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Iran in WC

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    Iran in WC

    Please, I know how unrealistic optimistic iranians can be.. just an advice.. dont expect to much..
    Iran will not win a single game..0 pts
    and we will lose 5-0 4-0 and dont even THINK to underestimate marrocco.. marrocco will beat us 3-0!
    Im more realistic and save my heart than thinking the iranian way which goes like this:
    "we beat marrocco..we draw spain and we can win portugal" Sorry iranians.. we wont even be CLOSE to win marrocko even..
    Save your hearts already today.. its will be fun to see iran at WC though.. not many has the luck to experience that..but we will end up 0 pts as we clearly are the worst team in WC. Maybe im not iranian to you because im realistic..but that is the truth..iranian football will always be "ki-be-kie" football.. they will stress..they will hit under the ball 90% of the games... they will complain for a single referee faul.. but as a system iran cannot play football, they have never been able to do so ..
    with that said.. go iran!! im just glad we made it to the WC

    Oh yeah.. screw fifa ranking..again some iranian thinking "we are number 1 in asia bla bla lba" baba saket... please.. saket...