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Friendly: Turkey - Iran; Info, Updates and Live Reports (28.05.2018)

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    I'm really sorry in advance if this is going to offend some people but since we qualified for the WC, I haven't seen anything from TM tactically that sets it apart from the times where we had the crappiest coaches [disclaimer: I didn't watch the full match against Uzbekistan].

    Until we qualified, everything was fantastic and I was really counting on us going to the 2nd round but now it's just back to "ali asghari" tactics. There's the occasional moment of gheyrat and individual talent, but that's about it.

    We are [I'm really sorry but in reality CQ] is too ill-prepared for the matches, way too slow to adjust to our opponents and it's like he's given these guys a ball and just told them to go out there and have some fun.

    We've actually been worse in the 2nd half [coach's half] of every match and for all our sake I really hope he pulls himself together and turns this match around and is a bit more creative and imaginative and less predictable and rigid going forward.


      Portugal leading Tunisia by one goal after 30min

      Italy 1 -0 Saudi


        Shojaei offers nothing to the team, absolutely nothing!!! Just like 2014 WC.


          Shojaei slowing down the pace of your buildup with his play... Love the spirit of Rezaian and Mimo. Ansarifard does not work as a midfield player..


            Originally posted by metallica69 View Post
            It’s difficult to judge anything from these friendlies, what I take away so far from the game is that CQ is still not sure about a few players.

            It really pisses me off that the Saudis are playing Italy, the first team of Italy
            The Saudis could play friendly matches against the likes of Brazil and Italy for the whole year and they will still not advance in which group whatsoever. The same counts for Iran. We absolutely lack the quality to even think about advancing in the group we have been put in.


              Originally posted by saeed_noro View Post
              actually, we have too much strikers on the pitch, which can not strike because nobody can deliver really good, nobody is left.

              for me it is clear: Ansarifard for me is a Number 9 forward, CENTER FORWARD! HIM OR AZMOUN!. Together is too much.
              Taremi is also a striker, but he can play around Azmoun or coming from the left to the center, if we attack from the right with jahanbakhsh and rezaein. also milad mohamadi and hajsafi can overtake the left wing in attack.

              We lacked combination and passes, but we become better and better...hope we can continue and make more pressure and score for the fans. they were so loud, dameshun garm, overtake istanbul bul bul buuuuul...

              now i want a goal.
              cq want to test karim, and see if he wants to use him or not, i want to see ghoddos and ashkan second half, ghoddos for taremi, ashkan for karim


                Iran playing ok. Overall as good or better than turkey. The fact that we are building up right from back through shojaie rather than hoofing the ball up. Some passes falling short but that will improve. Iran goal will come.


                  hajsafi consistently disappointing


                    CQ has some bad favorites like Shojaei and Amiri,


                      We need a speedy Torabi and an imaginative Ghoddos to come in.


                        Originally posted by Sarbaze-Vatan View Post
                        I do not understand the idea of using Ansarifard as CM. It totally unbalanced the team in the first half. We need a midfielder instead of him. Cheshmi is not CB. He is much better as DM.
                        yea man
                        sick and tired of seeing Ansarifard underperform and bam he is again in the fking starting lineup of our next match..!!
                        tired, tired, tired of carlos moving him all over the damn offensive front just to accommodate an at best avg player into our starting line up ...!!


                          Originally posted by rayshirazi View Post
                          Don`t understand how you guys can say Shojaei plays bad? He is the most creative player we have. Ansarifard sucks he is a pure tap in striker. Hope Queiroz change him with Ghoddos in 2nd half.
                          You have to watch his movement off the ball to appreciate - he doesn't move, he creates gaps by losing his position. I agree that he is creative but he doesn't fit the tight system that CQ plays and we lose our shape with him.

                          In the WC2014 world cup everyone was shouting fohsheh khar madar against him because he strolled for all 3 games when the other 9 outfield players were running and fighting. It wasn't pretty, trust me. I was tellilng some of the guys to chill out.


                            Takeaways from the first half:

                            Beiro is doing really well, and this is a good match to test his confidence and skills. He has done a great job, and now we finally can say we have found our #1 keeper. He has a lot of potential to move towards Europe after the World Cup, and he performs better on the big stage when he faces stronger opponents.

                            Cheshmi is ass (along with Khanzadeh), Reazian (I repeat again) is not a defender by any means, he is a wing player and does not have the confidence to play in the back. This game is a great test for our defense because we truly got exposed the first 25-30 minutes. We only played well for 15 minutes and that is unacceptable especially when we play against the likes of Portugal and Spain. CQ needs to figure out a better dynamic in the back, and stop "trying out" people with almost 15 days left. POURI and Milad are okay, but still are performing to the level that we see them perform. He has to try out Hosseini and Golizadeh in this upcoming half for defense. I am glad we got scored on because teams like Turkey will annihilate us when we are under pressure.

                            Up front, other than that simple one-on-one miss from Hajsafi, everyone is doing well. Technically, a few of our players need to be better, and the passing is a little off. Shojaei is GOOD, for those that say he is not. If you know soccer, this guy calms down the defense and plays strategically. He knows when we are timid to attack or play defense. Without a doubt he deserves a spot in the WC. Ghoddos has to play, he must start for us in the WC!


                              Cheshmi sucks. Not in that position.


                                Originally posted by Kas-r View Post
                                Shojaei is one of the worst players on the pitch. Senseless and dangerous dribbles near our own box, no pace whatsoever and poor combinations with our other players. He is walking around like he is Pirlo in his last years.

                                He should get dropped from this squad.
                                I disagree, he is so calm with the ball his passes is beautiful. He should start togheter with Hajsafi in WC.

