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Carlos Queiroz In or Carlos Queiroz Out?

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    Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
    CQ has obviously done great things for TM and I hope that he pulls a quasi-miracle in the WC and becomes even more of a legend and sees us through the next Asian Cup and perhaps even more.

    But if we don't have a good performance in the World Cup (and I guess I'm leaving that open to some interpretation at this point - more below), I think it will be time to look for someone new who is equally capable to take over after the WC.

    A time will come for all teams to change things up a little bit and try something else, whether for us that's it's in the next month or years from now, obviously remains to be seen. Personally, I would consider,

    1 - Crashing out with no points or one point a very bad performance - under this scenario, I would definitely prefer for us to have a new capable coach after the WC

    2 - Crashing out with 2 points and not getting thrashed by any team would be an acceptable performance because it will be a WC for us with the least losses and the same for crashing out with 3 points even we get thrashed by Spain and/or Portugal - under this scenario, if we can find an equally capable coach, I would rather go that route but if we can't, I would want CQ to stay until the Asian Cup for further evaluation at that point.

    3 - Crashing out with 3 points without being thrashed by any team (i.e. not losing any match by a 2+ goal margin) would be a good performance for me and under this scenario, I would definitely want to see CQ stay with TM until at least the Asian Cup.

    4 - Obtaining 4 points or more (whether we make it out of the group or not) would be a phenomenal performance for me and not only should CQ stay with the team, he should receive a hero's welcome returning to Tehran and of course the same goes for any performance better that this which is what I'm hoping.

    Talking about quite high expectations in such a difficult group bro. For me, I would be happy if we lost all 3 games, yet we put up 3 (or even 2) great performances like the one against Argentina back in 2014! I'd like to see other teams/countries getting a higher respect for us and if that happens, irrespective of the number of points, I'd like to keep CQ even until the next WC.

    Remember we are gonna play Spain who's playing style (unlike Argentina) is made to break hyper defensive teams like Iran. I hope I'm wrong but I actually expect us to lose against them with at least 3 goals if not more. And I think we would receive that many goals from Spain under any coach. So if that happens I wouldn't put that on CQ! but if I get a surprise with a better outcome, then all the credits to the man.


      Originally posted by Sly View Post
      Talking about quite high expectations in such a difficult group bro. For me, I would be happy if we lost all 3 games, yet we put up 3 (or even 2) great performances like the one against Argentina back in 2014! I'd like to see other teams/countries getting a higher respect for us and if that happens, irrespective of the number of points, I'd like to keep CQ even until the next WC.

      Remember we are gonna play Spain who's playing style (unlike Argentina) is made to break hyper defensive teams like Iran. I hope I'm wrong but I actually expect us to lose against them with at least 3 goals if not more. And I think we would receive that many goals from Spain under any coach. So if that happens I wouldn't put that on CQ! but if I get a surprise with a better outcome, then all the credits to the man.
      Dude, a loss is never a great performance - it's a loss. You can have a good or decent performance in a loss but at the end it's only the result that makes it great. We had a good performance against Argentina in 2014, against Yugoslavia in 98 and Scotland in 78.

      But we had a great performance against the US for example because we won. All the other matches we've played in the World Cup were nothing to write home about. And if you think about it, every WC and every group has put us up against equally tough opponents.

      We do, as a nation need to set our goals and expectations higher... as the English saying goes, shoot for the stars and you'll at least get to the moon. Why can't we be the Costa Rica of 2014, New Zealand of 2010, etc.?

      We certainly don't have any less talent than those teams - for god's sake the Kiwi's barely had professional players on their team and Costa Rica was in the Group of Death and neither had our depth of talent in their squad nor a world class coach.

      They just believed in themselves and came in there with the "why not" attitude. The WC isn't like league football, it goes fast, you don't get to play the same opponents over and over again and no squad has been playing together day in day out, so it's gotta be shock and awe and it has more to do with national cultures (i.e. how you see your nation in the world) than raw talent as even Iceland proved in the last Euro - that's why I love the WC much more than national leagues.

