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Reza Ghoochannejhad @ SC Heerenveen | 2017 - 2018

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    Whatever happens to our Gucci I will never forget his legendary goals against South Korea, Qatar and Iraq.


      Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
      Whatever happens to our Gucci I will never forget his legendary goals against South Korea, Qatar and Iraq.
      ...and WC 2014


        Gucci talks about his recent form and that affecting his chances to play for TM in Russia:

        'The World Cup is still far away, there are still plenty of opportunities for me at sc Heerenveen'

        Reza Ghoochannejhad was in the last Eredivisie season good for twenty goals, but the attacker has the sights in the current football year less on focus. The Iranian has so far twice found the net and has to watch the bank more often than he likes in recent weeks. He does not, however, think of a departure from sc Heerenveen.

        Ghoochannejhad hopes to be with Iran the next summer at the World Championships in Russia and for the time being is not afraid of his chances: "The World Cup is still far away, the season is still long. There are still plenty of opportunities for me. I do not get restless and do not panic. First let's enjoy Christmas, enjoy with family. That's how I approach life. We'll see what happens later, "he tells Voetbal International.

        The striker had hoped for more this season, but can also sell it well. He does not want to put the blame for his form on the departure of Sam Larsson and the injuries of Martin Ödegaard and Arber Zeneli: "I can not deny that it went very well last year because I had a certain click with players. But I should not hide behind that. Players come, players go. It does not make much sense to me to point out. I have to do it better myself, because I can. "

        Reza Ghoochannejhad was in het afgelopen Eredivisie-seizoen goed voor twintig doelpunten, maar de aanvaller heeft het vizier in de huidige voetbaljaargang minder op scherp staan. De Iraniër vond tot nu toe twee keer het net en moet de afgelopen weken vaker vanaf de bank toekijken dan hem lief is. Aan een vertrek bij sc Heerenveen denkt hij echter niet.Ghoochannejhad hoopt aankomende zomer met Iran van de partij te zijn op het WK in Rusland en vreest voorlopig nog niet voor zijn kansen: “Het WK is nog ver weg, het seizoen is nog lang. Er zijn nog genoeg kansen voor mij. Ik word niet onrustig en raak niet in paniek. Laten we eerst maar genieten van de kerst, genieten met familie. Zo benader ik het leven. Wat er later gebeurt zien we dan wel weer”, vertelt hij aan Voetbal International.De spits had op meer gehoopt dit seizoen, maar kan het ook goed van zich afzetten. Hij wil de schuld voor zijn vormdip dan ook niet neerleggen bij het vertrek van Sam Larsson en de blessures bij Martin Ödegaard en Arber Zeneli: “Ik kan niet ontkennen dat het vorig jaar heel goed ging omdat ik een bepaalde klik had met spelers. Maar daar moet ik me niet achter verschuilen. Spelers komen, spelers gaan. Het heeft voor mij niet zoveel zin om te wijzen. Ik moet het zelf beter doen, want dat kan ik.”


          he has to try, i mean he and azmoun are not on form, they have to try and get in form


            Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
            he has to try, i mean he and azmoun are not on form, they have to try and get in form
            What????? Are u fuckin serious? Lmao damet garm Sherlock agha


              "How Reza Ghoochannejhad is threatened to miss the World Cup:

              Last season no one Reza Ghoochannejhad seemed to be able to stop in the Eredivisie. Nineteen goals and three assists in 34 games for SC Heerenveen was a great achievement by the Iranian. But this season he only scored twice. Partly because of this, he threatens to miss the World Cup in Russia.

              In the first half of the season 2016/2017 SC Heerenveen turned like a tierelier. Sam Larsson was the best player on the left flank in the team of Jurgen Streppel and Arber Zeneli was on the right. And attack leader Reza Ghoochannejhad scored lustily. With the winter break, he scored seven goals and later that year, the Iranian added twelve goals.

              Where Ghoochannej had his good line from the first half of the season to the second half, his team was in a downward spiral. SC Heerenveen was still in the nick of time to participate in the playoffs for European football, but that became a prey for FC Utrecht. There had to be a new impetus in SC Heerenveen, because as poor as the second half of the season, they do not want to see it in Friesland.

