I know what people will think his income is very high, but look at this situaton, his income and the income he got for IFF, he got more money for iff than the income he got, here is a link, should our clubs also invest like IFF did, and which other coach was a good investment for iran, i would say abit branko, and abit in ivic, he could have done more in 1998 world cup if given a chance here is the link for cq
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CQ - Least Expensive Coach Iran's Ever Had
CQ is the best coach in our history, undoubtedly.
He's also been extremely cost-effective with two consecutive qualifications despite mediocre or sometimes absent support.
Above all, he loves Iran and probably he's more Iranian than many so-called Iranians who have back-stabbed our beloved Team Melli.
honestly, the guy was/is MOFT considering his Incredible Job Achievements ..!
he is worth every penny, If for nothing else, for his Cultural Transformation of our football and long awaited introduction of Discipline, Professionalism and TRUE Commitment to the national Shirt..!
in fact, the $ignificantly high Buy-out-Clause in his contract along with his Diplomatic Shrewdly , played the most Pivotal role in his job longevity which afforded him the necessary time to see his objectives met.
ive said this from the his first year of his Iran employment, aside from his coaching qualities, CQ seem even a better Systematic Football Organizer and a Visionary leader..!
If were super lucky, after his coaching spell ends, perhaps we could convince him to Lead our country's overall Football Organization from ground up as an IFF head? or even a more supreme position above the Federation...!?
These comments about CQ being paid too much have always been ridiculous. In fact, I would rather reduce the payments of some of these useless league coaches and soosool players by 50% and give it all to CQ instead - he deserves every dollar. You can’t demand a world-class coach, but not be ready to pay "world-class" money. On top of that, CQ went through a generation change - this is the hardest challenge for a national team coach - and well, he managed it like a boss and his efforts will benefit Iran for many years to come!Formerly known as Persianking!
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Originally posted by Nariman View PostThese comments about CQ being paid too much have always been ridiculous. In fact, I would rather reduce the payments of some of these useless league coaches and soosool players by 50% and give it all to CQ instead - he deserves every dollar. You can’t demand a world-class coach, but not be ready to pay "world-class" money. On top of that, CQ went through a generation change - this is the hardest challenge for a national team coach - and well, he managed it like a boss and his efforts will benefit Iran for many years to come!
Neither Hero nor Zero!
I very much agree with the sentiment that he has been excellent for our football team. I have supported him at this very forum in the early years and especially after the WC 2014 when some of our fans turned against him...calling him an assistant coach.
Please remember your words and not turn against him when Iran puts together a couple of bad losses.
CQ is a very good coach and seems especially adept to handle the fickle fans, undisciplined footballers and traitorous media, federation & others whose party he has ruined. But he has his faults, he is not God. He has and will make mistakes and when he does, please don't attack him like he is the worst thing since the plague.
Originally posted by BacheLot View Posthonestly, the guy was/is MOFT considering his Incredible Job Achievements ..!
he is worth every penny, If for nothing else, for his Cultural Transformation of our football and long awaited introduction of Discipline, Professionalism and TRUE Commitment to the national Shirt..!
in fact, the $ignificantly high Buy-out-Clause in his contract along with his Diplomatic Shrewdly , played the most Pivotal role in his job longevity which afforded him the necessary time to see his objectives met.
ive said this from the his first year of his Iran employment, aside from his coaching qualities, CQ seem even a better Systematic Football Organizer and a Visionary leader..!
If were super lucky, after his coaching spell ends, perhaps we could convince him to Lead our country's overall Football Organization from ground up as an IFF head? or even a more supreme position above the Federation...!?
Interesting article (even though in french) on the WR of NT coaches from their salary.
Le sélectionneur de la France Didier Deschamps et celui de l'Angleterre Gareth Southgate se retrouvent ce mardi pour un duel amical au stade de France (21h00). Ils figurent tous les deux dans le top des sélectionneurs les mieux payés du monde.
CQ is #6 with 1.9 million per year.
I have been following TM for decades. This is the first time I feel if we had split TM into two teams, they would both qualify for WC directly. And this is being done without any superstars of the past.
The synergy in TM is impressive at all levels. Before being a great coach, CQ has brought TM organization and discipline - Something we nationally lack at all levels.
I really think Iran should bring a foreign professional to set straight the dysfunctional IFF and Iranian leagues..... At the end I am nothing other than ordinary
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