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Persian Gulf League - 2016/2017 | Week 19 - Date/Time (+ LIVE REPORT)

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    Lol why some of you guys always bring up "bias" or "Esteghlal vs PP rivalry" when you don't have anything good as a comeback?!

    Normally I wouldn't give a shit whether PP after a decade won the league title or not! What I do have problems with is when PP (or any other team that has so many TM players in it) is a direct treath to our qualification and its coach, management and fans are the main reasons why our TM coach was about to step down!

    Please don't make this about PP vs. Esteghlal rivalry! I don't give a shit about this rivalry when TM's success and WC qualification is in jeapordy!

    Like some other members (non-Esteghlali's btw) in recent threads have explained: no matter what our domestic coaches have said in the past, it was not even close to Branko's actions which caused camps to be cancelled, players in camps to be returned back home and our coach to almost step down! When GN asked for a camp to be postponed for a while it was when Esteghlal was in the ACL semi finals! He asked for it to be postponed so we wouldn't have to play ACL semi finals with our u23 team!
    He never questioned why CQ had set up that camp, he never said that our players returned back from TM camps fat and lazy, which directly means that CQ is a shit coach who does not know wtf he's doing.

    Of course, there are always stupid fans around who say shit and who questioned CQ's decision to leave out Rahmati but it was not even close to the masses of PP fans and what they have been doing on social media and all that! Besides, I can not remember anyone in these forums blindly supporting Rahmati/GN or whomever! There were even non-Esteghlali members, even Perspolisis, who questioned whether we should eventually bring back Rahmati or not!

    Branko's low blows, lies and bashings have been on a totally different level than what some stupid bi savad domestic coaches have said. Branko has 8+ TM players in his squad, has the largest fanbase in Asia behind him and his timing comes at a crucial time! Let alone the fact that he had been informed about TM camps beforehand and had initially agreed! His BS was even worse than MK's bullcrap! At least everyone knows that MK is an idiot and no-one takes him seriously; however Branko has the support of millions of people behind him and has 8-9 TM players in his squad!

    If God forbid CQ steps down after another arguement with Branko and we lose our next WCQ matches and do not make it to the WC, then PP or whatever team can win 10 domestic titles or ACL's, but people will never forgive you for blowing our chances of a WC with this great team!
    Last edited by Amin_; 01-29-2017, 12:55 PM.
    Persian Pride running through my veins!

    Esteghlal for life!!


      Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
      Like some other members (non-Esteghlali's btw) in recent threads have explained: no matter what our domestic coaches have said in the past, it was not even close to Branko's actions which caused camps to be cancelled,
      which camps did Branko Cancel or caused to be cancelled? name them?

      you come here make another bogus claim!! how the fuck did Branko cause "Camps" to be cancelled? when the facts are that the camp was on going and it went on as planned. the only thing that happened was Carlos Qeiroz, out of stupid anger (which he has shown every time someone has criticized him), decides to punish HIS OWN FUCKING PLAYERS for it and sends back 7 players because his stubborn ass was burnt that Branko called him out on 90 and called his 2 Weeks UAE camp useless and waste of time. which it was. and everyone including yourself knows that. and the camp continued to the end. If 7 players of perspolis coming back to Iran hurt the camp, what do you say about the 8 starters that weren't there to begin with? and who sent those players back??

      You are biased (and obviously uninformed) because a discussion about PK in a league game or bad officiating should not involve calling out Branko as a Charlatan, or accusing other fans like myself of not being a TM fan. when in fact it was me who was arguing against you back when you were shitting on Carlos Qerioz for his one forward formation!!! Whether it was GN or Ghotbi or Daie or Carlos, I have support my TM. but not at the cost of losing my common sense!!! No one else brought TM, or caring about TM into this discussion until you did. and when I asked what is the connection, you said well they are not directly connected. Oh, no shit!

      the problem with people like you is that you guys give yourselves a god given right (very much like Ahmadinezjad and khamenei and those people) to decide who is a TM fan and who is NOT.. but you have no such right. No one does.

      when I disagree with another fan, I don't accuse them of not being a caring for TM. I don't accuse them of being a traitor (like carlos qeiroz did), because TM is not just mine. I understand that. but because you are biased, you overlook that simple fact and you give yourself the right to call certain members real TM fans (and you actually name them), and others who don't agree with you as NOT!!

      just so you know, I was the first to use the phrase "in Carlos we Trust" on this board. but it's one thing to support a coach , or not support a coach, but you go way beyond that. You actually have the audacity to accuse me of caring more for Perspolis than TM because I reminded you that your team is 13 points behind Perspolis!!! that's it!!