              SEASON 2017/2018
              Reza Ghoochannejhad shot from the starting blocks with a goal in the first league match against FC Groningen. After that, SC Heerenveen kept six matches unbeaten, but Ghoochannej did not know how to find the net. Only in the home game against PSV did the Iranian score. The match afterwards, against Excelsior, he gave an assist, but until then it stagnates with his production of this season.

              SC Heerenveen started to turn worse and Ghoochannejhad just could not find it. This resulted in him being able to play less and less. In the away match against Roda JC from early December, he even had to start on the bench. To make matters worse, he did not play a minute the following week. Henk Veerman seems to have passed him and that is why the World Cup in Russia for Ghoochannejhad is in danger.

              In the last years he was always in the selection, but the Iranian was not always a permanent force. If Ghoochannejhad did not quickly regain his basic place, the World Cup seems to be getting further out of sight."

              Vorig seizoen leek niemand Reza Ghoochannejhad te kunnen stoppen in de Eredivisie. Negentien goals en drie assists in 34 wedstrijden voor SC Heerenveen was een knappe prestatie van de Iraniër. Maar dit seizoen heeft hij pas twee keer gescoord. Mede daardoor dreigt hij het WK in Rusland te moeten missen.


                Originally posted by aenima_8 View Post
                "How Reza Ghoochannejhad is threatened to miss the World Cup:

                Last season no one Reza Ghoochannejhad seemed to be able to stop in the Eredivisie. Nineteen goals and three assists in 34 games for SC Heerenveen was a great achievement by the Iranian. But this season he only scored twice. Partly because of this, he threatens to miss the World Cup in Russia.

                In the first half of the season 2016/2017 SC Heerenveen turned like a tierelier. Sam Larsson was the best player on the left flank in the team of Jurgen Streppel and Arber Zeneli was on the right. And attack leader Reza Ghoochannejhad scored lustily. With the winter break, he scored seven goals and later that year, the Iranian added twelve goals.

                Where Ghoochannej had his good line from the first half of the season to the second half, his team was in a downward spiral. SC Heerenveen was still in the nick of time to participate in the playoffs for European football, but that became a prey for FC Utrecht. There had to be a new impetus in SC Heerenveen, because as poor as the second half of the season, they do not want to see it in Friesland.

                SEASON 2017/2018
                Reza Ghoochannejhad shot from the starting blocks with a goal in the first league match against FC Groningen. After that, SC Heerenveen kept six matches unbeaten, but Ghoochannej did not know how to find the net. Only in the home game against PSV did the Iranian score. The match afterwards, against Excelsior, he gave an assist, but until then it stagnates with his production of this season.

                SC Heerenveen started to turn worse and Ghoochannejhad just could not find it. This resulted in him being able to play less and less. In the away match against Roda JC from early December, he even had to start on the bench. To make matters worse, he did not play a minute the following week. Henk Veerman seems to have passed him and that is why the World Cup in Russia for Ghoochannejhad is in danger.

                In the last years he was always in the selection, but the Iranian was not always a permanent force. If Ghoochannejhad did not quickly regain his basic place, the World Cup seems to be getting further out of sight."

                he is low in form, however we have to wait and see ,he have experience


                  Dutch site NOS is reporting that Gucci can pick a new club this transfer window to regain his form in the next 6 months. He will be a free agent after the World Cup.

                  The Iranian was one of the trendsetters of the previous season with 20 goals. This season is a lot less and recently he even lost his place. With an eye on the upcoming World Cup, the attacker will do everything to be in the spotlight. If that is not possible at Heerenveen, a transfer in the winter break may be possible.

                  Amin Younes, Klaas-Jan Huntelaar en Yassin Ayoub hebben een aflopend contract. Gaan ze komende zomer gratis vertrekken?


                    Originally posted by Kiarash View Post
                    Dutch site NOS is reporting that Gucci can pick a new club this transfer window to regain his form in the next 6 months. He will be a free agent after the World Cup.

                    The Iranian was one of the trendsetters of the previous season with 20 goals. This season is a lot less and recently he even lost his place. With an eye on the upcoming World Cup, the attacker will do everything to be in the spotlight. If that is not possible at Heerenveen, a transfer in the winter break may be possible.

                    Another dutch team? I've always thought Gucci's ceiling was the French Ligue 1.. Would love to see him get picked up by a team there.. Hopefully the club that signs him notices his potential and how he was the 2nd leading scorer in the Eredivisie last year!


