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    Originally posted by Saam View Post
    Key point, what he has done with SS. Ramin has been playing in a much harder league and his conditioning is probably a lot better as if it wasn't already considering he's a superior athlete. Also, he had a bad game against Tunisia if I remember correctly but besides that he's always put in a good shift for TM. I personally would prefer that he starts over Ghafouri.
    Im of the opposite view..! especially comparing the both of their performances in TM in recent games...!
    Vouria is far more stout and sound of a Defender while Ramin is more comfortable pushing up the wing and combining on the attacking front than tracking back on defense and his man marking and defensive qualities are a major downgrade to that of Vouria in my view..! both are average at best Crosser of the ball and its hard to claim one in better fitness than the other..!!? sure Ramin plays in a more professional league, but he is also frequently benched there and I think Vouria has an edge on starting and playing minutes and off course he is a regular at ACL as well..!
    and from my little following of Ramin's career in oostendeh even he gets lined up more frequently as a Right Winger than a Right Back..! so CQ's excuse for dumping vourisa again holds little water on that front either..!!
    I suppose Ramin pretty much gets the Nod by virtue of toughing it out in EU as opposed to taking the ea$ier rout of playing for Sorkhabi..!! but still I failed to comprehend why CQ couldn't make room for both, each for situational use, depending if the game required a better defender or a better attacking WB..!!
    and if you bring up Pejman as the supposed back up, then the Rejuvenation excuse of CQ again wouldn't hold any water..!!


      Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
      Im of the opposite view..! especially comparing the both of their performances in TM in recent games...!
      Vouria is far more stout and sound of a Defender while Ramin is more comfortable pushing up the wing and combining on the attacking front than tracking back on defense and his man marking and defensive qualities are a major downgrade to that of Vouria in my view..! both are average at best Crosser of the ball and its hard to claim one in better fitness than the other..!!? sure Ramin plays in a more professional league, but he is also frequently benched there and I think Vouria has an edge on starting and playing minutes and off course he is a regular at ACL as well..!
      and from my little following of Ramin's career in oostendeh even he gets lined up more frequently as a Right Winger than a Right Back..! so CQ's excuse for dumping vourisa again holds little water on that front either..!!
      I suppose Ramin pretty much gets the Nod by virtue of toughing it out in EU as opposed to taking the ea$ier rout of playing for Sorkhabi..!! but still I failed to comprehend why CQ couldn't make room for both, each for situational use, depending if the game required a better defender or a better attacking WB..!!
      and if you bring up Pejman as the supposed back up, then the Rejuvenation excuse of CQ again wouldn't hold any water..!!
      Somebody on Bigsoccer had the theory that CQ wanted only one offensive minded RB to be in the squad because against the teams like Spain and Portugal he wants to play one of Montazeri or Khanzadeh as a fully defensive fb that doesn’t venture forward and then having an overlapping right sided midfielder like Torabi or Dejagah who would combine with Jahanbakhsh down the right and then the right back just stays back to defend making it a 3-4-3 going forward. This makes a lot of sense and then you have only room for one offensive right back and I am not surprised it’s rezaeian who is much better going forward anyways. This makes a lot of sense and even clarifies his explanation for Ghafouri because it means that he didn’t want to give his tactics away before the tournament.


