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Iran vs Tunisia Player Ratings | Post Match Discussion

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    Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post

    As for the player ratings, I don't understand all the low ratings given to Amiri. The guy is a workhorse. As a two way player, he is all over the field. This is why CQ likes him. You put him out there and he hustles and fights for every ball. He was the most active player in the first half and in the 2nd half until the 70th minute. I think at one point I saw him help out as a RB :-) . His scrappy style of play doesn't show up on the stat sheet, but, a good coach respects it.

    Pretty much every time he plays the majority of people on here rate him the worst player on the pitch when more often than not he's barely put a foot wrong. He leads the press better than any other player we have and will be key to us closing down teams high and early at the WC.

    On the ball he's strong and rarely gives it away. He's not going to be the player that opens up the opposition, but I don't see many teams in the world looking getting much joy down their right hand side with him in front of Milad.


      for the first time, we have two satisfying full-backs... Milad's performance is better than Ramin's but still, both deliver! I can't remember the last time I could say something like that. Poor performances were displayed by both our experimental domestic centre-backs, Khanzadeh and Cheshmi. I assume Queiroz' blood pressure went to an all-time-high when Cheshmi played a cross within our own defense..


        Originally posted by zereshk-ali View Post

        Pretty much every time he plays the majority of people on here rate him the worst player on the pitch when more often than not he's barely put a foot wrong. He leads the press better than any other player we have and will be key to us closing down teams high and early at the WC.

        On the ball he's strong and rarely gives it away. He's not going to be the player that opens up the opposition, but I don't see many teams in the world looking getting much joy down their right hand side with him in front of Milad.
        Amiri is a better version of Madanchi. It is true that he is a hard-working player and fights for the ball but he keeps his head down all the time and as fast as he wins the ball, he looses it nonetheless in the following scene..


          Originally posted by JamB View Post
          ??? building chemistry for 6 players who will not play in the world cup...Every single other team is trying to prepare for the world cup. Every single other team has scattered legionnaires and domestic players and they make it work. What is the point, please tell me, what is the point of starting a shit line up against the only team we are playing that is in the world cup. Try to build a cohesive unit for the players who will actually play. The players who will actually play need to play together. This was an embarassment. Typical mentality to just say this is a friendly. As i sit here watching morocco beat serbia with subs in too, makes me really nervous about what is going to happen in the world cup. Honestly, besides calling us imbeciles, maybe understand our viewpoint. Your arguement of a cohesive unit doesnt make sense. It would only make sense if it was our starters and maybe one or two subs playing together, not 80% scrubs who wont get any minutes in the world cup. Just a friendly, but if we would have won it would have been more than just a friendly.
          No my friend, the typical mentality is actually the one you’re expressing through this post. The same pessimistic and close minded (jumping to automatic conclusion) approach to when things don’t go as planned.

          You obviously aren’t familiar with friendly matches and that the head coach set out objectives telling their players to give a certain amount in a friendly game. Example —> A head coach says: I told my boys to give 75% in the match as we had a long week of training and half the roster came to camp late.

          If you have read what I’ve posted in the past regarding a victory in a friendly or a WCQ’er, you would know that I’ve always been clear and upfront about our performances despite the result. But you judge me by saying, “but if we would have won it would have been more than just a friendly.” I’m actually not that type of fan. If I was I wouldn’t quote fans who do jump to conclusion after a loss. They’re the same delusional fans who think we will beat every country after just one win in a friendly. And you don’t seem to be any different in that you’re a pessimist and are clearly unaware of the purpose of a friendly match.

          Carlos has 12-13 players he is sure wil make the final cut to Russia. But it is important to test out new players and give playing time to the younger and less experienced players. Testing out the “scrubs” as you say, is not uncommon. In fact it’s important because the future is uncertain (injuries and preparing our backup team). It is also a way to show respect to our domestic league (many head coaches of national teams do this by the way) and keep Iranian players motivated with a good morale that their hard work isn’t unnoticed. Also, many of these players who play in Europe today went from Iran straight to Europe. Their source for motivation and inspiration was getting a few minutes of playing time in a friendly match like this. So you calling these players scrubs goes to show how much you really follow our football.


            as im not going to repeat whats being said here already about the game but stating what i wrote in another thread some days ago, which nobody answered or liked. maybe you changed your mind today: as it was clear for everyone to see our biggest problem was central midfield, and saeid is not going to play, these friendlies would have been perfect for reza shekari. i dont care how old he is or how little he has played. everyone who himself has played football knows directly by watching this guy that hes far better than omid, ehsan, karimi etc.