        Originally posted by Amin_ View Post
        Lol why some of you guys always bring up "bias" or "Esteghlal vs PP rivalry" when you don't have anything good as a comeback?!
        Normally I wouldn't give a shit whether PP after a decade won the league title or not! What I do have problems with is when PP (or any other team that has so many TM players in it) is a direct treath to our qualification and its coach, management and fans are the main reasons why our TM coach was about to step down!
        Please don't make this about PP vs. Esteghlal rivalry! I don't give a shit about this rivalry when TM's success and WC qualification is in jeapordy!
        Like some other members (non-Esteghlali's btw) in recent threads have explained: no matter what our domestic coaches have said in the past, it was not even close to Branko's actions which caused camps to be cancelled, players in camps to be returned back home and our coach to almost step down! When GN asked for a camp to be postponed for a while it was when Esteghlal was in the ACL semi finals! He asked for it to be postponed so we wouldn't have to play ACL semi finals with our u23 team!
        He never questioned why CQ had set up that camp, he never said that our players returned back from TM camps fat and lazy, which directly means that CQ is a shit coach who does not know wtf he's doing.
        It is damn obvious you are intentionally avoiding pointing what SS fans and management team did during their turn. SS Fans were always cursing CQ in 2013 and were asking to fire him. Your coach Ghalenoi was commenting against him all the times. He said in media that CQ is intentionally taking as many as SS players to NT camp to settle his differences with Ghalenoi. He even said all of his SS players were coming back injured and out of form to SS Tehran for league and ACL matches. Just search the net and you can find his interviews.

        It was Ghalenoi your coach who started sabotaging NT by asking certain team melli players to leave the camp and cause CQ to get fired. Rahmati and Aghili were among those people. Even another SS player Jabari gave BS interviews against CQ. Everything was set to fire CQ and make our NT lose world cup qualifiers. We never forgive you and forget what you did. Majority of SS fans were cursing CQ and calling him a Persepolisi who wanted intentionally hurt SS Tehran. It is just funny how fast you forget that or you think all of us are stupid and have short memories!

        You don't need to pretend to be an honest bitaraf fan because you are not. SS fans have hurt our national team several times and it was because of Persepolis fans and other Iranian patriots support to the team, CQ's excellent tactics for those matches, gheyrat of our players, and some luck that our team managed to defeat all teams in last 3 consecutive matches and ruining Ghalenoi's dream of becoming coach of national team and SS fans who were supporting him.

        Hanaye shoma baraye ma rangi nadare. alaki ham ghiafeye hagh be janeb nagirid. poshte CQ ham nemikhad penhan shid. Age SS Tehran harfi baraye goftan dare to zamine bazi neshon bedin va garna in nane man gharibam bazia bedarde mano shoma nemikhore. Roozetoon bekheir.


          Lol good try trying to hide your true colors behind GN's small differences (compared to Branko's) with IFF! Like I said many people at those times were asking whether Rahmati at one point should return to TM or not. Almost all Esteghlali's on these boards were still supporting CQ in all of these and from the beginning were saying that Rahmati, Aghili and co did not deserve any spot in TM anymore!

          Again, whatever dumb bi savad Iranian coaches said and did back then were not even close as bad as Branko's low blows, lies and hashiye which cost camps to be cancelled, crucial players to be sent home from a camp and our TM coach to almost step down!!

          Questioning the setup of a complete camp basically means that the coach (CQ) does not know what he's doing! Saying players return back fat means that CQ and his staff do not know what they are doing! And for what? To prepare your team in the winterbreak for matches against FC Mashad and Mashin Sazi?! Lol oké whatever! Had Branko been in the middle of preparing his team for the ACL semi finals or the finals then one could perhaps say oké we can somehow see where he is coming from (but even then we should be standing behind TM at all costs), but now?! And all that after having been told about the camp and initially having agreed with it?!

