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Reza Ghoochannejhad @ SC Heerenveen | 2017 - 2018

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    Herenveen concedes in the 88th minute, the game is tied 2-2

    They always do this, they arent strong enough mentally to hold on to a lead
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    Villa + Messi =



        Utrecht is a very decent team in Eredivisie it was a tough game for Heerenveen. Glad Reza was able to score
        Team Meli Iran
        Perspolis FC
        Malavan Bandar Anzali

        "I will never be able to say good bye to Iran. I have a feeling of belonging to this country and to the people." - Carlos Queiroz


          damn, that was a great control of the throw-in with some narekhar defender hanging all over him and the finish was equally sublime..!!

          the first goal was all his work too on the near side..!

          our boy is coming on strong after the break..!! hopefully hits peak form before wc..!


            what a finish. He is proving his worth, and at this point, especially after alipour was tried out and didnt really seem to be that big of a game changer, I think Gucci,Rezaei,Azmoun,Ansarifard can all be taken together. Even kaveh, although hes been killing it in belgium, doesnt seem to really be making an impact in TM, after multiple chances. We will see after these next important prep matches where we stand, but I am favoring taking Azmoun, Ansarifard, and Gucci. I think CQ will too.


              gucci perform again, he has to be in russia, if he is not i will be shocked


                Hes definitely back in form.

                Showed fantastic determination and strength to score that goal.

                Cant leave gucci out of the squad, hes always come in clutch in BIG games.

                doubt he will start but wouldnt be surprised to see him sub on in the last 30 mins of a game if we need a goal.

                we all know how annoying gucci can be for any teams defenders.
                AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


                  Gucci has CQ’s full trust and he proves it on the ground. He will be indispensable.


                    Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                    Hes definitely back in form.

                    Showed fantastic determination and strength to score that goal.

                    Cant leave gucci out of the squad, hes always come in clutch in BIG games.

                    doubt he will start but wouldnt be surprised to see him sub on in the last 30 mins of a game if we need a goal.

                    we all know how annoying gucci can be for any teams defenders.
                    And then there are some stupid Heerenveen fans who want a narekhar IQ less player Veerman to start over Gucci lol


                      6 goals and 1 assist so far for Reza + another goal in the Cup.

                      He is now in top form and still has a chance to increase his tally.


                        Originally posted by GolfePersique View Post
                        6 goals and 1 assist so far for Reza + another goal in the Cup.

                        He is now in top form and still has a chance to increase his tally.
                        Transfermarket hasn't updated his goal tally for the last game so he has 7 goals I think...


                          Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
                          Transfermarket hasn't updated his goal tally for the last game so he has 7 goals I think...
                          if he can score up to 12 by end of the year is a good result


                            I just saw SC Heerenveen against Utrecht and the goal of Reza was very beautiful and if he do that in the coming World Cup 2018 I will be happy.

                            Last week I travell from border Germany to see him playing in Amsterdam Arena against Ajax and i had hoped he will score but not. It was my first time ever i go stadion.


                              "'Heerenveen does not transfer anything because of' tough agreement '

                              Reza Ghoochannejhad is working on his last months as a player of sc Heerenveen . De Telegraaf writes that the thirty-year-old striker does not extend his expiring contract because he already agreed with the board in the summer of 2016 that he would look for a new adventure after the World Cup in Russia.

                              The morning paper speaks of a 'hard-hitting appointment' and Ghoochannejhad will therefore no longer be able to be moved to sign a new contract in the Abe Lenstra Stadium. The left leg, who scored 17 goals in 17 matches, says in a reaction that he keeps all options open, but De Telegraaf knows that it is certain that the left leg is aiming for 'one more beautiful transfer' and will therefore also leave.

                              "Four years ago I experienced how much there is going to be after a World Cup and what interest it releases. But I never had dreams. I can see what comes my way, "said Ghoochannejhad, who came over from Charlton Athletic in mid-2016. He previously played for, among others, Standard Luik, sc Heerenveen and Go Ahead Eagles.

                              Ghoochannejhad scored the 2-1 against FC Utrecht on Saturday, but in the final stages, Cyriel Dessers was still right. The team of coach Jurgen Streppel has already missed 23 points this season in home games in competition, a point more than in the entire previous season. The Frisians can be found in tenth place in the Eredivisie."

                              Reza Ghoochannejhad is bezig aan zijn laatste maanden als speler van sc Heerenveen. De Telegraaf schrijft dat de dertigjarige aanvaller zijn aflopende contract niet verlengt omdat hij al in de zomer van 2016 met het bestuur afsprak dat hij na het WK in Rusland een nieuw avontuur zou opzoeken.Het ochtendblad spreekt van een ‘keiharde afspraak’ en Ghoochannejhad zal dus ook niet meer bewogen kunnen worden tot het tekenen van een nieuwe verbintenis in het Abe Lenstra Stadion. De linkspoot, die in 39 interlands goed was voor 17 doelpunten, zegt in een reactie dat hij alle optie openhoudt, maar De Telegraaf weet dat het vaststaat dat de linkspoot ‘op nog één mooie transfer’ mikt en dus ook gaat vertrekken.“Ik heb vier jaar geleden al meegemaakt hoe enorm veel er na een WK op je af komt en welke interesse dat losmaakt. Maar dromen heb ik nooit gehad. Ik zie wel wat er op mijn pad komt”, reageert Ghoochannejhad, die medio 2016 overkwam van Charlton Athletic. Eerder speelde hij voor onder meer Standard Luik, sc Heerenveen en Go Ahead Eagles. Ghoochannejhad scoorde zaterdag de 2-1 tegen FC Utrecht, maar in de slotfase werd het via Cyriel Dessers nog gelijk. Het team van trainer Jurgen Streppel heeft dit seizoen al 23 punten laten liggen in thuiswedstrijden in competitieverband, een punt meer dan in het gehele vorige seizoen. De Friezen zijn terug te vinden op de tiende plaats in de Eredivisie.


                                I wonder where he will go. I don't think he's can go in the top leagues, maybe he'll opt for Qatar? llol

