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Queiroz defends his decisions about Team Melli’s squad

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    i think only vouria ghafouri's exclusion is impossible to understand from any angle.

    the other 3, although debatable, can somehow still be acceptable for various reasons and a coach's personal choice.
    Originally posted by siavasharian

    بهترین خط دفاع.بهترین خط حمله.ثبت رکورد بیشترین گل زده.پر امتیاز ترین تیم ادوار لیگ برتر با ۴۰۹ امتیاز.پر افتخار ترین مربی لیگ برتر با دو قهرمانی
    بهترین گلزن لیگ: آرش برهانی [استقلال] با ۲۱ گل زدهبهترین خط حمله: استقلال تهران با ۷۰ گل زده


      Originally posted by Babak agha View Post
      Yeah I definitely will pay attention when you post something football related from now on.......
      Ah selective hearing. Where is thy echo chamber? As a Man UTD fan yes Van Gaal was absolute trash.
      What about Icardi and Argentina? Much more controversial than any of ours.

      Are CQs choices controversial? Yes. Are there pros/cons? yes.

      If he plays Ghafouri at RB its undeniable we will be more exposed on counters vs Asencio/Ronaldo than if he chose a more defensive option. We will attack more yes, but may concede more.For the record I disagree with CQ on this one and think he should be in squad, not a starter.

      As for Hosseini, its left to see if its the right call. Its tough to say if Hosseini would get exposed for speed and reaction time against Ronaldo/Bernardo Silva/Isco/Asencio. We will see if its the right or wrong call.

      But yes lets jump on the wagon of firing CQ less than 3 weeks before the WC. I'm sure Ghalenoei or Branko will do a better job in 3 weeks. Lets call up Alavi and Mahmoud Fekri up again.

      Some of you guys dont understand mind games when CQ bashes Irans structure/organization.

      Then recommend he be brutally honest and bash players for their attributes. Like that will help anything. The only players on our team with the jambeh for that are Jahanbakhsh and Mohammadi lol

      You would prefer to be the type to go on forums and trash talk Mexicans and Bosnians about how we will wreck them and then dahanemoon service mishe.
      Last edited by perspolis#1; 05-23-2018, 07:16 AM.


        Originally posted by Babak agha View Post
        1. He does not need to defend, he is the coach and it's his decision. He just needs to elaborate on it so we understand his reasons.
        2. Both reasons given were BS amateur talk.
        Age on its own is not a factor. Tyson was the heavy weight champion of the world at 20, George Foreman was heavyweight at 45. Buffon is 40 and is still a better goalie than most goalies will ever be, Ronaldo is 33 and is fitter and faster than most 18 year old payers would ever be, Roger Milla was 42 during the world cup.
        So the "argument" that Hosseini is old and we need to give the young people a chance is something that one might let slide when our so called experts here on this forum use, but from a professional coach you can expect more. Just say what's wrong with Hossein and how the others selected are better. Is it too hard to say he is slower, he doesn't have acceleration, he doesn't have stamina, he is short, he can't jump, he.....give a valid argument and people will accept (well knowing Iranians.... )
        I seem to miss his explanation about Ghaffouri, beside the fact that he acts like a spoiled little girl and trying to discredit/blame Schaefer for not listening to the sarvare bachehaye PFDC H.I.H CQ. Kia used to play RB for his club but was playing RW/RM for TM. CQ himself keeps playing people on different spots than they do for their clubs. So it's not an argument.
        Why doesn't he say that Ghaffouri is not a good defender, let his man go, can't tackle, can't pressure, doesn't cover CBs etc. etc. Don't give me the BS that the keyboard warriors of PDFC throw around to justify something. Give me your professional reasoning based on your experience and analysis.
        If this is the level of reasoning he is capable of giving, then it's better that he doesn't talk at all. Just say that I'm the coach and I choose my players based on my reasons.
        he doesn't have to berate a player as he cuts him from the list. It's a diplomatic and professional answer, something that people like GN and MK still haven't learnt. Clearly he believes their games have either slipped or do not match his strategy. What is the purpose of bashing a player's ability just before they get cut
        “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


          You guys want to know the reality from my perspective ? My opinion ?

          - In just footballing terms, CQ has exceeded our defensive structure and organization, whilst in offensive, his management has been sup-bar.
          - However he has brought discipline, no-nonsense attitude, done what many iranian coaches could not afford to do because of either 1) government punishment (i can imagine him being foreign there is less severe punishment then a local coach) and 2) iranian coaches simply havent had the balls to bring the necessary discipline. Furthermore he has improved iranian mentality in terms of their emotions, i can imagine he has been teaching them about emotional control, something us iranians are not very good.

          BUT I have a belief, and that belief is that every team and all they players in the team are better at one style then another. For example i believe Barcelona playing super-defensive football would be a catastrophe. Similairly, i believe that iranian players are technical players (just look at the performances of our futsal team that is one of the top ranked in the world) and would be better playing a offensive style.