                      "Various clubs from abroad have 'latent' interest in Reza Ghoochannejhad. The striker of sc Heerenveen scored 22 times last season. (Football International)
                      Lees meer op"

                      Alex Telles heeft de clubs voor het uitkiezen. De Braziliaanse linksback van FC Porto staat in de belangstelling van Chelsea, Liverpool en Wolverhampton Wanderers. (O Jogo)Mauricio Pellegrino bevestigt interesse te hebben in Theo Walcott. De manager van Southampton beseft echter dat de aanvaller gewild zal zijn en dus moeilijk haalbaar is. (Sky Sports)Leon Goretzka vertrekt in de zomer naar Bayern München. De club uit Beieren en Schalke 04 zullen de deal echter pas na het trainingskamp van Schalke in Benidorm bekendmaken. (BILD)Crystal Palace wil Ruben Loftus-Cheek definitief overnemen van Chelsea. Manager Roy Hodgson is ervan overtuigd dat de club een bod zal doen als de middenvelder op de transferlijst wordt geplaatst. (BBC)Diverse clubs uit het buitenland hebben ‘sluimerende’ interesse in Reza Ghoochannejhad. De aanvaller van sc Heerenveen scoorde vorig seizoen 22 keer. (Voetbal International)Newcastle United overweegt zich te melden bij Paris Saint-Germain. De club van Rafael Benítez heeft interesse om doelman Kevin Trapp op huurbasis over te nemen. (Daily Mail)


                        Heerenveen coach speaks about Veerman and Gucci, and how he has not yet made a decision who will be selected as first choice for the second half of the season:

                        "Henk Veerman and Reza Ghoochannejhad have to fight out during the preparation for the second half of the season who will be the first striker. Trainer Jurgen Streppel has not yet made a decision. In the first half of the season Ghoochannejhad started as first striker, but it was Veerman who took over his role just before the end of the calendar year.

                        Veerman started the last three league matches from the base and was three times accurate. "We are happy with Henk, just as we are happy with Reza", says Streppel in De Telegraaf . "He will have to figure it out together with Reza, and when he does what he is asked, we have a luxury problem.

                        Ghoochannejhad scored two goals in seventeen league matches, while Veerman's counter had three goals after a total of sixteen league matches. Although the 24-year-old attacker got steamed the last weeks before the winter break, Streppel sees plenty of points for improvement at Veerman. "We have gone through a few things together, one of which is that it is not just a matter of goals for a striker.In our way of playing there is a lot more involved in that position.We have been working together for a year and a half to improve the number of things in his game. ""

                        Henk Veerman en Reza Ghoochannejhad moeten tijdens de voorbereiding op de tweede seizoenshelft uitvechten wie de eerste spits wordt. Trainer Jurgen Streppel heeft nog geen knoop doorgehakt. In de eerste seizoenshelft begon Ghoochannejhad als eerste spits, maar was het Veerman die zijn rol vlak voor het einde van het kalenderjaar overnam.Veerman begon de laatste drie competitiewedstrijden vanuit de basis en was drie keer trefzeker. "Wij zijn blij met Henk, net zoals we ook blij zijn met Reza", vertelt Streppel in De Telegraaf. "Hij zal het samen met Reza moeten uitzoeken. Op het moment dat hij doet wat er gevraagd wordt, hebben we een luxeprobleem. Zo simpel is het."Ghoochannejhad kwam in zeventien competitiewedstrijden tot twee doelpunten, terwijl de teller van Veerman na in totaal zestien competitieduels op drie goals staat. Hoewel de 24-jarige aanvaller de laatste weken voor de winterstop op stoom raakte, ziet Streppel bij Veerman nog meer dan genoeg verbeterpunten. "We hebben een paar dingen samen doorgenomen. Een van die dingen is dat het voor een spits niet alleen om doelpunten gaat. In onze manier van spelen komt er op die positie nog veel meer bij kijken. We zijn al anderhalf jaar samen bezig om een aantal zaken in zijn spel te verbeteren."


                          Gucci scores a penalty against Anderlecht under 21s. 1-1


                            Nicely taken penalty


                              great he scored it will be good confidence for him


                                Who was that player tossing and turning who got the penalty? Looks like one for the future!

