We are happy to inform you that we have updated our logo. Our great member who is also a professional designer, Mr. Pendar Yousefi (legofish) from http://IranianApparel.com has provided our site with such a wonderful revamp of our previous logo. We would like to thank him for his incredible work of artistry and the amazing concept behind his design. Below you can find the full concept:
Also an especial thanks to our own great member Tehranto for his followups and the idea to change the logo. Thank you guys. You just made history as our logo has been the same for all these years. So cheers to your efforts to bring changes to PFDC. Because without you our great members, we would not be here today.
What is to be Persian?
Also an especial thanks to our own great member Tehranto for his followups and the idea to change the logo. Thank you guys. You just made history as our logo has been the same for all these years. So cheers to your efforts to bring changes to PFDC. Because without you our great members, we would not be here today.
What is to be Persian?