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Sardar Azmoun @ Rubin Kazan | 2017-2018

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    Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
    سردار آزمون بار دیگر تاکید کرد از تیم ملی خداحافظی کرده است.

    به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛ بعد از رقابت های جام جهانی ۲۰۱۸ و درست وقتی که انتقادات از سردار آزمون زیاد بودف مهاجم جوان و ۲۴ ساله تیم ملی تصمیم به خداحافظی از بازی های ملی گرفت. این تصمیم با واکنش های زیادی روبرو شد. خیلی ها تصمیم سردار را تصمیمی احساسی می دانستند و حدس می زدند او دوباره به تیم ملی برگردد. آزمون هم پس از بازگشت از روسیه زیاد درباره تصمیمش صحبت نکرده بود. تا اینکه ساعاتی پیش در فضای مجازی و لایو اینستاگرامی با یکی از دوستانش از این گفت برای تیم ملی بازی نخواهد کرد. در این لایو وقتی دوست سردار کامنت های مردم مبنی بر خداحافظی و درخواست هواداران برای بازگشت را می خواند، سردار گفت: "به خدا برنمی گردم. به جان مادرم جام ملت ها بازی نمی کنم!"

    Sardar reaffirms on social media that he won’t play for TM in the Asian cup.

    I guess Taremi, kaveh and karim will have to step in.
    he would have killed asian opposition.But if he doesnt want to play then behtar, if we succeed without him the door to TM may no longer be open, just like Benzema with France.


      His attitude is so loos.

      Kills me that we didn't invite a consummate professional like Kaveh Rezaei to TM for the World Cup and we gave that opportunity to Sardar.

      Either way, thank God we are offensively stacked and we can fill his role relatively easily.


        What he says and what will happen are two different things. Let us see how things play out


          Let us not say stupid things about the top goalscorer of Iran in qualifying; the player that superbly took Busquets and William Carvalho out of their games; the player that had only 1 chance in 3 World Cup games (the one against Morocco) but was unfairly criticized for not magically conjuring goals; the player that killed himself in both boxes for set pieces; the player that won the penalty for Iran against Portugal; the player that smiled proudly and waved the Iranian flag after Iran had officially qualified; the player that kissed the Iranian flag and ran to the fans after scoring in the Asian Cup; the player was in tears after the Asian Cup and the World Cup after brave team and individual performances, even if he is saying stupid things right now.


            Did nobody else see this coming from a mile away? I was posting last year that his failure to move out of Russia was because he is comfortable. He knows the pressure on him to leave and succeed, but he doesn't want it. He's a player like Hulk, who prefers comfort in lesser leagues than challenging himself to his full potential.

            We see where Hulk went with his career. A lot of hype, but never did anything. Neither will Sardar, and people thinking that he was destined for greatness were ignoring the flashing warning signs telling them this kid is not professional. He's an equestrian volleyball player with football talent. Not a football player training to excel.

            He will be in Russia until his parents want to move to either Qatar, China, or back to Iran.

            Mark my words, Sardar will be with Berdyev for the foreseeable future, we will possibly win the Asian Cup, hoist the trophy, and Sardar will get the itch to return.

            I actually hope CQ or the successor coach will NOT invite him back. Sardar is a good player, but not great enough to overlook his immaturity and unprofessionalism.

            Players parents DIE, and they continue fighting for their passion and love for the sport. All the best to Sardar's Mom, and I hope her healthy days ahead, but let's be honest, she is probably taking care of him, cooking him dinner, etc. He doesn't want to leave his comfortable life and challenge himself, and now he can stay home.

            Let's move on, this kid isn't a TM player anymore. We should have closed all of his threads 2 years ago when he repeatedly made idiotic decisions, but now, we should just stop talking about this guy. Waste of a talented footballer.



              Around min 2:20 explains what made lukaku's mind up to do whatever it takes to make it to the top level. Eye opening, and not uncommon for the top footballers.

              This issue with sardar is not instagram, his interviews, his performance, his stamina, etc. These are byproducts of a simple reality.

              He is spoiled ! He never had to deal with the poverty and struggle that many of our players and the worlds best did. He was always in the international picture for all youth teams (and volleyball) mainly due to his amazing athleticism and natural talent. Not saying he didnt have to work hard to get there, but he certainly didnt struggle like the many others. This continued in russia. His family lives with him, his mom feeds him every day. Ffs hes 23 year olds. Saeid for example is in probably one of the crappiest cities in russia in the past year, middle of butt fuck nowhere, alone with no other iranians or family, etc. I remember in a segment with him he calls his dad right after all matches and they talk in detail about the game. Milad still lives in a fckin hotel! These realities mean that sardar has WAY too much time on his hands for a young pro player with his talent, who should be doing all it takes to succeed at the highest level, he certainly has the talent to do so.

              He may very well get a big transfer this summer, he may not, I used to have a lot of faith in him remember. I also believed he did play well at the world cup. His performances off the ball vs spain and portugal were crucial to keeping us in the game, he had no service, and was basically given one chance all group stage. To say he "won a few headers" is a huge understatement, the guy had the MOST AERIAL WINS in the entire group stage. But his mentality OFF the field is just too weak for him to ever be a true success ON THE FIELD. And I think he really gave his all these three games, and played with so much gheyrat, but look what it did to him ! It seems like he himself is in shock he played with so much gheyrat for over 90 mins in three consecutive matches...

              The good news is, we have other forwards. Yes, none are as good as sardar, but all are good enough for asian level. In terms of younger forwards coming up Delfi and Allahyar both have immense talent and if nurtured properly can be incredible for TM.



                I am just going to leave this here.


                  Originally posted by PEJ View Post

                  I am just going to leave this here.
                  The fact that he is even RUMORED to be in talks with them is shocking. This kid is done guys, it’s time to come to terms with the fact that his talent will go unused and wasted.


                    I've managed to find the problem:


                      Lol man i have kind of just given up on Azmoun. He will realize what a foolish thing he is doing -but too late after that.


                        Sardar is the Iranian Balotelli. Just not as crazy. Lol


                          Azmoun used to be my favorite player. I still like the guy but the fact that he's stayed with Rubin Kazan and under performed there has disappointing me a little. I don't really care if he stays or leaves anymore. Also I want to mention I am still very happy with the way he played for Iran.


                            Originally posted by PEJ View Post
                            Sardar is the Iranian Balotelli. Just not as crazy. Lol
                            Not cool
                            Not womanizing
                            Not gangster


                              Cost us a bit at the WC. Not gonna lie.
                              Original Ehsan of IK ISP and PFDC from 1999/2000!


                                the guy is a bust...he should go to Dubai or Kuwait city..that way he is close to his relatives and can get fed by camel herders