          I don't care whether PP wins 10 consecutive league titles or not, just don't come inbetween our TM and do not bring our WC qualification in jeapordy just for the personal success of a jealous charlatan who doesn't give a damn about Iran and TM and is only doing this shit to get the Job himself!
          Persian Pride running through my veins!

          Esteghlal for life!!


            ^ there goes the talk again. You are not even willing to admit to obvious facts. Ghalenoi tried to sabotage NT gave many fiery interviews and was in the same boat with the likes of Derakhshan and Mayeli Kodan. Majority of SS fans were all talking BS about NT and CQ. I still remember debating with tons of them. Ramati himself later leaked the info that Ghalenoi caused him to leave the camp because he promised to keep him as #1 goal keeper. I still remember when SS fans where attacking CQ and IFF pages in social media and cursing him for not wanting Rahmati. Because of SS fan pressure on IFF, Adel Ferdosipour invited Rahmati to 90tv to explain his differences but the hypocrite he was he said nothing and created more shenanigans. Where have you been back then? Just go to any major SS fans forum and you can read their comments about Rahmati and CQ. If you want to start I give you one simple link go and dig the info yourself.

            Ghalenoi's conflict with CQ was not small differences, he wanted to fire CQ and get his job. He got the middle finger from NT and team melli fans.

            You are a very biased SS fan.


              To NFL: This discussion has been discussed in detail before, but of you want to know, CQ has said times before that he believes that these camps are necessary and crucial for our domestic players! Legionaires like Jahanbakhsh and Azmoun not being there is not such a big deal as they are training and playing at the highest levels on a daily basis!

              And yes, if a team and its staff is thrown under so much shit, side effects and hashiye while they are in the middle of a camp and then almost half of the team has to be sent home because of a crying coach, then I regard that camp as good as cancelled! I don't know what profession you have but if you have to work in a team to finish a project and then in the middle of the job half of your colleagues suddenly leave, do you think you can finish the project in the same good fashion like you would have with all your colleagues still being there?!

              Anyone who puts their club in front of TM and does not want to admit his club manager's wrongdoings, like the misplaced lies and criticism of the TM staff while they are in the middle of a camp weeks before our next important phase of WCQ matches, then yes I don't regard them as true TM fans! Just like the tons of "fans" who chant against TM staff and openly say that PP/Esteghlal or whatever team is more important for them! In my eyes these people are no true TM fans! Whether you want to consider yourself as one of them or not, that's up to you.
              Last edited by Amin_; 01-29-2017, 03:35 PM.
              Persian Pride running through my veins!

              Esteghlal for life!!


                To PL (and this is my last post):

                In case it wasn't clear to you yet from my posts, what Rahmati, GN, Derakhshan, MK, Aghili or whomever did and said is WRONG! These are dumbass bij savad goons and no one takes them seriously! I have read dozens of comments back then from Esteghlal fans and 90% of them or more were in favor of TM and CQ! Sure, inbetween millions of fans there are of course some dumb idiots who put their clubs before TM, but like I have said before, Ai don't regard them as true TM fans! Whatever it was back then, it wasn't as bad as what Branko has constantly been doing in just 1 year which almost caused CQ to step down and to continue camps with half of the players he initially had!

                But I don't get your point anyway. So because some dumb thugs in Iran have said some stupid shit against CQ in the past does it make it allright now for Branko to continously keep on bashing TM staff and even come up with lies and low blows all the time, and all of that in these crucial times?! The damned hypocrite was the TM coach himself and knows the unprofessional environment in Iran and then he has the balls to compare our situation with those of European professional teams like Germany, Spain and co?! In case you didn't realize up to now, we are not Germany to give up our players 3 days before official FIFA days! They have professional players and professional camps with tons of friendlies while we have to do with 10 cancelled friendlies and eventually prepare for the WCQ with a match against one of Zimbabwe's second division teams! CQ has been in our unprofessional environment long enough to know this, that is why he believes these camps are crucial!
                Persian Pride running through my veins!

