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Sardar Azmoun @ Rubin Kazan | 2017-2018

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    Originally posted by AllStarMomo View Post
    Cavani? Griezmann? Dzyuba?
    All the players that you have mentioned have scored three goals for their respective teams, whereas Harry kane has scored twice as much thus far. So Harry Kane statistically stands out as the best center forward going into the semi final games.

      Sardar to join Rubin pre-season camp in Austria within 2 days.


        Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
        Sardar to join Rubin pre-season camp in Austria within 2 days.


          Him staying with this @$@# team will did cost us at the WC. I really didn't think it would but it really did.

          That Morroco performance was terrible
          Original Ehsan of IK ISP and PFDC from 1999/2000!


            Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
            Sardar to join Rubin pre-season camp in Austria within 2 days.

            Lets pretend its just not happening


              Berydev says 5 clubs from england, 4 from germany, 3 from italy. Like it or not this guy still has hype around him. Berdyev said that Leverkusen tried to finish deal before WC, but Rubin refused, told them to come back after WC. He said the choice of which club to go to is completely sardar's...

              So IF sardar stays at rubin, its not because of berdyev or anybody else. Its just him. The offers are there, the WC is done. Time to move on. Berdyev even says he wants sardar to leave bc of clubs financial situation, and a fee between 15-20 million is reasonable and would be accepted


                Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
                Sardar to join Rubin pre-season camp in Austria within 2 days.
                Sardar to lose all of my support within 2 days. SERIOUSLY going into 6 years of Russia Baste Dige!


                  Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                  Berydev says 5 clubs from england, 4 from germany, 3 from italy. Like it or not this guy still has hype around him. Berdyev said that Leverkusen tried to finish deal before WC, but Rubin refused, told them to come back after WC. He said the choice of which club to go to is completely sardar's...

                  So IF sardar stays at rubin, its not because of berdyev or anybody else. Its just him. The offers are there, the WC is done. Time to move on. Berdyev even says he wants sardar to leave bc of clubs financial situation, and a fee between 15-20 million is reasonable and would be accepted
                  I hope he pulls his shit together and leaves


                    Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                    Berydev says 5 clubs from england, 4 from germany, 3 from italy. Like it or not this guy still has hype around him. Berdyev said that Leverkusen tried to finish deal before WC, but Rubin refused, told them to come back after WC. He said the choice of which club to go to is completely sardar's...

                    So IF sardar stays at rubin, its not because of berdyev or anybody else. Its just him. The offers are there, the WC is done. Time to move on. Berdyev even says he wants sardar to leave bc of clubs financial situation, and a fee between 15-20 million is reasonable and would be accepted
                    Sounds like bazar-garmi. Sardar Hich-ja nemeereh. At best he'll be transfered to another Russian team for about 5-6 million.


                      Just because he will join the camp doesn't mean he can't transfer, wait until the window closes to express negative opinions about no transfers..


                        apart from winning some headers hereNthere and trying to kickstart some quick combination play for counters, his overall world cup performance was pretty much dud and highly disappointing, to say the least..!!

                        contrary to what many claim here, from my close-up observations, he simply couldnt really hold the ball up for shitt which probably was the one thing we badly needed him to do, in order to give the counter-attacking supporting cast a chance to get forward and put together some noteworthy attacking plays...!
                        it seemed as he just couldnt get stuck-in and get on with his playing responsibilities (especially in the first 2 match) or perhaps he either completely Choked? or may be thought too highly of himself and couldnt be arsed to even put in half the necessary effort on the pitch ??

                        seemed simply unable to dribble past his first marker and what really annoyed me, with often acres of open spaces in front of him past his first marker, he didnt even once try to put the ball in front of him and @least attempt a Speed Move past his first markers a la Amiri or Taremi..!!
                        couldnt connect with one decent header attempt in the opponent's box and or near danger zone, (except perhaps that lucky failed header attempt that caused the suspicious handball PK vs Portugal.?) pissed away a goldent 1v1 in the first game..!

                        dont even get me started on his bs supposed high defensive-pressing, just lollygagging from one side of pitch to another, not even come close to even closing a passing lane nor hurrying any opponent player into anything..! he woulda been better off instead just standing and saving his awful precious stamina and legs for an attacking foray..!!
                        to top all that shitt up, he goes off on his off-pitch bache-nanegi meltdown on social media and quitting and all that total bs annoying drama..!!

                        i think its fair to assume that no EU side is going to be breaking deep into their transfer budget in order to attain his services after such flop WC performances and especially with his last year's club performance also leaving much more to be desired..!!
                        it seems pretty obvious now Berdiyev way over played his hand trying to deal him off to Lazio last season..! and now he probably has to either sell him off on the cheap...?? or keep him at least another year at Kazan and try to perhaps build an attacking supporting cast around him?, hoping he can have himself a good season, so he can still ship him off for decent bit of profit in winter or next summer..!!?

                        from my limited exposure to Kazan fans during the few days being there, you could tell all their fans (at least the ones, i came across there) although rated him as a top player for their club, they really dont have any obvious love-lost for him nor care for having him on their roster for much longer...??
                        It wouldnt surprise me one bit if Kazan accept a steep discount and ship him off this summer too..!! after-all this was always the long-term plans for both the player and the club anyhow..!!
                        if i had to guess then the most lucrative offer will probably come from another richer RPL club ? so probably if anywhere he ends up in another russian club ...!!??
                        lets hope he leaves Russia this summer...!! and more importantly lets hope he transfers to a club with more attacking style of play which possesses good bit of quality attacking supporting cast...!! Sardar still possess an immense bit of raw attacking talent and prowess but certainly needs a quality attacking supporting cast around him, in order to flourish and show his best..!

