I disagree with you wholeheartedly who say we are UNDERDOGS??!! We are FAR superior to this toothless, rag tag world selection of has beens!! We are 100% made up of Loyal , Patriotic Iranians, fighting for IRAN! Pls tell me Who is the Qatari team?? Can you even call them "Qatari"????? They are mercenaries, and they way below our standard! You all forget we have JB, Gucci, Azmoun, Rezaie and co. and who do they have?... SEBASTION "Iam a fat Uruguyan has been " Soria?? or Rodrigo" I have a hard time scoring coz I miss drinking beer in real country" Tabata!! or Qassem " thank god I secured a Qatari passort for my family" Borhan!!! come on People
I predict 2-0 for Iran jut like the last time around!...
I predict 2-0 for Iran jut like the last time around!...