      Having said that, I totally agree with you about Spain and although I'm hoping for a miracle, I don't think it's going to be a pretty match for us but as we say the ball is round. I do expect a great performance against Morocco though (enough of these crappy performances against African teams) and Portugal, you never know... I think in relative terms (i.e. considering the strengths of both squads now versus 2006) we should do much better in this match than we did in 2006.

      And of course CQ should and does know everything about them especially culturally which goes back to what I was saying earlier. Ultimately, I do want us to perform better than having an idiot like Daei as our coach and that's really not a high expectation. Three losses, any idiot can achieve that!
      Last edited by Bi-honar; 05-27-2018, 10:41 PM.


        Originally posted by Sly View Post
        Talking about quite high expectations in such a difficult group bro. For me, I would be happy if we lost all 3 games, yet we put up 3 (or even 2) great performances like the one against Argentina back in 2014! I'd like to see other teams/countries getting a higher respect for us and if that happens, irrespective of the number of points, I'd like to keep CQ even until the next WC.

        If after 7 years and all that jazz Iran lose all 3 games and one at least by 3 goals then Abbas agha Ghif chin ( named Used by CQ ref to Namazi) can match that record.

        Talking about such a low expectation


          Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
          If after 7 years and all that jazz Iran lose all 3 games and one at least by 3 goals then Abbas agha Ghif chin ( named Used by CQ ref to Namazi) can match that record.

          Talking about such a low expectation
          A winless WC surely must warrant a managerial change at least? Especially comparing to other AFC teams at the WC and how they do...


            Originally posted by Hoorad View Post
            A winless WC surely must warrant a managerial change at least? Especially comparing to other AFC teams at the WC and how they do...
            Oh yeah? In what world is iran expected to beat morocco, spain or portugal? so CQ should be fired unless we perform a historic upset? jesus please stop posting.


              Are you guys f**king kidding me or what ?????
              Why are so many of you dudes here are so gutless ?????
              So Iran should not be expected to at least beat Morroco ?????
              Then what in the hell are we paying CQ who has had this team for 7 years so much money and So why IFF who has provided him with everything he has asked for not expect a good result ??????
              Huh why then , why ?????
              That’s bunch of BS man !!!!
              We should and must beat Morroco, if we do that at least then I am all for CQ to stay another 4 years but if we go 0-3
              And finish last in our group like 4 years ago , we need a new coach,strategy and fresh football approach for our TM.
              I really cannot believe what I am reading on this thread , people , you don’t have any gheyrat,aberoo,balls or pride to expect a good result from your country’s national team ?????????? Specially With this coach ????
              Why should he not be held accountable ??????
              I mean I love and respect CQ as much as anyone here but
              If the dude was Iranian and he coached our TM in this WC and came home with 3 losses , you all would ask for his execution already ,for sure %100 , so why should a khareji coach be any different ???????


                Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
                Oh yeah? In what world is iran expected to beat morocco, spain or portugal? so CQ should be fired unless we perform a historic upset? jesus please stop posting.
                Because we had plenty of time and preparation matches to win at least 1 match. Because the money that we are paying him doesn’t grow on trees and can be used for something much better. If we are not looking to win anything at the World Cup, then why bother qualifying????? Lol, let’s give it to other nations if this is going to be our mentality. It’s would be ashame to finish this WC with our last Victory being 2-1 against a weak US side. If we can’t beat 1 team at least, somethings got to change.

                In what world was Costa Rica expected to top their group? In what world was Leicester expected to win the title? Greece win the Euros? Iceland eliminate England? Answer: This one.