                        moreover lets hope his mom and dad leave his asss alone where-ever he ends up next season, so the kid given a chance snap outa his childish period and man the hell up already..!!


                          Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                          apart from winning some headers hereNthere and trying to kickstart some quick combination play for counters, his overall world cup performance was pretty much dud and highly disappointing, to say the least..!!

                          contrary to what many claim here, from my close-up observations, he simply couldnt really hold the ball up for shitt which probably was the one thing we badly needed him to do, in order to give the counter-attacking supporting cast a chance to get forward and put together some noteworthy attacking plays...!
                          it seemed as he just couldnt get stuck-in and get on with his playing responsibilities (especially in the first 2 match) or perhaps he either completely Choked? or may be thought too highly of himself and couldnt be arsed to even put in half the necessary effort on the pitch ??

                          seemed simply unable to dribble past his first marker and what really annoyed me, with often acres of open spaces in front of him past his first marker, he didnt even once try to put the ball in front of him and @least attempt a Speed Move past his first markers a la Amiri or Taremi..!!
                          couldnt connect with one decent header attempt in the opponent's box and or near danger zone, (except perhaps that lucky failed header attempt that caused the suspicious handball PK vs Portugal.?) pissed away a goldent 1v1 in the first game..!

                          dont even get me started on his bs supposed high defensive-pressing, just lollygagging from one side of pitch to another, not even come close to even closing a passing lane nor hurrying any opponent player into anything..! he woulda been better off instead just standing and saving his awful precious stamina and legs for an attacking foray..!!
                          to top all that shitt up, he goes off on his off-pitch bache-nanegi meltdown on social media and quitting and all that total bs annoying drama..!!

                          i think its fair to assume that no EU side is going to be breaking deep into their transfer budget in order to attain his services after such flop WC performances and especially with his last year's club performance also leaving much more to be desired..!!
                          it seems pretty obvious now Berdiyev way over played his hand trying to deal him off to Lazio last season..! and now he probably has to either sell him off on the cheap...?? or keep him at least another year at Kazan and try to perhaps build an attacking supporting cast around him?, hoping he can have himself a good season, so he can still ship him off for decent bit of profit in winter or next summer..!!?

                          from my limited exposure to Kazan fans during the few days being there, you could tell all their fans (at least the ones, i came across there) although rated him as a top player for their club, they really dont have any obvious love-lost for him nor care for having him on their roster for much longer...??
                          It wouldnt surprise me one bit if Kazan accept a steep discount and ship him off this summer too..!! after-all this was always the long-term plans for both the player and the club anyhow..!!
                          if i had to guess then the most lucrative offer will probably come from another richer RPL club ? so probably if anywhere he ends up in another russian club ...!!??
                          lets hope he leaves Russia this summer...!! and more importantly lets hope he transfers to a club with more attacking style of play which possesses good bit of quality attacking supporting cast...!! Sardar still possess an immense bit of raw attacking talent and prowess but certainly needs a quality attacking supporting cast around him, in order to flourish and show his best..!

                          moreover lets hope his mom and dad leave his asss alone where-ever he ends up next season, so the kid given a chance snap outa his childish period and man the hell up already..!!
                          Good observation. Another thing that pissed me off was his general attitude on the pitch. He constantly looked like he was about to cry and give up with his shoulders slouched.


                            Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
                            moreover lets hope his mom and dad leave his asss alone where-ever he ends up next season, so the kid given a chance snap outa his childish period and man the hell up already..!!
                            Doubt that will ever happen. Before, he said in an interview that his parents would like to live in a western country with him. Also his dad said he won't let him get married before early thirties.

                            I think it kind of goes both ways. Yes, he seems bacheh naneh, but his parents are not letting him become independent either. You can simply tell your son you're now a grown up andneed to stand on your feet!

                            Did Saeid or Milmo move their parents to Russia?

                            As you said He remains a somewhat raw talent, but his career will be moving with the handbreak on, as long as he doesn't grow up mentally, no matter which team or league he will play in.


                              I couldn't quote but here (post #486) Ghermez Agha said the same thing we all our saying now, but 3 YEARS AGO. So Ghermez Agha whereever you are kudos to you!


                                سردار آزمون بار دیگر تاکید کرد از تیم ملی خداحافظی کرده است.

                                به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛ بعد از رقابت های جام جهانی ۲۰۱۸ و درست وقتی که انتقادات از سردار آزمون زیاد بودف مهاجم جوان و ۲۴ ساله تیم ملی تصمیم به خداحافظی از بازی های ملی گرفت. این تصمیم با واکنش های زیادی روبرو شد. خیلی ها تصمیم سردار را تصمیمی احساسی می دانستند و حدس می زدند او دوباره به تیم ملی برگردد. آزمون هم پس از بازگشت از روسیه زیاد درباره تصمیمش صحبت نکرده بود. تا اینکه ساعاتی پیش در فضای مجازی و لایو اینستاگرامی با یکی از دوستانش از این گفت برای تیم ملی بازی نخواهد کرد. در این لایو وقتی دوست سردار کامنت های مردم مبنی بر خداحافظی و درخواست هواداران برای بازگشت را می خواند، سردار گفت: "به خدا برنمی گردم. به جان مادرم جام ملت ها بازی نمی کنم!"

                                Sardar reaffirms on social media that he won’t play for TM in the Asian cup.

                                I guess Taremi, kaveh and karim will have to step in.

