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TM-News- Vol. 3

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    Has anyone seen Reza Haghighi lately? It seems as though he’s trying to get back in form. He will obviously not be in Team Melli anytime soon. But I caught up with him on his Instagram and he looks pretty damn serious to make a comeback:


      There was a glimpse of time, some expected him to fill in for Nekonaum ... some were very wrong. He was even taken to World Cup team in 2014.

      He's fallen off big time.


        Originally posted by teammelli91 View Post
        Has anyone seen Reza Haghighi lately? It seems as though he’s trying to get back in form. He will obviously not be in Team Melli anytime soon. But I caught up with him on his Instagram and he looks pretty damn serious to make a comeback:
        Damesh garm. He's trying to boost his 2014 fifa ranking from 47 overall to 48


          Originally posted by teammelli91 View Post
          Has anyone seen Reza Haghighi lately? It seems as though he’s trying to get back in form. He will obviously not be in Team Melli anytime soon. But I caught up with him on his Instagram and he looks pretty damn serious to make a comeback:

          In one of his interviews posted on Instagram he talks about how what happened and why he fell. Who knows if it's true, but a lot of the "we weren't paid" nonsense is unfortunately rampant in our league. Good for him for pushing back, hopefully he makes it.
          Ma Bishomarim

          "!خدایا ایستاده مردن را نصبیم کن که از نشسته زیستن در زلت خسته ام"
          محمد مختاری -

          "Lord, let me die standing, as I am tired of living in indignity and on my knees"
          - Mohammad Mokhtari


            Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
            What do you guys think about inviting Teymourian (He will turn 35 next March) to the team especially for the first game where Ezatolahi is suspended?
            much will depend on his fitness and form..!!
            haven heard much from him of late.. how is his club form ..?
            i'd gather he is pretty much played out ? but i think he is still on CQ's extended wc list ?


              در پایان مجمع سالیانه فدراسیون فوتبال برخی نفرات به اعتراض شدید علیه رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال پرداختند.
              به گزارش خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم، مهدی تاج پس از مجمع انتخاباتی فدراسیون فوتبال وقتی با اعتراض*های گسترده برخی نفرات نسبت به نوع شمارش آرا مواجه شد ابتدا سعی کرد از پاسخگویی فرار کند و پس از اینکه یکی از نفرات معترض به او گفت که صندلی*اش در فدراسیون فوتبال غصبی است، به حالت قهر از این محل رفت. وی سپس در پاسخ به این سؤال که چرا آرا روی تخته نیامد، اظهار داشت: این موضوع را پیگیری می*کنیم.
              رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال در ادامه وقتی با همین سؤال از سوی خبرنگاران مواجه شد، گفت: اجازه بدهید و صبر کنید، من صحبت می*کنم.
              البته رئیس فدراسیون ابتدا برای صحبت با خبرنگاران صبر نکرد و برای خروج از محوطه آکادمی به راه خود ادامه داد. وی سپس خطاب به معترضان گفت: من معتقدم که حرف شما در این زمینه درست است. من این حرف را قبول دارم.
              تاج در پاسخ به این سؤال که آیا نحوه شمارش آرا که حسابی هم مورد اعتراض واقع شد پیگیری خواهد شد یا نه، تصریح کرد: من خودم به شخصه این موضوع را پیگیری می*کنم.
              وی سپس با این اعتراض مواجه شد که چه زمانی قرار است پیگیری کنید؟ مجمع فدراسیون اکنون برگزار شده و چه زمانی پیگیری خواهد شد، گفت: حرف شما درست است، من این را پیگیری می*کنم.
              رئیس فدراسیون فوتبال بدون اینکه پاسخگوی سایر اعتراض*ها باشد به یکی از اتاق*های کمیته ملی المپیک رفت که همین مسئله دوباره اعتراض این نفرات را به دنبال داشت.
              در زیر می*توانید فیلم مربوط به تمام این اتفاقات را مشاهده کنید:



                I just spit out tea on my computer screen reading this comment.

                Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
                Damesh garm. He's trying to boost his 2014 fifa ranking from 47 overall to 48


                  Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
                  Damesh garm. He's trying to boost his 2014 fifa ranking from 47 overall to 48


                    Originally posted by teammelli91 View Post
                    Has anyone seen Reza Haghighi lately? It seems as though he’s trying to get back in form. He will obviously not be in Team Melli anytime soon. But I caught up with him on his Instagram and he looks pretty damn serious to make a comeback:

                    He signed for Shahdari Mahshahr in the Azadegan League.


                      Totally forgot about Reza Haghighi already. Wow, he really fell deep. He had quite some potential...


                        I have never seen an starting WC goalie fall so deep 3 years after 2014 the way he has

                        So sad


                          Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                          I have never seen an starting WC goalie fall so deep 3 years after 2014 the way he has

                          So sad
                          Are you talking about Alireza Haghighi. That's not the same person as Reza Haghighi which they are takling about here. I don't think Aalireza has fallen deep at all.


                            Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                            I have never seen an starting WC goalie fall so deep 3 years after 2014 the way he has

                            So sad

                            They're talking about the midfielder Haghighi, not the goalie Haghighi. Although your statement applies about both.


                              Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                              They're talking about the midfielder Haghighi, not the goalie Haghighi. Although your statement applies about both.
                              Alireza is doing fine. It's not his fault CQ insists on starting the same garbage keeper in friendly after friendly.
                              "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


                                Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
                                Alireza is doing fine. It's not his fault CQ insists on starting the same garbage keeper in friendly after friendly.
                                I agree with you. He played on the worst club in Sweden and he still managed a few phenomenal performances. I remember a couple of games where he carried his team single handedly.

