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U23- Games of the XXXII Olympiad
Uzbekistan u23 during last 10 games has scored in 9 games, and they hope to scored against Iran again. They have a solid defense and for Iran to score Mohebbi, Ghaedi and Sayadmanesh has to win their one-to-one match, and they need to get support from MF.
Face off
Mohhebi <==>Kobilov ( C)
Ghaedi <==> Kholiakbar
Sayadmanesh <==> Alikulov
Originally posted by GoIran View Post
10 out of the 23 players in the Syrian squad were born on January 1.
All except 3 were born in January
Originally posted by St_Mark View PostIran's 1st Goalkeeper Meraj Esmaeili will miss first game versus Uzbekistan due to injury.
Habib Far Abbasi will start on Thursday game.
He is shortest among GKs.
Far Abbasi
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Ok jokes aside hey is this team so damn unlucky their most talented Defender is injured (Taha) and their most consistent one has attitude issues, their first choice goalkeeper is injured now too and they have a shit coach. Such a bummer to see such a talented team have so many unfortunate events happening to them
Originally posted by JoojehKoobedeh2 View PostOk jokes aside hey is this team so damn unlucky their most talented Defender is injured (Taha) and their most consistent one has attitude issues, their first choice goalkeeper is injured now too and they have a shit coach. Such a bummer to see such a talented team have so many unfortunate events happening to them
Originally posted by MR.ESTESNAII View PostCrappy coach will get them nowhere. They won’t make it pass the first round
Originally posted by BacheLot View Posti can't be arsed to wake in middle of the night to watch the boys first game tomorrow ..... but if they surprise wake me with pleasing result, i may do so for the following matches..!!
best wishes ..... jang jang taa Piroozi..!!
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