                  Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                  Are you guys f**king kidding me or what ?????
                  Why are so many of you dudes here are so gutless ?????
                  So Iran should not be expected to at least beat Morroco ?????
                  Then what in the hell are we paying CQ who has had this team for 7 years so much money and So why IFF who has provided him with everything he has asked for not expect a good result ??????
                  Huh why then , why ?????
                  That’s bunch of BS man !!!!
                  We should and must beat Morroco, if we do that at least then I am all for CQ to stay another 4 years but if we go 0-3
                  And finish last in our group like 4 years ago , we need a new coach,strategy and fresh football approach for our TM.
                  I really cannot believe what I am reading on this thread , people , you don’t have any gheyrat,aberoo,balls or pride to expect a good result from your country’s national team ?????????? Specially With this coach ????
                  Why should he not be held accountable ??????
                  I mean I love and respect CQ as much as anyone here but
                  If the dude was Iranian and he coached our TM in this WC and came home with 3 losses , you all would ask for his execution already ,for sure %100 , so why should a khareji coach be any different ???????
                  I don't know man, I'm really confused and more than that seriously disheartened... even in 98 under Talebi everyone had higher expectations from TM!!!

                  And that was with a high-school coach and a 20 year absence from the tournament. Surely with a back-to-back WC with so much talent and a world class coach who has worked in 2 of the 3 countries in our group, we can't and shouldn't be satisfied with a performance worse than that.

                  This is all regardless of the strength of our opponents.. I mean this is the World Cup for god's sake, did we just realize now that the teams that make it are quality opponents?! Hey, we made it too, you know

                  Morocco hasn't been in the World Cup for 20 years... Spain was eliminated in the group stage in the last World Cup and so was Portugal, so it's not like these are untouchable, unbeatable GIANTS and we are ants who should just be happy not be crushed.


                    Originally posted by ramingeles2000 View Post
                    Oh yeah? In what world is iran expected to beat morocco, spain or portugal? so CQ should be fired unless we perform a historic upset? jesus please stop posting.
                    Lol a supporter of CQ who shares a vatani coach mentality. Why go the world Cup in the first place if this is your measuring stick?

                    Sent from my ME173X using Tapatalk
                    Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                      Honestly, we need to beat Morocco, they're clearly not better than us, Iran and Morocco is a typical 50/50 match, they have the better defence, we have the better attacking side, but I'm optimistic, Bacheha mibaran, Morocco isn't Brazil or something and I'm sure maro daste kam migiran.
                      They think ah they're just from Asia. But we showed against Tunesia and Algeria, that we can defenitly beat them and Iran is itself a strong side, why should we have fear, they should fear Iran!
                      Against Spain and Portugal it's something else, they're clearly better than us, but you can fight and you will see, their stars are also just humans and they will also make mistakes and we need to be icecold to punish them then. I'm really looking forward for the WC!
                      If you don't believe in winning, if you don't dream to top this, you can't make it in realitiy, our players need to be that confident and I know CQ will do everything to give us this mentality to win.
                      We should not go into the tournament with the mentality, "Hey we made it to the WC", we have to go with the mentality to advance into the final rounds!
                      Fucking Saudi-Arabia made it in a group with Netherlands, Belgium and Morocco!


                        Bunch of morons running our country, like if they don't have any thing better to do, disgraceful !!
                        در نامه ای به وزیر ورزش اعلام شد:
                        نمایندگان مجلس خواهان تغییر لیست کی*روش!
                        تعدادی از نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی در اقدامی عجیب نامه ای به وزیر ورزش نوشتند و خواهان پیگیری لیست تیم ملی و ایجاد تغییرات در آن شدند!

                        به گزارش "ورزش*سه"، با اینکه تیم ملی فوتبال در اردوی آماده سازی قبل از جام جهانی حضور دارد و کارلوس کی روش تقریبا بازیکنانش را برای حضور در ترکیب تیم ملی مشخص کرده، 30 نفر از نمایندگان مجلس در اقدامی عجیب خواهان ایجاد تغییر در لیست تیم ملی شده اند!

                        این نمایندگان نسبت به خط خوردن وریا غفوری و سیدجلال حسینی انتقاد داشتند و از چند روز قبل مخالفت خود را اعلام کرده بودند. حالا نیز در نامه ای به وزیر ورزش خواهان ایجاد تغییر در لیست تیم ملی شده اند.

                        حسن زمانی، مشاور رییس مجلس شورای اسلامی در این خصوص به خبرگزاری مهر گفت: «حدود ۳۰ نماینده مجلس به آقای سلطانی فر نامه زده اند و خواهان تغییر در لیست تیم ملی هستند.کی روش باید بپذیرد که اشتباه کرده است. او علامه دهر نیست. چهار بازیکنی که خط خورده اند می توانستند در تیم ملی تاثیرگذار باشند. اگر تیم ملی نتیجه نگیرد کی روش باید پاسخگو باشد.»