          Then there are people that argue that results are the most important thing and we got the results that we needed.. Well you can say that about Barcelona this season as well. Het got the results needed to win the league but they got freaking dumped by Rome of all teams. What happened? They got exposed. Remember that many of the matches we won in the qualifiers were of 1-0 scorelines. What if we were not able to score that 1 goal? The results would have been much different.

          So what if we lot 2-3 goals against opponents if we play beautiful football and score 3-4. Take the last world cup as an example - We played defensive football (as 90% of the time) and where did it get us? 1 point. 1 freaking point. Forget about the shoulda woulda if we got the penalty vs Argentine, the result was last in our group. So maybe if we had an offensive coach who is just as good of a coach as CQ is defensively at setting up his teams, maybe we woulda got similair results.. the 1 point that we got.

          CQ got praised for finishing 4th. Could another coach not have achieved the same?

          Another key problem we have as Iranians is that we see everything as black and white. CQ is either a GOD or piece of s*** (excuse my words) - My point is no middle-ground. Nobody is perfect and constructive criticism should always be noted and given especially in a football forum where that is the whole point of the damn thing.

          CQ got us to 2 consecutive world cups, that is an amazing achievement if we look at results only.

          Zidane got real Madrid to the third CL final in a row, that is an amazing achievement? But does that mean Zidane does not have flaws ? - Remember - Nothing in life is black or white.


            Originally posted by Pedram123 View Post

            So what if we lot 2-3 goals against opponents if we play beautiful football and score 3-4. Take the last world cup as an example - We played defensive football (as 90% of the time) and where did it get us? 1 point. 1 freaking point. Forget about the shoulda woulda if we got the penalty vs Argentine, the result was last in our group. So maybe if we had an offensive coach who is just as good of a coach as CQ is defensively at setting up his teams, maybe we woulda got similair results.. the 1 point that we got.
            Well there's the give and take. If we had the amount of money ready in our PR firm as Saudi did they could make CQ the main coach and just get a consultant coach like Tuchel to fix our attack.

            I see your point about pros/cons.

            The discussion would be measuring the risk vs benefit of lining up to show our technical skills against Spain/Portugal.

            I would say we are about equal with Morocco in technical ability even though they have been bred in Europe this whole time. Would it be worth it for us to go technical toe-to-toe with Spain? Isco vs Shojaei? Ezzatollahi vs Busquets? CQs defensive plan encourages layers of defense to prevent our players getting isolated. No one can for sure say what happened if Messi was left in 1v1 situations against our players.

            CQs achievements so far are the following 1) Having the balls to beat down IFF
            2) Back to Back qualifications(Can any other coach in our vicinity do this?)
            3) Team Discipline(kicking out Rahmati/Aghili, making our team a cohesive unit with an actual plan as opposed to bekesh ziresh)
            4) Argentina performance(best performance TM has ever had)

            CQs drawbacks: 1) Defensive minded(stifles our attackers creativity)
            2) May have us an AC QF because of his spat with Williams(more Pouladi's fault tbh).
            3) Decision to stick to defending vs Nigeria in 2nd half + not having proper backup plan vs Bosnia.
            4) Temperament(if you are a fan of the level headed)

            Up to the reader to surmise which they think is the stronger list.


              Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
              What I think about this is I believe CQ does not know what he is doing. This became more obvious when he gave out answers like I want to give chance to youth players and dropping Ghafoori because it all of a sudden, out of nowhere hit him that he was played out of position. To me, that is a bunch of Baloney!

              Some questions: If you want to give youth a chance, why did you invite Khanzadeh and not Mohrammi who's moving to Europe ready to make a career for himself? Did it just recently occur to you that J. Hosseini was aging so you procrastinated last minute to add M. Hosseini to play with PAG who has no experience with him and little to no international experience? (Don't get me wrong, M. Hosseini is an amazing defender, but is right now the best time for his inclusion?) Did it recently occur to you that Ghafoori was played out of position??? (This one bugs me the most) Surely you have a team and watch a little bit of news to see how our NT players are doing
              if he does not know what he is doing, then maybe ghaelnoyi and branko know?or maybe you know?


                Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
                What I think about this is I believe CQ does not know what he is doing. This became more obvious when he gave out answers like I want to give chance to youth players and dropping Ghafoori because it all of a sudden, out of nowhere hit him that he was played out of position. To me, that is a bunch of Baloney!
                Some questions: If you want to give youth a chance, why did you invite Khanzadeh and not Mohrammi who's moving to Europe ready to make a career for himself? Did it just recently occur to you that J. Hosseini was aging so you procrastinated last minute to add M. Hosseini to play with PAG who has no experience with him and little to no international experience? (Don't get me wrong, M. Hosseini is an amazing defender, but is right now the best time for his inclusion?) Did it recently occur to you that Ghafoori was played out of position??? (This one bugs me the most) Surely you have a team and watch a little bit of news to see how our NT players are doing
                Lol why do you expect to understand what Queiroz does as a coach? It's like you walking into a heart surgery and saying that you disagree with how the surgeon is doing the work cause you think there is too much blood... Queiroz didn't get to where he is by doing things and making decisions that you and I could make by watching the players play a couple of games on TV / in stadiums.