                Esteghlal for life!!


                  Amin, repeating the same nonsense doesn't make right.

                  you failed to answer a single question I asked you. you just keep repeating the same shit all over again.
                  once you find proof to your bogus claim come back and play.


                    These are my stands in short to clarify any misunderstanding

                    1. It was not 10% of SS fans who were against CQ but entire SS management team and majority of SS fans

                    2. Ghalenoi sabotaged the team when we were at the most vulnerable point in WCQs. Dejagah got injured and we had to win all of our 3 matches including in Doha and Seoul. What Ghalenoi, Rahmati, Aghili and Jabari did to Team Melli was 10 to 20 times worse than any other coach or person did back then. You can not compare that betraying NT and encouraging players to leave with some bickering between CQ and BI.

                    3. Branko has never said to the players to leave the NT camp. He had problems with IFF for the schedule and he was informed about Dubai camp 2 weeks before it started. He had already had his plan for winter break training and most likely coarsed to agree which later changed his mind.

                    4. Persepolis saw the effect of not having 8 key players in Hazfi cup when our team lost the match on Penalties to Qashqai team. Your team has only 1 or 2 NT player it doesn't effect your team performance but we have 8 to 9 players in NT and having matches every 4 days when ACL starts. That means half of our team which are the first choice are either not with team or exhausted beyond repair for several months.

                    5. I don't support what Branko says about Perseplis players coming back from camp fat and lazy. That is just BS. Either the translator interpreted wrong or it was totally wrong to say something like that. But there is one fact and that is, Persepolis has a good pre-season training last year and this year. It shows its effect on NT and IPL level. Nobody can argue with that. Certainly, all NT member get benefit from camps and training under the CQ specially those from team with weak training specially SS Tehran who don't have a fitness coach.

                    6. I love to see my club to be successful in IPL and ACL while at the same time I love to see Team Melli stronger than ever. But it is up to IFF to come up with the right schedule so we see the least conflict between Clubs and NT. No professional NT takes so many camps as we do. There is something wrong in our league. Our team is not like China to need 2 months preparation camp. You may not know or don't realize but there are many SS and Tractor fans who admit they don't like to see Persepolis take the IPL title or be successful in ACL. I have read hundreds of their comments. They even were encouraging their fans to go to CQ page to curse him under the name of PP fans. That's how low they go. Faghat oghde goshai hast baraye bazia. It seems it is not just football but a total war for them. They don't look at it as if Persepolis has success in ACL it will be counted as Iranian success. When SS Tehran was successful in 2013 ACL, we all cheered for SS no matter if they were our rivals.

                    7. I do not support any Branko's intention toward getting the job of NT coach. At this point I support CQ but he needs to stop acting like a drama queen. He knows we support him but sometime he don't know how to act. Every 6 months we have this BS drama with CQ and IFF. I am tired of this. He should focus on the players and perhaps invite less players from Persepolis. I am sure and we have good quality players in other teams who can fill up the spots in many positions.

                    8. If anything happens and CQ wants to step down. None of Iranian coaches are good enough to take the job but I think Zlatko Kranjar is the best temporary option if IFF doesn't want to hire another coach at same level of CQ.


                      Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                      I don't support what Branko says about Perseplis players coming back from camp fat and lazy. That is just BS. Either the translator interpreted wrong or it was totally wrong to say something like that.
                      no interpreter error there. Branko claimed that in the past few of his players have come back between 1 to 2.5 KG heavier than when they left (He never used the term fat or lazy). Now, one can claim that he is lying and I suppose someone can investigate Branko's claim and ask the players. and I am not here to argue whether what branko has said is true or not, But, my question is , IF Branko's claim were true, why is it wrong to bring up??

                      If branko lied then the shame is on him. but if he didn't lie, and his players came back heavier, from a month long camp, is he in the right to bring it up or should he say nothing?




                          What a mess is this IPL. Our referees need more classes and our coaches need to learn how to act professional.


                            Azizi's terrible anger management has really gotten the best of him through out his footballing and coaching career. If he could only manage his anger and theatrics, he does make many valid points.

