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    You all have written good points. I will add few lines here.

    In my view, IFF is politically motivated and appoints people who support certain viewpoints (in our case, religious crap).

    I am for people's involvement who go beyond talking or taking advantage of the system such as Ali Dai as a coach. He is milking the system to build his business. Where else in the world Ali Dai can obtain exclusive right(s) to three name brands???

    I am for people such as Mahdavi-Kia with his academy. Why Ali Dai does not have a similar academy with his experiences in Germany?

    Arabs have envied us for many years. Arabs rarely vote in our favor. Arabs want a piece of our land, culture to show off as theirs.

    I am NOT happy with Taj as a head of IFF to sign MOU with UAE for joint cooperation in order to use their facilities. What a stupid move from a country with wealthy Iranians and resources. It is total embarrassment which only few of you have mentioned it.
    چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


      AFC Youth Player of the Year


      Mohammed Dawood (Iraq)
      Rakan Shamlan M Alanaze (Saudi Arabia)
      Ritsu Doan (Japan)


      Fuka Nagano (Japan)
      Hana Takahashi (Japan)
      Sung Hyang Sim (North Korea)


        AFC is such a joke. It's a damn shame that we are a part of this football confederation.




            Originally posted by _Navid_ View Post
            4 new category nominees are out. Iran has all 3 nominations in best Futsal player of the year, but no nominees in the best male and female young player.

            Also Sardar is not nominated for the best Asian player playing outside Asia. The nominees are
            The international award winner is decided based on performance in Europe. Son is getting playing time for Spurs. Kagawa had 10 goals and 9 assists in Bundesliga last season for one of the best teams in Europe aka Dortmund. Okazaki was a starter for EPL champions Leicester City. Unfortunately the competition was tough for Azmoun this year.


              I have a long wishlist for AFC.
              But these meaningless awards are not even in the top 20. couldnt give a rat's arse.

              Hell, if I were allowed only ONE wish, I'd say I wish AFC would clamp down on time-wasting.
              That's my one and biggest wish.
              In return let them dole out awards to every bloody country or player by the dozens, every year. I dont give a damn.
              If they clamp down on time wasting, I'd be immensely satisfied with how football is run. Bias refereeing, hosting problems, double standards, ... all that take backstage to this time wasting that's going on in arab world or at least in middle east arab population (yeah, f**k you. I'm racist if you want to call me that. and damn happy about it)


                and Nariman is spot on with regards to how ineffectual and passive we've been, which has only encouraged and permitted even more bias and double standards.

                Look, for years we've tried the "lets take the high road" and didnt really reciprocate the arabs' dirty tactics, on and off the pitch. What has changed?
                Nothing. If anything, they've gotten even more bold and now do it in the open, knowing there's no reprisal. not from us nor from officials.

                Officials we cant really control ... unless we have strong lobby and do it seriously. But given our morons at the helm, they just cant do it even if they wanted to. simply because they're not educated, dont know any language, cant find their way to the bathroom of halls of power, let alone to consequential committees. Look at kafashian for example.
                so until we have ppl with brains ( definitely not in this regime ), we can forget about persuading AFC to do any drastic measures or meaningful steps. Yes, they'll "throw a bone" at us like the meaningless awards once in a while. well, f**k them. We dont want any of that.

                so what's left is what WE can do. knowing staying calm and taking the high road has not resulted in any change, I say lets fight fire with fire.
                start with the syrian motherf**king c0ck-suckers.
                give the HELL, immediately after they get off the plane. "war torn"? "friendly nation"? "supportive"? all bloody rubbish. none of that is true, except the war torn, which didnt really reflect in the way they carried themselves in the game. so f**k them.


                  My goodness, I take back my earlier argument in this thread. At the time I posted I had not taken our futsal team and its startling performance and accomplishment in 2016. It's absolutely beyond ridiculous not to have been nominated for multiple futsal awards (Not even just a few, but several nominations)

                  Although in our football, we have not had a much impressive striker from our domestic league, though we should have had several nominees from our defense line, how can an unbelievably super strong and by far best defense of all Asian national teams not have at least 1-2 nominees?

