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    So is Beita back on the plane heading to LAX?


      Originally posted by mahestan View Post
      So is Beita back on the plane heading to LAX?
      i think he never left LAX


        Have people forgotten how Seyed Jalal literally gifted a goal to Pjanic last World Cup??

        Just cuz he has a few sick performances against Al Gooz and Thailand doesn’t make him irreplaceable... and we’re gonna be playing Spain and Portugal which are very different to those teams


          Originally posted by PurePersian View Post
          Have people forgotten how Seyed Jalal literally gifted a goal to Pjanic last World Cup??
          Just cuz he has a few sick performances against Al Gooz and Thailand doesn’t make him irreplaceable... and we’re gonna be playing Spain and Portugal which are very different to those teams
          maybe so, but the guy in his place in KHANZADEH !

          I feel so bad for the 3 on standby, they all deserved to be in, and to see the retards in their place just tops it off. If the likes of gholizadeh, torabi, majid hosseini, cheshmi were left out, that we be more understandable bc they havent been in TM that long or played that many minutes, but these 3 guys were seemingly key players...


            Even if that list is our final list, Khandzadeh would be replacing Ghafouri. It's Hosseini who replaces Seyed Jalal. Jesus, anyone would think people don't even watch TM games yet still choose to lose their shit at this nonesense.


              Originally posted by Taz View Post
              Even if that list is our final list, Khandzadeh would be replacing Ghafouri. It's Hosseini who replaces Seyed Jalal. Jesus, anyone would think people don't even watch TM games yet still choose to lose their shit at this nonesense.
              I actually recognized that, but imo it should have been Vouria and Rezaeian at RB, PAG + Jalal + Montazeri + M. Hosseini at CB, and Milad at LB (with Gholizadeh,Hajsafi,Ramin all capable of playing backup in emergency)


                Originally posted by PurePersian View Post
                Have people forgotten how Seyed Jalal literally gifted a goal to Pjanic last World Cup??

                Just cuz he has a few sick performances against Al Gooz and Thailand doesn’t make him irreplaceable... and we’re gonna be playing Spain and Portugal which are very different to those teams
                No I haven´t and you are absolutely right. That mistake costed Iran a goal at a very crucial point and literally made it impossible to come back to the match. And it was one of them most brain dead mistakes I saw from a defender at that WC. It was a clear pass to a Bosnian attacker right in from of our goal!!!

                Zendeh bad IRAN
                Marg bar dictator


                  absence of our defensive stalwart and vouria are a major head scratchers and source of worry for me ...!!

                  NO ONE...!! Absolutely no one, including an inform PAG Organizes and and Leads our Backline better than Seyed Jalaal ..!
                  Also None other can even come close to his Mastery of hard-ass, physical man-marking and CLEARING of Aerial Threat sent in on on our goal from crosses, CKs, FKs and balls sent in over the top..!

                  not to mention his immense and invaluable experience and Leadership that he has displayed on the pitch every freaking time he has put on the TM shirt ..! Also his contribution offensively with many goals from set-pieces..! his distribution from the back leaves more to be desired but even at his older age there is nothing much else you can fault him on his performances..!
                  sure everyone wants to point out his very rare sub-par performance vs Bosnia...! but point me to any other other TM player, anywhere on the pitch, that has performed well More Consistently..!!??? I'm hard pressed to think of anyone..!?

                  also our Already somewhat suspect RWB position is now further put in major doubt with absence of Vouria..!!

