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Team Melli Adidas "Sponsorship"

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    Originally posted by CHaMiLLionaire View Post
    Well, what do they gain from a market that is infiltrated with fake products? Atleast China has a billion people and the potential is huge. What do you gain from entering the Iranian market?

    Of course they want some guarantee that sales of shirts will be enough to cover their investment/profits.
    what investments from Adidas ..?? looks like its all a one sided all Profit and very little, to no investment from Adidas's perspective based on the deal mentioned in your earlier post...!

    Adidas get the bragging rights to increased number of WC Sponsored teams(compared to other competing marquee WC Brands) , signing the 4-5 Years running Number 1 ranked Asian WC qualifier, and more importantly the immense WC BRAND Name exposure of at least having 300 minutes of their Brand logo in worldwide 3.2 BILLION possible customer's face on TV....!!

    In Return they are basically JUST giving us Blank team jerseys (@ 75% off discount to IFF) which is pretty much their Wholesale Cost or likely less ...!! and apprently Adidas will gamble on a manufacture of a small batch of official fan replicas to be marketed shortly before the WC, primarily in the western retail markets, targeting mostly the mostly rich iranian expats..! so on that front also they are very likely to turn in a profit too..!!

    whatta fking joke...!! lol


      I tought we signed with adidas already and they reveal the jersey in March , am I wrong?


        so the problem is Iran has a law that says if you are a foreign firm and want to sell your products in Iran then you need to have 20% of the manufacturing done in Iran. ( I do not think it includes all industries but it applies to clothing). That is why in the past uhlsport and the other shady brand from Italy were being produced in random workshops in Iran and 90 had a segment on it bc obviously those jersey's were not the same quality as the ones produced outside of Iran. Adidas simply did not want to make that investment in Iran since there is no copy right.. I do not blame them for this. Iran should be happy with their deal.


          Do you guys remember that guy who saved our ass for the Olympics, Cameron Zigzal, made by Kamran Bakhtiyari, I think it was. He should save us again and make a sick design for our shirt. F adidas.


            I personally thought they looked ridiculous and if not mistaken we were awarded with the worst looking olympic ceremony design of all countries ( or one of the worst).


              From a sartorial point of view, those suits were horrendous. I wouldn’t be seen dead in one.


                Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                Do you guys remember that guy who saved our ass for the Olympics, Cameron Zigzal, made by Kamran Bakhtiyari, I think it was. He should save us again and make a sick design for our shirt. F adidas.
                First pic reminds me of clowns.


                  Iranians are huge whiners. Those suits were awesome. Unique and stood out in a good way.
                  We have people online who also complain about Foolad Arena and make dumb comments like "why doesn't it have 100,000 seats ?", "why aren't the seats blue ?"


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    Iranians are huge whiners. Those suits were awesome. Unique and stood out in a good way.
                    We have people online who also complain about Foolad Arena and make dumb comments like "why doesn't it have 100,000 seats ?", "why aren't the seats blue ?"
                    I think foolad arena is fantastic. Those suits objectively look like clowns.


                      They were much better than this, which was presented before.
                      Last edited by 04041374; 01-14-2018, 10:12 AM.


                        Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                        I think foolad arena is fantastic. Those suits objectively look like clowns.
                        The guy had a week to come up with something easily manufactured en masse. He did great. I thought they were lovely and better than anything at The Olympics that year.


                          RoozRang is an online magazine for graphic designers from all around the world. We present the best creative projects of yours to the global


                            Okay, at least we will have the coolest bus. But tbh, I'm slowly accepting the fact that we will not be able to buy the Adidas jersey, cause IFF will just buy the gear for the team, and no sponsorship will be made.


                              Originally posted by Abtin View Post
                              Okay, at least we will have the coolest bus. But tbh, I'm slowly accepting the fact that we will not be able to buy the Adidas jersey, cause IFF will just buy the gear for the team, and no sponsorship will be made.
                              The link above was actually the design which was 2nd place.

                              This is the winning design which we see on the bus now:


                                Please god, if you exist, make something substantive happen with Adidas and IFF.