                        مشاور رئیس مجلس در پایان حتی آینده کاری کارلوس کی روش را هم اعلام کرد و گفت: «دیگر بعد از جام جهانی شاهد حضور کی روش نخواهیم بود. فکر نمی کنم فدراسیون فوتبال دیگر زمینه کار با این مربی را داشته باشد!»

                        زمانی در حالی این حرف ها را بر زبان آورده که در هیات مدیره باشگاه استقلال هم عضویت دارد و شاید درست نباشد این صحبت ها را به عنوان فردی که در مجلس مشاور رییس است مطرح کند.

                        از این گذشته با وجود انتقادهایی که به لیست تیم ملی فوتبال برای جام جهانی مطرح شده بود، اما در همه جای دنیا انتخاب نفرات نهایی یک تیم فوتبال برای هر تورنمنتی بر عهده سرمربی است و او آزادانه می تواند هر بازیکنی که می خواهد را جذب کرده و به مسابقات ببرد. بی تردید در هیچ کشور دیگری نیز ارگان های مختلف با استفاده از لابی خود به سرمربی تیم ملی فشار نمی آورند که دو بازیکن را دعوت نکند یا یک نفر را خط بزند.

                        حالا اما نمایندگان مجلس که در انجام بسیاری از امور جاری و وظایف خود مانده اند، به هر علتی که شاید برای خودشان محترم باشد، به فکر فوتبال می افتند و برای سرمربی تیم ملی تعیین تکلیف می کنند. شاید جالب باشد که نمایندگان مجلس در سال های گذشته بر سر مسائل مهم فوتبال مثل موضوع حق پخش تلویزیونی و یا فسادهای موجود در فوتبال هیچ اقدام عملی انجام ندادند اما حالا به فکر اصلاح لیست تیم ملی برای جام جهانی با اضافه کردن دو بازیکن افتاده اند. آن هم زمانی که همه چیز مشخص شده و حتی تیم ملی دیگر به ایران برنمی گردد که تغییراتی در لیست ایجاد شود.


                          Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                          Are you guys f**king kidding me or what ?????
                          Why are so many of you dudes here are so gutless ?????
                          So Iran should not be expected to at least beat Morroco ?????
                          Then what in the hell are we paying CQ who has had this team for 7 years so much money and So why IFF who has provided him with everything he has asked for not expect a good result ??????
                          Huh why then , why ?????
                          That’s bunch of BS man !!!!
                          We should and must beat Morroco, if we do that at least then I am all for CQ to stay another 4 years but if we go 0-3
                          And finish last in our group like 4 years ago , we need a new coach,strategy and fresh football approach for our TM.
                          I really cannot believe what I am reading on this thread , people , you don’t have any gheyrat,aberoo,balls or pride to expect a good result from your country’s national team ?????????? Specially With this coach ????
                          Why should he not be held accountable ??????
                          I mean I love and respect CQ as much as anyone here but
                          If the dude was Iranian and he coached our TM in this WC and came home with 3 losses , you all would ask for his execution already ,for sure %100 , so why should a khareji coach be any different ???????
                          Look at Iran's squad then look at Morocco's squad. Iran have Iran-based players, and a few attackers from Rubin Kazan, AZ Alkmaar and Greece. Morocco have players from Juventus, Ajax, Real Madrid, Schalke, Feyenoord and the big Turkish clubs. Big clubs everywhere in fact, even in the same leagues our players play in.

                          Also look at the betting odds.

                          Iran are not Brazil, they don't have the infrastructure or talent pool of even an England.

                          No, we are not favourites to beat Morocco. Can we win? Of course. We can even beat Portugal and Spain. Is it likely? No. Is it more likely under Queiroz? YES.