        Originally posted by Saam View Post
        Somebody on Bigsoccer had the theory that CQ wanted only one offensive minded RB to be in the squad because against the teams like Spain and Portugal he wants to play one of Montazeri or Khanzadeh as a fully defensive fb that doesn’t venture forward and then having an overlapping right sided midfielder like Torabi or Dejagah who would combine with Jahanbakhsh down the right and then the right back just stays back to defend making it a 3-4-3 going forward. This makes a lot of sense and then you have only room for one offensive right back and I am not surprised it’s rezaeian who is much better going forward anyways. This makes a lot of sense and even clarifies his explanation for Ghafouri because it means that he didn’t want to give his tactics away before the tournament.
        yea, like I mentioned in my earlier post, the only way these controversial omissions make sense is that CQ is trying to adapt our team to a 3 back system ..!?
        I suppose we may see such a somewhat drastic change to our defensive formation vs either Turkey or Greece ?? to at least see how it actually pans out..??
        trying to keep it a secret as a surprise factor for our WC group opponents is a big risk that may well blow in our faces..!! I'm not so sure it would be wise move..!!
        as they say, no sense changing something that works and our current defensive formation and tactics is really why we booked our ticket to Russia and really the only thing that makes our team a formidable side..!
        besides almost every time CQ has attempted any drastic changes to his usual 4231/4141 formation, it has backfired, and made us look like an amateur side ...!! so I have my reservations about taking such a risk at World Cup..!! at least I like to see it put to test in the upcoming friendlies first ..! and I have a feeling we well witness it, otherwise why would he even still keep an recall list on the side..! ?


          Originally posted by BacheLot View Post
          yea, like I mentioned in my earlier post, the only way these controversial omissions make sense is that CQ is trying to adapt our team to a 3 back system ..!?
          I suppose we may see such a somewhat drastic change to our defensive formation vs either Turkey or Greece ?? to at least see how it actually pans out..??
          trying to keep it a secret as a surprise factor for our WC group opponents is a big risk that may well blow in our faces..!! I'm not so sure it would be wise move..!!
          as they say, no sense changing something that works and our current defensive formation and tactics is really why we booked our ticket to Russia and really the only thing that makes our team a formidable side..!
          besides almost every time CQ has attempted any drastic changes to his usual 4231/4141 formation, it has backfired, and made us look like an amateur side ...!! so I have my reservations about taking such a risk at World Cup..!! at least I like to see it put to test in the upcoming friendlies first ..! and I have a feeling we well witness it, otherwise why would he even still keep an recall list on the side..! ?
          I didn’t say we are switching to a 3-back. I am saying he needs a right back that stays back like how he used Montazeri in the last World Cup while Heydari was a defensive eighth midfielder. The difference is this time, he is doing it to allow two right-sided players to overlap in a 4-3-3. He has been working on the offensive 4-3-3 for a while-since the friendlies following the qualifiers.


            Regardless of what is it is, I promise CQ is going to bamboozle all of us when we hear the lineup on June 15th

            I know he has a plan, and can honestly say that I rate majid Hosseini as a fantastic young talent, along with PAG are the only center backs in Iran able to fill and perhaps even exceed the shoes of Hosseini and montazeri

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            AKP Parti, Turkiye - Haj Bernie Sandersoglu


              I think the bottom line is that just about every world cup list by every country as far as I can remember has involved controversial picks and omissions. In the 98 World Cup, Aime Jaquet dropped the two best French footballers of that generation, Cantona and Ginola, when both were still in their prime and even more famous than Zidane at the time. He also picked a 20 year old winger named Henry and started him as forward despite his little experience in that position. The rest is history!

              Of course this doesn't mean that every controversial decision is automatically correct. But what should always be taken into account is the coach's track record; whether or not his "gambles" have paid off before, and whether or not his decisions that at the time didn't make sense ended up making sense later on. For CQ, the net answer is YES. This is a guy who turned Pouladi from an average defensive midfielder into one of the world cup's best leftbacks. He turned another defensive midfielder Pouraliganji into the new version of Jalal Hosseini in the heart of our defense. He found a gem like Torabi when he was a bench warmer for Saipa and started an 18 year old Ezatollahi in a role where he's now so indispensable that trying to replace him for just one match is a dilemma!

              Saam already offered a great theory as to why Rezaeian was preferred to Ghafouri. Now as for Jalal Hosseini: he has been a rock for Perspolis in the domestic and Asian leagues, that's very true. But we're not going up against Padideh and Al-Sad in the World Cup. We're facing three high pressure matches in a short span, two of them against attacking lineups comparable to those of Brazil and Argentina, with fitness and conditioning second to none. Now consider that four years ago, by the third match most of our team including Hosseini had run out of gas. What makes you think he would be in better shape against arguably tougher competition now that he's four years older??... If he was out of gas by the Bosnia match as a 32 year old, what makes you think he'll fare better against Portugal as a 36 year old?...