                  Originally posted by KeonKish View Post
                  So according to babak agha age is not a factor

                  Can we call up kaebi and bagheri ?

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Read the post again instead of just trying to make a point.


                    Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
                    he doesn't have to berate a player as he cuts him from the list. It's a diplomatic and professional answer, something that people like GN and MK still haven't learnt. Clearly he believe their games have either slipped or do not match his strategy. What is the purpose of bashing a player's ability just before they get cut
                    There's no need for berating. He's there to talk to them and making them understand why they are not selected. And he's there to explain us his reasons based on facts.

                    You can do that in a professional and constructive/respectable manner. But I guess because we are used to unprofessional behavior and lack of communication skill from all our people let alone coaches (and CQ in specific these days) that's the only option we can envision.


                      Originally posted by yashar_fasihnia View Post
                      i think only vouria ghafouri's exclusion is impossible to understand from any angle.

                      the other 3, although debatable, can somehow still be acceptable for various reasons and a coach's personal choice.
                      Very correct and sensible post. The only thing missing is a professional explanation by our head coach.

                      But seeing CQ's track record and his minions accepting and supporting his unprofessionalism (calling it mind games etc.) I'd be happy with him not saying anything at all. Which would be a thousand fold better than the BS here's being saying so far.


                        Originally posted by Pouya View Post
                        Lol why do you expect to understand what Queiroz does as a coach? It's like you walking into a heart surgery and saying that you disagree with how the surgeon is doing the work cause you think there is too much blood... Queiroz didn't get to where he is by doing things and making decisions that you and I could make by watching the players play a couple of games on TV / in stadiums.
                        Ok, we will see in the friendlies and WC and come back to this. I could be right or you could. But being a coach does not exempt him from making mistakes.


                          Originally posted by ehsan singapore View Post
                          if he does not know what he is doing, then maybe ghaelnoyi and branko know?or maybe you know?
                          I think Gucci knows


                            Any coaches here? Those of us who have coached teams extensively know that a Coach who spends a lot of time with the players during practices, scrimmages, and games gets to know his or her players much better than a spectator even if that spectator is a coach himself or herself. This is because the coach of the team gets to observe his players a lot more (on the order of 15 times or even more) than a spectator who just watches the games. This is not to say coaches don't make mistakes, but just saying that you have to put a lot of weight to the amount of time a coach gets to observe his players than us who just see them during the games. Both Mr. Hosseini and Ghafoori were in a number of camps with Mr. CQ, and he got to observe them for a long time.

                            As for these specific players: Mr. Hosseini was never a fast player, and due to his age he is even slower. Fact of life, and a big minus in the eyes of any coach. And about Mr. Ghafoori: he basically hurt himself tremendously in the last game by failing to control the ball and keep it to himself twice in a row. Granted the second time he sprinted and barely saved the ball from being intercepted. But no one was close to him, and the game was in Iran in front of our own fans. Coach sees that and thinks, ok both situations could have been disastrous because we were attacking and those balls could have resulted into counter attacks and goals. The stage will be the World Cup not a friendly game, most fans will be booing us, not screaming "Iran Iran" (for the most part), and the intercepting player is Jordi Alba from Spain not a youngster from a third rated U23 team. If you can't have the confidence in a simple friendly game and lose balls like that, then you may probably totally mess up in a world cup game.

                            Mr. CQ said he doesn't want to criticize a player directly, that's probably why he is coming up with less important reasons for not choosing these players.


                              Originally posted by Babak agha View Post
                              There's no need for berating. He's there to talk to them and making them understand why they are not selected. And he's there to explain us his reasons based on facts.

                              You can do that in a professional and constructive/respectable manner. But I guess because we are used to unprofessional behavior and lack of communication skill from all our people let alone coaches (and CQ in specific these days) that's the only option we can envision.
                              Actually CQ is being very professional about this. There is a conversation that happens in the locker room between a coach and a player which you and I don't hear about, and one that happens between the coach and the outside world, which is the fans and the media. By giving a general reason to the public, CQ avoids having to debate the reasons in the media for the next 2 months, creating one distraction after another and let's face it, we have enough trashy journalist in Iran that would love to drag these discussions out for months. The more details you give, the more this turns into a circus. Heck, even our mullahs in majlis are even debating this :-)
                              “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


                                Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
                                I think Gucci knows
                                maybe, i am not sure

