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Iranian football transfers 2017

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    first Iranian Messi now Iranian maradona 😂


      Originally posted by arkm110 View Post
      first Iranian Messi now Iranian maradona 😂
      Iranian neymar and CR will come next


        Taremi : I want Panionios

        Ο Ιρανός φορ φέρεται να μετέφερε στην διοίκηση της Περσέπολις πως επιθυμεί να συνεχίσει την καριέρα του στους «κυανέρυθρους» 


          Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
          Yeah to be around the buddies in athens


            I'm positive that my team, Panionios, cannot afford the 1m price that Persepolis asks for Taremi. So what's the deal? We will see, i guess..


              Originally posted by rayshirazi View Post
              Markus Henriksen was just a example, no matter how big talent he was they would never pay nowhere near that amount if he was Iranian. A example that fits Taremi more is Christian Gytkjær a 26 year old striker that played last year for Rosenborg (a team in Norway PL) He was the top scorer last year, and got sold to 1860 Munich for 2.5 million Euros. And he has just play 1 game for Denmarks NT. And guess what? The team relegated and his contract got terminated! 2.5 million euros wasted! If clubs pay 2.5 million for theese players, is 1 million realy to much to ask for Taremi?? And please dont tell me about that culturally transition BS, why do they invest in Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Cameronian, Sengalese, Nigerian etc. Is they more likely to fit in culturally?
              I get your point. But let's take Gytkjaers transfer as an example:

              1. 1860 München has been run like a joke this past years, so that's a bad example from start. The reason they relegated is business like this and an ownership group that has run the historical club to the ground. Also, Grytkjaer probably had more years on his contract (?) which raises his value.

              2. A cap for Denmark is unforunately looked upon as more valuable than 10 in Asia, sorry to say. Even though TM is great, we rarely play superior teams and therefore 15 games and 7 goals for TM might not mean that much for a European scout etc.

              3. Cultural transition is not BS, man. East Asian players are brought in because of the market potential as well (basically they fund a bit of their own transfers due to shirt sales or brand exposure for the club) so that's a plus rather than Iranian (no market at all). African players usually come from very dire circumstances and they will pursue their dream wherever they get a shot, not like an Iranian PGL star that makes millions and already has superstar status domestically. We tend to not challenge ourselves culturally if we're already set back home. Regarding Turkish players; Greece is their next door neighbour. Even though it might be culturally different it's close to home, especially if you're from Izmir or Antalya for example. And just to prove my point, there isn't 1 Turkish player playing in the top teams in Greece right now.


                Originally posted by Hormozgan View Post
                I get your point. But let's take Gytkjaers transfer as an example:

                1. 1860 München has been run like a joke this past years, so that's a bad example from start. The reason they relegated is business like this and an ownership group that has run the historical club to the ground. Also, Grytkjaer probably had more years on his contract (?) which raises his value.

                2. A cap for Denmark is unforunately looked upon as more valuable than 10 in Asia, sorry to say. Even though TM is great, we rarely play superior teams and therefore 15 games and 7 goals for TM might not mean that much for a European scout etc.

                3. Cultural transition is not BS, man. East Asian players are brought in because of the market potential as well (basically they fund a bit of their own transfers due to shirt sales or brand exposure for the club) so that's a plus rather than Iranian (no market at all). African players usually come from very dire circumstances and they will pursue their dream wherever they get a shot, not like an Iranian PGL star that makes millions and already has superstar status domestically. We tend to not challenge ourselves culturally if we're already set back home. Regarding Turkish players; Greece is their next door neighbour. Even though it might be culturally different it's close to home, especially if you're from Izmir or Antalya for example. And just to prove my point, there isn't 1 Turkish player playing in the top teams in Greece right now.
                I understand. There is no turkish players in Greece beacuse they hate eachother and the Turkish league is also ranked higher. But my point is 1 million is not to much for Taremi.


                  Taremi is making this worse than it needs to be. just as he did last year.
                  for Taremi's own sake, I hope Perspolis management gives him a break and takes an IOU from him for the money, and lets him go.
                  having said that, staying out of training camp makes absolutely no sense and shows lack of professionalism on Taremi's part.
                  he is getting some bad advice again, like last year, and he is going along with them, like last year!
                  someone needs to inform Taremi that it is actually possible to be in training camp (as you are required under your contract) and still pursue your negotiations and dreams of going to Europe.


                    ‏طارمي : پارسال پس از بازگشت به پرسپوليس قول قهرماني دادم و خوشحالم كه به قولمان عمل كرديم اما مي خواهم سال قبل از جام جهاني به اروپا بروم.

                    ‏براي خود برنامه اي ترسيم كردم وبايد طبق آن پيش بروم. پول الويت دهم من است و از تيم هاي آسيايي پيشنهاد داشتم/مي خواهم به مسعود احسان بپيوندم.


                      Any news on Pouraliganji transferring? Or is he still staying with Xavi and Al-Sadd?


                        Lak joins Foolad
                        Coulibaly joins SS Khuz


                          Originally posted by Ardalan View Post
                          Taremi mire be ordoye Persepolis dar Kiev.



                            Maolom nist in Taremi che kar mikone, har saal be nazar mirese ye dasse goli be aab mide.
                            DROOD BAR AHMAD KASRAVI.


                              I wish azmoun and taremi would've had half the professionalism that jahanbakhsh has