              I remind you once again: CQ SEES THESE GUYS IN PRACTICE AND WE DON'T. And he's earned enough capital in the last seven years for us to trust his judgment. Let's enjoy this ride while it lasts.


                Originally posted by krol View Post
                I think the bottom line is that just about every world cup list by every country as far as I can remember has involved controversial picks and omissions. In the 98 World Cup, Aime Jaquet dropped the two best French footballers of that generation, Cantona and Ginola, when both were still in their prime and even more famous than Zidane at the time. He also picked a 20 year old winger named Henry and started him as forward despite his little experience in that position. The rest is history!

                Of course this doesn't mean that every controversial decision is automatically correct. But what should always be taken into account is the coach's track record; whether or not his "gambles" have paid off before, and whether or not his decisions that at the time didn't make sense ended up making sense later on. For CQ, the net answer is YES. This is a guy who turned Pouladi from an average defensive midfielder into one of the world cup's best leftbacks. He turned another defensive midfielder Pouraliganji into the new version of Jalal Hosseini in the heart of our defense. He found a gem like Torabi when he was a bench warmer for Saipa and started an 18 year old Ezatollahi in a role where he's now so indispensable that trying to replace him for just one match is a dilemma!

                Hosseini has been a rock for Perspolis in the domestic and Asian leagues, that's very true. But we're not going up against Padideh and Al-Sad in the World Cup. We're facing three high pressure matches in a short span, two of them against attacking lineups comparable to those of Brazil and Argentina, with fitness and conditioning second to none. Now consider that four years ago, by the third match most of our team including Hosseini had run out of gas. What makes you think he would be in better shape against arguably tougher competition now that he's four years older??... If he was out of gas by the Bosnia match as a 32 year old, what makes you think he'll fare better against Portugal as a 36 year old?...

                I remind you once again: CQ SEES THESE GUYS IN PRACTICE AND WE DON'T. And he's earned enough capital in the last seven years for us to trust his judgment. Let's enjoy this ride while it lasts.
                i agreee totally with you
                1. we are not there CQ is
                2. seyed jalal has become slower since he aged, he has to accept it
                3. other national teams have the same issue(england, france(ribery not even in 35) ,argentina, belgium). this is not only iran issue.
                4. trust CQ and let him do his work well and have faith in tm


                  Schafer :
                  In response to misrepresentation of Schafer decision regarding Vouria, Schafer explained.
                  He defended Vouria and talked about his quality as a defender. He also showed his dismay of TM coach putting pressure against his player before an important game.

                  در ارتباط با ووریا وینفرد شفر در گفت و گو با سایت باشگاه استقلال پاسخ محترمانه ای به اظهارات کارلوس کی روش داد

                  غفوری در 85 درصد بازی ها در پست دفاع راست بازی کرد

                  در هشتاد و پنج درصد مسابقات ما وریا غفوری به عنوان مدافع راست بازی کرد. هر کسی که مسابقات لیگ را پیگیری و تماشا کرده باشد از این نکته آگاه است. به علاوه اینکه این مشخص بود ما برخی مواقع به دلیل مصدومیت بازیکنان مان از وریا به عنوان وینگر راست استفاده کردیم. مهم تر از همه چیز کیفیت خارق العاده وریا غفوری است. او به خوبی نقش یک دفاع راست را با عملکردی مدرن و محکم به نمایش گذاشت. این موضوع برای تحت فشار قرار دادن حریف و توانایی ایجاد موقعیت بیشتر برای تیم بسیار ضروری است. در سال های گذشته فوتبال تغییرات بسیار مهمی داشته است. بهترین راه برای خارج کردن یک مدافع چپ تهاجمی در جریان مسابقه یک مدافع راست محکم و تهاجمی است. همانطور که بازیکنانی مانند کیمیچ و مارسلو فقط عقب نمی ایستند که دفاع کنند و رو به جلو بازی می کنند. چنین کاری متعلق به گذشته است و وریا فوتبال مدرنی بازی می کند. او بسیار پیشرفت کرده و این خیلی خوب است.

