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Sardar Azmoun @ Rubin Kazan | 2017-2018

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    Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
    Kheili bi classe in Azmoun. Be loghman goftand adab as ke amookhti goft as bi adaban.
    So calling PERSIAN GULF ,”******” Gulf isn’t a classless act but protesting the guy who called PERSIAN GULF ****** Gulf is a classless act?
    Last edited by Erfan11; 10-14-2017, 04:26 AM.
    Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.


      Originally posted by Erfan11 View Post
      So calling PERSIAN GULF ,”******” Gulf isn’t a classless act but protesting the guy who called PERSIAN GULF ****** Gulf is a classless act?
      You’re expectibg too much from certain members bro ...


        LOL @ those of you calling out Azmoun for his political speech. Did he do it in an elegant way? No. Did he have a right and a duty to speak up? Yes.

        The man has a big platform. His opinion matters. So what if he is an athlete. He sees something wrong and he chose to speak on it. Good on him. Had he said Fuck IR, many of the same people criticizing him now would be applauding. Eminem does it, most people applaud. Why can't Azmoun do it. If anything, as an Iranian he has a direct interest in this topic. Trump doesn't deserve any civility.


          I can not see this post on Sardar's Insta account!

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            Originally posted by Erfan11 View Post
            So calling PERSIAN GULF ,”******” Gulf isn’t a classless act but protesting the guy who called PERSIAN GULF ****** Gulf is a classless act?
            It is, why are you so mad though that people think this is a bad move for Sardar, Players who come out once doing statements like this might get a reputation that they talk to much and cant shut up which will make a lot of clubs not buy them because they dont want players who cant keep their mouth shut on social media.

            Everyone is angry of what Trump said, but think about it for a second. You can make a political statement, do it but remember the consequences that it might bring.

            People are pointing out facts.


              Originally posted by Zamboor View Post
              It is, why are you so mad though that people think this is a bad move for Sardar, Players who come out once doing statements like this might get a reputation that they talk to much and cant shut up which will make a lot of clubs not buy them because they dont want players who cant keep their mouth shut on social media.

              Everyone is angry of what Trump said, but think about it for a second. You can make a political statement, do it but remember the consequences that it might bring.

              People are pointing out facts.
              Defender of free speech - zamboor.
              I suppose the NFL players shouldn't take a knee either.


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                Defender of free speech - zamboor.
                I suppose the NFL players shouldn't take a knee either.
                He should be free to do what he wants to do, I didn't state anything else, read what I said again. No government is coming after him for what he said and no government will jail him for what he said, just how it is supposed to be. But media loves to make stories out of small outrages and so on, now think about it, if he was playing in ANY EUROPEAN CLUB that wasnt in Russia, even in a mid tier team like Everton, this would be world news.

                I agree with him fuck Trump. I just pointed out how it might affect his future. If one wants to make a political statement write a post or something, some more sentences and then maybe end it with fuck trump. Don't act like all these Politcal Correctness people on social media with bullying methods.

                Oh yeah, also he just basically said fuck you to a dude who can't complete a full sentence properly. This is no brave act like Masoud Shojaei. He could have done this in a much more classy way, Trump wont jail him for his statements.


                  I don't care what Sardar thinks about Trump, but he should focus on start scoring goals for his club for god's sake!


                    Originally posted by Gotham View Post
                    These confrontations are stupid and pointless, at the end of the day nobody convinces the other. If he wanted to express his disapproval he could have done it in a more professional manner at least. I agree with Iran_19 too
                    What would you know about a professional manner...? Everytime someone disagrees with you, you insult the daylights out of them on many occasions!
                    Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                    ...Continue to miss the point dude!!
                    How can I miss the point when you bash him and bring in”not scoring goals for his club” into your statement? How do I know your not bashing him for that?! Like I said a lot of Iranians are saying that, Idk about you but I’m lucky enough to live in a country where freedom of expression is allowed and we bash IR for censorship, but how is what you are saying different from IR? Let the dude express himself please!


                      Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
                      What would you know about a professional manner...? Everytime someone disagrees with you, you insult the daylights out of them on many occasions!

                      How can I miss the point when you bash him and bring in”not scoring goals for his club” into your statement? How do I know your not bashing him for that?! Like I said a lot of Iranians are saying that, Idk about you but I’m lucky enough to live in a country where freedom of expression is allowed and we bash IR for censorship, but how is what you are saying different from IR? Let the dude express himself please!
                      I rarely do anymore, that was a while ago.


                        Apparently Crystal Palace has been showing interest and scouting him this season, no formal contract offered



                          Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                          Apparently Crystal Palace has been showing interest and scouting him this season, no formal contract offered

                          theyve been seeing nothing but great performances this season...


                            Originally posted by Z Joon View Post
                            Apparently Crystal Palace has been showing interest and scouting him this season, no formal contract offered

                            I don't know how I feel or should feel about this... :/


                              Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
                              I don't know how I feel or should feel about this... :/
                              well its positive that hes still drawing interest, I doubt CP is the only team. Its negative that his league performances have been bad, but at the same time any scout can see that the guy is literally getting no service. Anyways I still think he can do better than the level of Palace. If he performs in WC i wouldnt be surprised if lazio came back in for him


                                he should go, anything to get out of Rubin, rather would have him playing in League Two than with papa berydev