                  I'm just hoping CQ has temporary has excluded them, in order to better test out the remaining players competing for their spot in the next couple of friendlies..?
                  in that case its very important for them not to go bitching about their exclusions in the media, cause this could also be an attempt by Carlos to test their resolve and dedication to his TM under his guidance..!!?


                    branko on Jalal's exclusion : "No comment". CQ has gotten this wrong imo, just as he has gotten wrong the exclusion of moharrami ( you mean to tell me khanzadeh is better than Moharrami and Vouria Ghafouri??), the constant inclusion of headless chicken amiri, and the inclusion of Gucci who hasnt contributed to TM since that qatar goal, but more meaningfully since that korea game 4 YEARS AGO. Its so weird that such mainstays of squad throughout qualifying would just be disrespected by CQ like this. I have to think there are non footballing reasons for this, or he plans on including them eventually but is just send wake up call to squad in general that everybody needs to up their fucking game ASAP, nobody is safe. If you have say replaced Jalal in the list (Majid Hosseini), then you better perform your ass off in the next two friendlies, you better be perfect. Khanzadeh, here is another chance for you mr retard, use that giant physique and put in a fitting performance. These are the only possible explanations bc in footballing terms his decision make little sense to anybody.


                      Originally posted by shahname View Post
                      No I haven´t and you are absolutely right. That mistake costed Iran a goal at a very crucial point and literally made it impossible to come back to the match. And it was one of them most brain dead mistakes I saw from a defender at that WC. It was a clear pass to a Bosnian attacker right in from of our goal!!!
                      Then get ready to see more of those by the likes of Khanzadeh in our defense. Even injury prone Montazeri can make those mistake now. Montazeri in last WC was rock solid but past 2-3 he has been constantly up and down while being injured most of the time. His current form in SS is not promising either. Vouria was our only defensive chance in RB and Jalal was our rock solid defense for a very long time in CB.


                        Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                        Then get ready to see more of those by the likes of Khanzadeh in our defense. Even injury prone Montazeri can make those mistake now. Montazeri in last WC was rock solid but past 2-3 he has been constantly up and down while being injured most of the time. His current form in SS is not promising either. Vouria was our only defensive chance in RB and Jalal was our rock solid defense for a very long time in CB.
                        vouria was excellent against russia on both defense and offense, and has been in the form of his life, its just so bizarre


                          Originally posted by PersianLegion View Post
                          Then get ready to see more of those by the likes of Khanzadeh in our defense. Even injury prone Montazeri can make those mistake now. Montazeri in last WC was rock solid but past 2-3 he has been constantly up and down while being injured most of the time. His current form in SS is not promising either. Vouria was our only defensive chance in RB and Jalal was our rock solid defense for a very long time in CB.
                          Khanzadeh most likely will be a substitute. And time will show. Don't forget S. Jalal is 36 years old!

                          Zendeh bad IRAN
                          Marg bar dictator


                            Originally posted by shahname View Post
                            Khanzadeh most likely will be a substitute. And time will show. Don't forget S. Jalal is 36 years old!
                            Jalal has been old for a long time, this isnt a new thing. He started all of our WCQ games except like 2, and started all recent major friendlies. It just dawned on CQ now that he might be too old and slow?


                              Originally posted by inarsenewetrust View Post
                              branko on Jalal's exclusion : "No comment". CQ has gotten this wrong imo, just as he has gotten wrong the exclusion of moharrami ( you mean to tell me khanzadeh is better than Moharrami and Vouria Ghafouri??), the constant inclusion of headless chicken amiri, and the inclusion of Gucci who hasnt contributed to TM since that qatar goal, but more meaningfully since that korea game 4 YEARS AGO. Its so weird that such mainstays of squad throughout qualifying would just be disrespected by CQ like this. I have to think there are non footballing reasons for this, or he plans on including them eventually but is just send wake up call to squad in general that everybody needs to up their fucking game ASAP, nobody is safe. If you have say replaced Jalal in the list (Majid Hosseini), then you better perform your ass off in the next two friendlies, you better be perfect. Khanzadeh, here is another chance for you mr retard, use that giant physique and put in a fitting performance. These are the only possible explanations bc in footballing terms his decision make little sense to anybody.
                              i honestly dont care what branko has to say


                                Hopefully this time CQ will come with an explanation unlike in 2014 where he didn't comment anything on Khalatbari.