                  تیم ملی بازیکنان من را تحت فشار قرار داد

                  من ناراحت و نا امید شدم؛ به خاطر اینکه تیم ملی بازیکن من را پس از بازی با الهلال تحت فشار گذاشت، بعد از این بازی او و استقلال را تحت فشار گذاشتند، از مسیری که به نظر من غیر منصفانه، خارج از شرایط همکاری و مضر برای ما و بازیکن ما بود اما آن مساله متعلق به گذشته است. من امیدوارم ما در آینده با هم همکاری داشته باشیم به خاطر اینکه این بهترین کار برای فوتبال ایران است و من باور دارم همه ما یعنی تیم ملی و باشگاه ها یک هدف را دنبال می کنیم که پیشرفت فوتبال ایران است.ما می توانیم این کار را فقط با هم و با همکاری هم انجام دهیم نه اینکه علیه یکدیگر باشیم.


                    1. The 23 man squad rule is bullshit. Every country is leaving SOME legend or SOME promising young player at home. All they have to do is increase it by 3 or 4 .
                    One thing that will not change is 11 play. But the negative MEDIA talk will be avoided in the weeks before the first match. Simple fix which would also allow some BIG names to BE in the squad and IF the manager has a change of philosophy after any game, at least the player is IN CAMP and can be included.
                    2. The decision has been made. Hosseini is on the stand-by list. CQ played both last week. They were on the bubble. They didn't do enough to convince him they should be included. He is the manager. His decision is final and ought to be respected. If he is wrong, HE is the one who will be blamed.
                    3. A part of me wants to think, his focus is solely on getting 3 points vs. Morocco. After that, depending if Spain v Portugal ends in a draw, we MAY BE ABLE to get to the second round with only 2 more points out of a possible six.
                    What do you all think ?


                      Originally posted by val
                      فقط یک نکته در مورد «کریم انصاری*فرد» وجود دارد. او در تمام سال*های زندگی*اش پستی جز نوک حمله بازی نکرده و شاید هم نخواهد کرد
                      This is simply not true. Karim has played more as a winger for CQ than anything. In the crucial away match against Qatar he was a key player and certainly not as the center forward.


                        «کارلوس کی روش» لیست اولیه اش را با ۲۴ بازیکن اعلام کرد. تصور اولیه این است که فهرست ۲۴ نفره برای فدراسیون جهانی فوتبال ارسال شد. اما در حقیقت این یک فهرست داخلی بود. کارایی*اش هم در دو وجه متفاوت تعریف می*شود. اول اینکه مسافران اردوی ترکیه مشخص می*شوند و دوم محک زدن فضای نقد در جامعه فوتبال ایران.
                        این پرابهام ترین لیست هفت سال اخیر «کارلوس کی روش» برای تیم ملی ایران بود. فضا وقتی بیشتر گرگ*ومیش می*شود که به یاد می*آوریم سرمربی تیم ملی ایران، احتمالاً بعد از روسیه، روی نیمکت تیم ملی نخواهد نشست. هم خودش ساز جدایی را کوک کرده، هم می*توان با ابهام*های لیست ۲۴ نفره تیم ملی ایران، خط به خط جلو رفت.


