Karimis intentions with his recent offensive are still not understood or misrepresented.
Karimis issues are 100% with IFF, don't try to paint it as anything else.
Karimis issues are 100% with IFF, don't try to paint it as anything else.
Karimi has always been a jealous and vindictive idiot. If this guy cared about corruption he wouldn't take millions from Hossein Hedayati and the owners of Khoone Be Khooneh, all of whom are known con artists. He's a carbon copy of Mayeli Kohan. He does business with everyone under the sun until he fails or doesn't get his way...then all the sudden he turns into Gandhi and Nelson Mandela! All the sudden the very same people he was gladly working with before quitting become the ultimate in corruption and evil, and it's up to good old Mayeli or Karimi to expose them for us. Now why these guys never seem to mind the corruption BEFORE things go south? You'll have to ask them!
What Karimi is doing with CQ is exactly what he tried to do when Daei was coaching Perspolis and the fans were chanting his name in every stadium. All the sudden he started giving interviews bashing Daei to create side issues for the team, bringing up all kinds of nonsense from past and present in his typical illiterate incoherent manner.
Part of this is about taking revenge from CQ, the other is what he always does when he fails and quits at something: he lashes out and deflects and tries to manipulate the gullible fanboys.