                  Dame IFF garm for having firmly stood by their Awards boycut:

                  فدراسیون وعده*اش را عملی کرد/ تحریم بهترین*های AFC به خاطر تبعیض
                  مهدی تاج رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال

                  - پنجشنبه ۱۱ آذر ۱۳۹۵ - ۱۳:۱۰

                  فدراسیون فوتبال ایران بر سر مواضع قبلی خود مبنی بر حضور نیافتن در مراسم معرفی برترین های فوتبال آسیا ایستاد و هیچ مسئولی را به ابوظبی امارات اعزام نکرد.
                  به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، پس از آنکه کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا در انتخاب نامزدهای برترین های فوتبال آسیا عدالت را رعایت نکرد و هیچ بازیکن ایرانی را در بین کاندیداها قرار نداد، فدراسیون فوتبال کشورمان طی نامه ای مراتب اعتراض خود به این تصمیم کنفدراسیون آسیا را اعلام کرد.

                  پس از این نامه، کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا در عقب نشینی و انتشار بیانیه ای تاکید کرد هنوز بخشی از اسامی برترین ها را اعلام نکرده که احتمال دارد در بین آنها فوتسالی های ایران نیز حضور داشته باشند. به دنبال این بیانیه سه بازیکن تیم ملی فوتبال ایران به عنوان نامزد برترین فوتسالیست آسیا معرفی شدند.

                  با این حال فدراسیون فوتبال ایران نه تنها به خاطر برترین های آسیا بلکه به خاطر تبعیضی که کنفدراسیون فوتبال قاره کهن در مورد تصمیمات خود پیرامون فوتبال ایران و کشورهای دیگر قائل شده است، تصمیم خود مبنی بر تحریم حضور در این مراسم را عملی کرد و در حالی که رئیس، دبیرکل و مدیرامور بین الملل این فدراسیون به مراسم دعوت شده بودند، هیچ یک راهی محل برگزاری این مراسم نشدند. به نظر می رسد تبعیض هایی که کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا در مورد تصمیمات فوتبالی برای ایران و کشورهایی نظیر عربستان قائل شده است دلیل اصلی اتخاذ چنین مواضعی از سوی فدراسیون فوتبال ایران است.

                  فدراسیون فوتبال ایران اعتقاد دارد کنفدراسیون فوتبال آسیا در مورد انتخاب ورزشگاه سرن وان برای برگزاری دیدار تیم ملی ایران مقابل سوریه و همچنین اعمال فشارهای عربستان بر این کنفدراسیون دچار تزلزل است و مواضعی می گیرد که بیشتر به سود عربستانی هاست.



                    Actually Iran should ban all AFC annual awards in the coming years. Seriously. Even if they wanted to give all the awards to Iranians, Iran should shit on them and ban this phoney awards.
                    The best answer Iran can give them is to be so superior in every aspect of football in Asia and just like volleyball simply rise itself several levels above the Asian level. That is the best response. Then they can shove all their awards up their a$$!

                    Zendeh bad IRAN
                    Marg bar dictator


                      We didn't boycott, Mahdavikia and Kaffashian attended the awards unfortunately


                        Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                        We didn't boycott, Mahdavikia and Kaffashian attended the awards unfortunately
                        Damn, why would out of all these people Mahdavikia succumb to this BS attendance? Kafashian we all know is typically such toothless coward with little balls, and would do anything to save his meaningless spot in AFC, however Mahdavikia?


                          Originally posted by Keano View Post
                          Damn, why would out of all these people Mahdavikia succumb to this BS attendance? Kafashian we all know is typically such toothless coward with little balls, and would do anything to save his meaningless spot in AFC, however Mahdavikia?
                          Mahdavikia is AFC ambassador for Grassroots.


                            Boycotting the annual awards isn't going to help.

                            Iran needs to FULLY boycott the Asian Champions League as well and pull back all clubs to make a statement to AFC.

                            Only participate in World Cup Qualifiers.

                            Only in this way the message of us will be heard, or they will keep continue shitting on us.