                        فدراسیون جهانی فوتبال اعلام کرده بود تیم*های حاضر در جام جهانی ۲۰۱۸ از فهرست ۳۵ نفره اولیه*ای*شان باید روی نام ۱۲ نفر خط بکشند و تا تاریخ ۴ ژوئن (۱۴ خرداد) فهرست ۲۳ نفره نهایی*شان را به فیفا ارائه کنند. بعد از آن تاریخ، تیم*ها تنها درصورتی*که یکی از بازیکنان*شان مصدوم شوند در یک بازه زمانی ۲۴ ساعته می*توانند یک نفر را به فهرست*شان اضافه کنند و تغییر دیگری در کار نخواهد بود. آن یک تغییر هم باید به تأیید کمیته پزشکی فدراسیون جهانی فوتبال می*رسید. یعنی ظرف ۲۴ ساعت مدارک پزشکی بازیکن مصدوم برای تیم پزشکی فیفا ارسال شود، همان روز اگر مصدومیت بازیکن تأیید می*شد، یک بازیکن از لیست «استندبای» به تیم اصلی می*رسید.

                        پس تیم ملی ایران هم فرصت دارد که لیست نهایی اش را روز چهارم ژوئن برای فدراسیون جهانی فوتبال ارسال کند. اما «کارلوس کی روش» لیست اولیه اش را با ۲۴ بازیکن اعلام کرد. تصور اولیه این است که فهرست ۲۴ نفره برای فدراسیون جهانی فوتبال ارسال شد. اما در حقیقت این یک فهرست داخلی بود. کارایی*اش هم در دو وجه متفاوت تعریف می*شود. اول اینکه مسافران اردوی ترکیه مشخص می*شوند و دوم محک زدن فضای نقد در جامعه فوتبال ایران.

                        این پرابهام ترین لیست هفت سال اخیر «کارلوس کی روش» برای تیم ملی ایران بود. فضا وقتی بیشتر گرگ*ومیش می*شود که به یاد می*آوریم سرمربی تیم ملی ایران، احتمالاً بعد از روسیه، روی نیمکت تیم ملی نخواهد نشست. هم خودش ساز جدایی را کوک کرده، هم می*توان با ابهام*های لیست ۲۴ نفره تیم ملی ایران، خط به خط جلو رفت.

                        درون دروازه، ترافیک آن قدر زیاد هست که کسی به کنار گذاشتن «سیدحسین حسینی» اشاره نکند. دروازه*بان استقلال، این فصل رکورد «کلین شیت» یا بسته نگه داشتن دروازه را شکست. این رکورد، توام با ضمانتی برای حضور درون دروازه تیم ملی نیست، اما کنار ماندن از فهرست تیم ملی را هم کمی عجیب می*کند. بیرانوند فصلی پرنوسان داشت، رشید مظاهری شاید بهترین سال زندگی*اش را در ذوب*آهن تجربه کرد و «امیرعابدزاده» سورپرایز کی روش است که از باشگاه «ماریتیمو» در لیگ پرتغال می*آید؛ لیگ کشور سرمربی تیم ملی ایران.

                        خط دفاعی، مبهم*ترین قطعه از پازل لیست تیم ملی ایران است. انتخاب سیدمجید حسینی، میلاد محمدی، مرتضی پورعلی*گنجی، پژمان منتظری و روزبه چشمی قابل پیش*بینی بود. اما خط خوردن «وریا غفوری» که بی تردید بهترین دفاع راست لیگ ایران و شاید بهترین بازیکن فصل اخیر بود و همین طور «سیدجلال حسینی» که نمایشی خارق العاده در پرسپولیس داشت، باورنکردنی به نظر می*رسد. در عوض، «علی قلی زاده» که ذاتاً یک هافبک میانی است برای دفاع راست انتخاب شده. گزینه اول را هم مانند همیشه «رامین رضاییان» می*بینیم.

                        رامین، فصلی پر سقوط و افول را پشت سر گذاشته است. او به باشگاه «اوستنده» بلژیک رفت و خیلی زود به دلیل اشتباهاتش نیمکت نشین شد. رامین رضاییان فقط ۱۵ بار برای این تیم به میدان رفته است، ۱۰ بار در لیگ، ۳ بار در جام حذفی و دو بار در لیگ اروپا. بیرون ماندن کامل وریا غفوری شاید دلایلی غیرفنی داشته باشد.

