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Reza Ghoochannejhad @ SC Heerenveen | 2017 - 2018

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    gucci subbed off, 80 min, played well, score a goal, had 1 ball saved and another could not score


      Glimpses of Gucci in the vid


        Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
        Sweet finish!


          Recent interview with Gucci. He talks about his return to scoring, and how personal problems affected his performance in the first half of the season:

          "SC Heerenveen striker Reza settles with personal problems: "The focus is back"

          The football fun at Reza Ghoochannejhad is back. The attacker shoots again sharply and last Saturday was important for sc Heerenveen with a goal against Willem II. ELF Voetbal talked to him about a bad first half of the season, personal problems and goals for the coming weeks. "I feel reborn."

          Reza came out of the winter break. The striker scores again and has driven Henk Veerman from the base. "I am satisfied with it now. This is the level I want to achieve. "There was a lot of criticism of the supporters' international from Iran. The call for Veerman was getting bigger and bigger, but that seems to be dazzled now. "I feel reborn. The difference with the first half of the season is of course huge. "

          How can the difference be so immense? According to Reza there is a logical explanation for this. "There was a lot of things around me in the private sphere during the first half of the season. I'd rather not talk about it, but it clearly had an impact on my game. "He did not think of the goals machine from a year earlier. "That was annoying because the reason had nothing to do with football. I'm glad I closed it now. "

          Because the private problems are resolved he is fully engaged with football again. "That is delicious. The focus is back. I feel free again and therefore I perform better. During the past six months I was very busy with other things and I had a hard time with that. At the club they know what I'm talking about. They gave me the time to solve it. That has now succeeded. "

          The game of Reza gets better with the week and with that he seems to peak at exactly the right moment. The World Cup in Russia is in front of the door. "Of course that's nice, but I'm not really doing that at all. I have the idea that everyone around me thinks a lot more about it than myself. It is still so far away. "He does not think about his future, but focuses purely on the here and now. "It is important to perform now with SC Heerenveen. I think about that. Sunday afternoon we play against Ajax, that's the most important thing. We have to try to put a series down. "

          Last Saturday the Frisians finally won again. In a poor pot, Willem II was easily beaten 2-0. "We have shown ourselves ruthlessly. There was only one team that deserved to win and that was us. We've hit the right moment. "

          The victory came at an important time. At the empty spots in the stands, it was clear that the fans were ready. "We had something to make up for. We have shown that in addition to being able to play football, we can also kill a match. Willem II was also in a difficult period, but we have shown ourselves the most eagerly for victory. It is now up to us to give this victory a good follow-up and to win back the fans. " "

          Het voetbalplezier bij Reza Ghoochannejhad is terug. De aanvaller schiet weer met scherp en was afgelopen zaterdag belangrijk voor sc Heerenveen met een treffer tegen Willem II. ELF Voetbal sprak met hem over een slechte eerste seizoenshelft, persoonlijke problemen en de doelen voor de komende weken. “Ik voel me herboren.”
          Last edited by aenima_8; 03-08-2018, 10:47 PM.


            i think gucci having a son now, is good, his confidence will be high, he will score goals and play much better


              Any reason Gucci not starting tomorrow? I don’t see him in the lineup on livescore


                Originally posted by diz View Post
                Any reason Gucci not starting tomorrow? I don’t see him in the lineup on livescore
                lineup is up 1 hour before game


                  Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
                  lineup is up 1 hour before game
                  LiveScore has lineup Gucci


                    Originally posted by diz View Post
                    LiveScore has lineup Gucci
                    I dont know what your talking about. Line ups are released one hour before kick off not the night before lol. What you are looking at are some of the predicted lineups, which stat sites generate. That doesnt take into account guccis good form which means he will start.


                      Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                      I dont know what your talking about. Line ups are released one hour before kick off not the night before lol. What you are looking at are some of the predicted lineups, which stat sites generate. That doesnt take into account guccis good form which means he will start.
                      i agreee fully


                        Gucci starting


                          1-1 first half, is important ajax dont win, than AZ have a chance for 2nd also


                            I was today in Amsterdam Arena bethween Ajax and SC Heerenveen. I travelled from Germany and go to see the match with my friend. I was not impressed woth the performance of Reza and Heerenveen but I was very very happy to see him from closeby. I was sad he go off on the second half. I had hoped to see more from Reza and more action! Ajax was great and very dangerous in attacking!


                              herennven just defended, i would not blame them, gucci did not get serivce also


                                "Reza: 'Appointment was that I would play for two years for SC Heerenveen, until the World Cup'

                                Reza Ghoochannejhad has an expiring contract with sc Heerenveen and the chances are that the Iranian is busy with his last months in the Abe Lenstra Stadium. The thirty-year-old striker wants to participate with his country in the World Cup next summer and seems to have set his sights on a final transfer.

                                "The agreement was that I would play here for two years, until the World Cup in Russia. What happens next, I leave open, "he explains in conversation with Voetbal International . Reza scored nineteen goals in the last Eredivisie season, but due to personal circumstances this football year does not come close to that number.

                                With seven more games to go, the counter for the striker has six goals: "That meant I could not focus on football. It was spoken to the people with whom it had to be spoken, now it is done. Furthermore, I do not want to say anything about it. In the first half of the season I just spent too little, not what I can bring. ""

                                Reza Ghoochannejhad beschikt over een aflopend contract bij sc Heerenveen en de kans lijkt groot dat de Iraniër bezig is aan zijn laatste maanden in het Abe Lenstra Stadion. De dertigjarige aanvaller wil met zijn land deelnemen aan het WK van aankomende zomer en lijkt daarna zijn zinnen te hebben gezet op een laatste transfer.“De afspraak was dat ik hier twee jaar zou spelen, tot aan het WK in Rusland. Wat er daarna gebeurt, laat ik nog open”, legt hij uit in gesprek met Voetbal International. Reza maakte in het afgelopen Eredivisie-seizoen nog negentien doelpunten, maar komt door persoonlijke omstandigheden deze voetbaljaargang niet in de buurt van dat aantal.Met nog zeven wedstrijden te gaan staat de teller voor de spits op zes goals: “Daardoor kon ik mij niet optimaal op het voetbal richten. Het is uitgesproken met de mensen met wie het uitgesproken moest worden, nu is het klaar. Verder wil ik er niets over kwijt. Ik heb in de eerste seizoenshelft gewoon veel te weinig gebracht, niet wat ik kán brengen.”