                            Originally posted by Bi-honar View Post
                            Dude, a loss is never a great performance - it's a loss. You can have a good or decent performance in a loss but at the end it's only the result that makes it great. We had a good performance against Argentina in 2014, against Yugoslavia in 98 and Scotland in 78.
                            But we had a great performance against the US for example because we won. All the other matches we've played in the World Cup were nothing to write home about. And if you think about it, every WC and every group has put us up against equally tough opponents.
                            We do, as a nation need to set our goals and expectations higher... as the English saying goes, shoot for the stars and you'll at least get to the moon. Why can't we be the Costa Rica of 2014, New Zealand of 2010, etc.?
                            We certainly don't have any less talent than those teams - for god's sake the Kiwi's barely had professional players on their team and Costa Rica was in the Group of Death and neither had our depth of talent in their squad nor a world class coach.
                            They just believed in themselves and came in there with the "why not" attitude. The WC isn't like league football, it goes fast, you don't get to play the same opponents over and over again and no squad has been playing together day in day out, so it's gotta be shock and awe and it has more to do with national cultures (i.e. how you see your nation in the world) than raw talent as even Iceland proved in the last Euro - that's why I love the WC much more than national leagues.
                            Having said that, I totally agree with you about Spain and although I'm hoping for a miracle, I don't think it's going to be a pretty match for us but as we say the ball is round. I do expect a great performance against Morocco though (enough of these crappy performances against African teams) and Portugal, you never know... I think in relative terms (i.e. considering the strengths of both squads now versus 2006) we should do much better in this match than we did in 2006.
                            And of course CQ should and does know everything about them especially culturally which goes back to what I was saying earlier. Ultimately, I do want us to perform better than having an idiot like Daei as our coach and that's really not a high expectation. Three losses, any idiot can achieve that!
                            I agree with you completely about aiming for the stars and we may land on the moon. I think we should definitely try to win all 3 games. and as you say, why can't we be the next Costa Rica or New Zealand? If Costa Rica can do it, so can we! but that's when you say "let's beat the crap out of these teams irrespective of whom they are"! and I agree with that! However when we say "if we lose against them, we have failed".... to me it is not really aiming for the stars but rather putting too much destructive pressure on ourselves. Because while we need to have faith and confidence and try to beat everyone we meet, we also need to be logical about it and realize they are much stronger teams and losing against them for us is not very out of the ordinary.

                            The reason I say this is because I think keeping or letting go of CQ should not be dependent on the results in this WC. Because remember, only during CQ's reign we have been qualifying to the WC relatively safely! Under all other coaches, we always had ifs or buts and our hearts were always in our throats until we qualified. I do agree with you that if we can find a coach in CQ's quality who is willing to take the job, we could change him. but we know our federation better than anyone else and the chance of that happening is almost zero. So I'd say let's not put a bandage on a head that doesn't hurt and keep him. That way we will at least be sure that no GN or Mayelikohan will take the job, while we will surely qualify to the next WC! and who knows? Maybe in that WC, we'll be in a better group like Saudi Arabia's and have a better chance of getting more points.


                              Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
                              If after 7 years and all that jazz Iran lose all 3 games and one at least by 3 goals then Abbas agha Ghif chin ( named Used by CQ ref to Namazi) can match that record.

                              Talking about such a low expectation
                              Yes but we should also not see things only in black and white. We should count in what teams we are facing. If we were in the same group as Saudi Arabia, facing Russia, Uruguay and Egypt, then I'd agree with you.


                                Originally posted by OzzyOscy View Post
                                Look at Iran's squad then look at Morocco's squad. Iran have Iran-based players, and a few attackers from Rubin Kazan, AZ Alkmaar and Greece. Morocco have players from Juventus, Ajax, Real Madrid, Schalke, Feyenoord and the big Turkish clubs. Big clubs everywhere in fact, even in the same leagues our players play in.

                                Also look at the betting odds.

                                Iran are not Brazil, they don't have the infrastructure or talent pool of even an England.

                                No, we are not favourites to beat Morocco. Can we win? Of course. We can even beat Portugal and Spain. Is it likely? No. Is it more likely under Queiroz? YES.
                                still we must believe we can beat them, if not what the point