              Originally posted by val View Post
              I am a blue fan by the way
              Khali naband.
              I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                we have to be sensible in our criticism. this was top ranked team of Africa, playing on their home field, in that weather condition and one could argue, we were without a few of our starters and a clear PK not given to us early in the game.

                the opponent had a couple of good chances and they scored on one (well, actually we scored it ourselves, but it is what it is). We had a 1 on 1 at 88th minute and we were not able to convert. this is what our players have to understand. chances to score are going to be very rare at the WC.

                either way, good job our boys and coaches.


                  PFDC forum never fails to deliver on the laughs with the shrieks of 2! and 1!!! ratings out of 10 for players who in reality have had a mediocre game
                  I thought it was a decent friendly played in very difficult conditions with 2 pretty well matched sides that could've gone either way

                  Positives: Great to see Shojaei back and actually even trying to track back For me he could be key in the Spain game to try and keep the ball when he can and take pressure off the defence. Amiri gets bashed on here, but no-one leads the high press better than him - when he was in front of MiMo Tunisia got no change out of them down their right.
                  ARJ looked far more lively than I've seen him for TM and Ghoddos also injected some urgency. Kaveh looks like he's also starting to blend into the attacking line up and I wouldn't be surprised to see him ahead of

                  Negatives: Our defence was much more vulnerable than usual (to be expected by testing our 4th and 5th/6th choice centre backs together) and really struggled with players running at them.
                  Also none of our central midfield players covered themselves in glory. Karimi for me is the one who behind Ezatollahi normally looks a class above but had a shocker today. I personally wouldn't rule out including Abdollahzadeh in the squad as yet - from what I've seen he offers more than both Ebrahimi and Hajsafi.

                  I personally suspect the front 4 (given their attributes of pressing, and ability to hit on the break) is what CQ was testing out as a potential to face Spain in the 2nd game, with Taremi-Ghoddos-ARJ-Azmoun being used in the key opener. As someone else mentioned he will no doubt spring some surprises but I have a hunch that Rezaei starting one of the games will be one of them.


                    Originally posted by persianallstars View Post
                    Amiri is a better version of Madanchi. It is true that he is a hard-working player and fights for the ball but he keeps his head down all the time and as fast as he wins the ball, he looses it nonetheless in the following scene..
                    Respectfully, I disagree. Madanchi was painful to watch (precisely for the reasons you mention above) and I resented every minute I had to watch him play in the WC. A 70% fit Zandi should've been playing ahead of him.

                    I don't have the stats but I would be very surprised to Amiri behind our other wide attacking mids in terms of their % pass completion and turnover. More often the times that he does give it away it's because he's just pressed the full back and won the ball back high up the pitch and is pressured straight away. He's strong and has far more game intelligence than people here give him credit for.


                      One option is move cheahmi to mid field. Jalal is gonna have to take over the defense anyway ..


                        I think we have no creative center backs who can lead and distribute the game. Our center backs just kick the ball long which is very sad. I never expected have or ansarifad or Gucci to win a ball in the air agiants any teams. We should have won this game.

                        I also think the line up was pretty bad. I think we could have won the game easy is we had our good players in.


                          One thing I don't understand is the hype around Cheshmi - I don't think he is bad, but he is easily 4th or 5th CB on the TM depth chart (which is why he played in a game like this).

                          He has physical tools, but he needs to work smarter on the pitch


                            Beiranvand - 8

                            Rezaeian - 3
                            Khanzadeh - 2
                            Cheshmi - 2
                            Mohammadi - 6

                            Hajsafi - 5
                            Karimi - 3
                            Shojaei - 6

                            Ansarifard - 4
                            Amiri - 3
                            Ghoochannejhad - 4


                            Montazeri - 2
                            Ebrahimi - 2
                            Ghoddos - 6.5
                            Torabi - 4
                            Jahanbakhsh - 7
                            K. Rezaei - 5.5


                              Actually this was a useful match for CQ to assess a lot of hyped up players like Cheshmi.
                              I'm not judging him by one game, but in THIS particular game, he was waaayyyy below par.

                              This was mostly a B team and we needed some warm up (am not counting that sill game last week as anything but practice session). So I dont agree with those who say it was useless.

                              lets not forget we could have well won the game had that penalty been given. And Tunisia is nothing to sneeze at. They are pretty good.

                              Lets see if we look more composed and incisive in the next game. If we do look more coordinated and fluid, then I'll be very happy.


                                Am I the only one not impressed by Beinavand's performance? I am not worried about his hands but his feet. He had a poor short pass in to the Right defender in the first half, almost lost the ball trying to dribble a person, and made another poor decision to pass the ball, one touch, this time to the left, with an an offensive player near by (I think was also the first half, and one slight mis-hit, and it would have landed at his feet). Not to mention the almost card. I would give him a 4 or a 5, and would be very nervous with him in the goal for a real game when he sees lots of action. I guess he's fine when there are no shots on goal.
                                زن زندگی آزادی

