wrong term which have NO history. History does not mean 30-50 years, history means thousands of years of legacy which has been recognized by many countries especially United Nations on TWO occasions even with its 22 Arab nations.

                          Otherwise, someone such as Saddam Hussein of Iraq is supported for his abuse of historical and regional names.

                          My opposition to incorrect term goes back to 40 years. In early days, we created a website which is inactive because the majority of people know the facts. Only some ignorant PFDC members and agitators are clueless and get emotional that name is not important.

                          Name is important to honor people who lost their lives in opening the waterway for over 3000 years.
                          Persian Gulf was and will be Persian Gulf.
                          چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                            While I agree with you on certain points, such as the name and history of the Persian Gulf, and feel patriotic towards Iran, I think you anger and efforts are misguided, and in the long-run can paradoxically even contribute to that which many of us fear (the dissolution/tajzie of Iran).

                            The problems we are having in Iran in recent history are not because of Arabs, or Kurds, or Turks, the USA, Iraq, Saddam, Syria, Hezbollah, England, etc. etc. The most pressing problem with Iran today is homegrown, and is because of Iranians. Until that is fixed, these other issues mean very little, and unless that is fixed out problems will be much much larger than the name of a body of water (when there is no Iran, of what importance is the Persian Gulf?).

                            As others have said, take this hateful stuff elsewhere, mods please exercise some judgement and delete this thread.
                            زن زندگی آزادی


                              Oh for a second I thought I was in football forum, and was about to snap at all those who have deviated the thread, but then I realized oh wait a minute! This is the general forum nowadays! [emoji848][emoji57]

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                With all due respect to everyone's opinions and beliefs, let's not get racist around here and be respectful of each other. We all know that the "Persian Gulf" term is the correct one, but I don't think matters such as "all Iranians should be banned from going to Arab countries" belong around here.

                                Could we move this to the General Forum?
                                Ma Bishomarim

                                "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
                                محمد مختاری -

                                "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
                                - Mohammad Mokhtari