                        گزینه دیگر، «محمد خانزاده» مدافع تیم پدیده مشهد است که جای «جلال حسینی» را در خط دفاعی تیم ملی گرفت. از خط دفاعی تیمی که بهترین آمار گل خورده لیگ ایران را به*دست آورد، هیچ بازیکنی در خط دفاعی تیم ملی ایران نخواهد داشت.

                        در مورد خط دفاعی تیم ملی، می*توان به جملات «کارلوس کی روش» طی دو ماه اخیر رجوع کرد. جایی که مثلاً با طعنه*ای عجیب در بیانیه خود نوشت: «زمان عذرخواهی از بازیکنان تیم ملی است. زیرا آن*ها نیازی به یک برنامه ویژه برای آماده*سازی در راه جام جهانی ندارند و ما برای رویارویی با رونالدو، ایسکو و دیگر بازیکنان آماده هستیم.»

                        این واکنشی بود به گل رویایی «کریستیانو رونالدو» مقابل یوونتوس. کی روش یک روز بعد از این بیانیه به خبرنگاران گفت: «در لیگ ایران چند بازیکن داریم که بتوانند با رونالدو به هوا بپرند؟»

                        کی روش حالا خانزاده از تیم پدیده را به جلال حسینی ترجیح داده و همین طور قلی زاده که برای تیم علی دایی به*عنوان هافبک میانی بازی می*کند را به دفاع راست برده است. آیا خانزاده در پدیده مشهد برای پریدن در قد و قواره رونالدو آماده شده است؟

                        میانه زمین سورپرایزی وجود ندارد. حاج صفی، انصاری*فرد، مسعود شجاعی، ترابی، امید ابراهیمی و عزت*اللهی دعوت*شدگان میانه زمین هستند. فقط یک نکته در مورد «کریم انصاری*فرد» وجود دارد. او در تمام سال*های زندگی*اش پستی جز نوک حمله بازی نکرده و شاید هم نخواهد کرد. بازی با ازبکستان هم در پیشانی خط حمله بود. فصلی که تمام شد، عنوان دومین گلزن لیگ یونان را به دست آورد و حالا در جمع هافبک*های تیم ملی قرار گرفته است. شاید به این دلیل که قرار است یکی از خط خورده*های احتمالی باشد. از این لیست باید یک نفر دیگر خارج شود.

                        اما در خط حمله، جای خالی «کاوه رضایی» را به خوبی حس می*کنیم. جهانبخش، دژاگه، طارمی، قوچان نژاد، قدوس و آزمون نفرات دعوت شده برای آرایشی هستند که با دو مهاجم کاذب و یک مهاجم نوک شکل می*گیرد. در این فهرست، سردار آزمون این فصل برای «روبین کازان» روسیه فقط ۴ بار در لیگ و یک بار هم در جام حذفی گلزنی کرد. آن*طرف «کاوه رضایی» با ۱۲ گل در «شارلوا» بلژیک بهترین بازیکن تیمش بود.

                        مناقشه در مورد لیست*های تیم ملی، طبیعی و همیشگی است. در پرتغال برای خط خوردن نام «آندره گومس» هافبک بارسلونا یا «نلسون سمدو» و «ژوائو کانسلو» دو مدافع راست بارسلونا و اینترمیلان هم فریادهایی وجود داشت. اما این دو نفر لااقل بازی و رقابت را به «سدریک سوارس» باختند که یک فصل رؤیایی را در دفاع راست «ساوتهمپتون» تجربه کرده بود. در فهرست کارلوس کی روش، قیاس کیفیت بعضی از بازیکنان دعوت شده با تعدادی از خط خورده*ها، آزاردهنده به نظر می*رسد.

                        این فهرست تا روز چهاردهم خردادماه قابل*تغییر است. سیدجلال حسینی، وریا غفوری، سیدحسین حسینی و کاوه رضایی شانس رسیدن به روسیه را روی کاغذ دارند. اما این اقبال، فقط روی کاغذ باقی می*ماند. بازیکنانی که به اردوی ترکیه نمی*روند، چرا باید مسافر روسیه شوند؟ برای اردوی ترکیه، هیچ محدودیتی در اعزام وجود نداشت.
                        چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                          TM list

                          Originally posted by krol View Post
                          This is simply not true. Karim has played more as a winger for CQ than anything. In the crucial away match against Qatar he was a key player and certainly not as the center forward.
                          Dear friend
                          I wish I wrote the article to replay back to you on what you correctly addressed

                          My take away from this entire unofficial list is the fact that CQ has a trick up on his sleeve and will bring back ghafouri rezaie and jalal hosseini and maybe even hosseini the goal keeper
                          And if the above is an extreme assumption, to be conservative he will only bring back jalal hosseini

                          His justification was very poor which to me shows he has an agenda, also he said he is worried for the next generation of Iranian football after the world cup and referred to the asian cup games, while he said last week he will not stay “in a month you can have the team” replying to ghalenoeie

                          All of it to me is that he will stay after the world cup and also he will invite back jalal hosseini and maybe couple more from his standby list for the world cup

                          In my opinion he is playing some major psychological game with everyone (fans, players,opponents)

                          I consider him one of the smartest foxes one can come across

                          I can not and will not consider this list final until june 7th, historically he has shown that he is a man of extreme surprises and he loves to surprise everyone until the last minute, lets just chill everyone and wait until the final moment
                          چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                            Originally posted by H.Behzadi FAN View Post
                            1. The 23 man squad rule is bullshit. Every country is leaving SOME legend or SOME promising young player at home. All they have to do is increase it by 3 or 4 .
                            One thing that will not change is 11 play. But the negative MEDIA talk will be avoided in the weeks before the first match. Simple fix which would also allow some BIG names to BE in the squad and IF the manager has a change of philosophy after any game, at least the player is IN CAMP and can be included.
                            2. The decision has been made. Hosseini is on the stand-by list. CQ played both last week. They were on the bubble. They didn't do enough to convince him they should be included. He is the manager. His decision is final and ought to be respected. If he is wrong, HE is the one who will be blamed.
                            3. A part of me wants to think, his focus is solely on getting 3 points vs. Morocco. After that, depending if Spain v Portugal ends in a draw, we MAY BE ABLE to get to the second round with only 2 more points out of a possible six.
                            What do you all think ?
                            Even if you increase it to 50, there will still be people not happy about 3 or 4 players getting excluded. So increasing it won't matter. FIFA has to limit the numbers and the date for submission of the list given that you have many teams, some of which have players that are not known to the world. These players have to be screened for their nationality, suspensions and other eligibility factors. If teams are allowed to shuffle players in and out at the last minute, it makes it impossible to track every player and enforce rules.
                            “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                              Originally posted by val View Post
                              Dear friend
                              I wish I wrote the article to replay back to you on what you correctly addressed

                              My take away from this entire unofficial list is the fact that CQ has a trick up on his sleeve and will bring back ghafouri rezaie and jalal hosseini and maybe even hosseini the goal keeper
                              And if the above is an extreme assumption, to be conservative he will only bring back jalal hosseini

                              His justification was very poor which to me shows he has an agenda, also he said he is worried for the next generation of Iranian football after the world cup and referred to the asian cup games, while he said last week he will not stay “in a month you can have the team” replying to ghalenoeie

                              All of it to me is that he will stay after the world cup and also he will invite back jalal hosseini and maybe couple more from his standby list for the world cup

                              In my opinion he is playing some major psychological game with everyone (fans, players,opponents)

                              I consider him one of the smartest foxes one can come across

                              I can not and will not consider this list final until june 7th, historically he has shown that he is a man of extreme surprises and he loves to surprise everyone until the last minute, lets just chill everyone and wait until the final moment

                              Dear Val.

                              You said:

                              My take away from this entire unofficial list is the fact that CQ has a trick up on his sleeve and will bring back ghafouri rezaie and jalal hosseini and maybe even hosseini the goal keeper
                              And if the above is an extreme assumption, to be conservative he will only bring back jalal hosseini


                              It's not unofficial. It was published by IFF and their official site.
                              What you called FACT is just an assumption in your part , more like a wishful thinking. You did not offer any proof backing up your FACT.

                              In my opinion he is playing some major psychological game with everyone
                              (fans, players,opponents


                              Is he sick individual doing that sort of sick tricks hurting many including players , fans , president &....?

                              Dear , Sometimes simple explanation is the best . This is his selection and choice. Some of us may disagree with his choice or reasoning but in the end we wish him to do well and make us all happy.
                              He want to do well and intentionally won't compromise his best choices against his best pro judgement.
                              Just like everyone else if he had made a mistake he will pay for it if not fans will love him more.

                              and correct date is 4th at the latest and not 7th.


                                TM list

                                Originally posted by St_Mark View Post

                                Dear Val.

                                You said:

                                It's not unofficial. It was published by IFF and their official site.
                                What you called FACT is just an assumption in your part , more like a wishful thinking. You did not offer any proof backing up your FACT.


                                Is he sick individual doing that sort of sick tricks hurting many including players , fans , president &....?

                                Dear , Sometimes simple explanation is the best . This is his selection and choice. Some of us may disagree with his choice or reasoning but in the end we wish him to do well and make us all happy.
                                He want to do well and intentionally won't compromise his best choices against his best pro judgement.
                                Just like everyone else if he had made a mistake he will pay for it if not fans will love him more.

                                and correct date is 4th at the latest and not 7th.
                                Dear friend,

                                Please pay attention to the following

                                the reason I said its unofficial was not because of where it was released from, but rather of timing, the lists by all teams can only become the official list only by the final day which FIFA has allocated as the due date which is June 4th(thanks for the correction of the date) any list before then can be subject to change therefore if its not final its not official , having 4 standby players is also another proof that the list is not final and this entire unusual list with 4 best players on standby to me is a fact that he is playing a psychological trick

                                Also in the beginning of my paragraph I did mention “my take away”, and below it at the end of my paragraph I did write “my assumption” but you deliberately decided to take a sentence out of my paragraph and avoided the entire context to suggest that I am delusional

                                Also the contrary to my assumption mentioned originally is your assumption, and that is the list is final and he will not take any of the 4 players on standby

                                Again at this point your view is also an assumption,(your assumption)

                                Which I understand and still consider as a possibility to happen which is why at the end I wrote :

                                I can not and will not consider this list final until june 7th, historically he has shown that he is a man of extreme surprises and he loves to surprise everyone until the last minute, lets just chill everyone and wait until the final moment

                                My friend, don’t forget this following sentence from me—-> in life you can be hopeful until you have not reached the end,

                                in the above case we have not reached the end, I would be delusional if it was june5th and I wrote the previous post

                                Also in regards to your other comment wether he is sick or not to play psychological games
                                I have to say no, he is not crazy, coaches often play many tricks to motivate players or to keep them on their feet until the last minute, which creates a competitive environment which the team eventually benefits greatly from

                                High caliber coaches like CQ do not look at matters black and white , they have extensive psychological training and have learned many tricks for motivating their players and mislead their opponents, they know and can see how players can get comfortable with their sure presence therefore in order to break their sense of entitlement to the line up he creates a fear environment for players to know their place, also same thing applies to fans, because the fans expect to see player A or B or certain type of format of play to be implemented against a certain team but such shock therapy will shut down every form of expectation

                                As I said it in my previous posts in the past few days, I have full trust inCQ’s intelligence experience and decision making, even if he doesn’t take any of the standby players, his surprise list has definitely worked so far in tumbling down everyone’s expectations

                                Hopefully my explanation above opens few other possibilities in your mind and other good members like you that think the same way as you do

                                Its not final, until its final so lets just wait

                                The good thing about my post is both of us hope that I am right and you are wrong looool

                                Good day to you sir
                                چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد

