According to ISNA, Sardar was in tears after the game, not because of the loss, but due to criticism to his game!
Iranian people think that I am not making enough efforts! I hear many unreasonable criticism! They don’t know how much Effort I put in. I’m here to fight for Team Melli and bring happiness to Iranians and this has been my goal in this World Cup!
I think it’s time to get behind our boys, specially Sardar and to show them our appreciation for what they have done for us! It is a shame that a small groups of people forget that we wouldn’t have been here without Saradar and other players team efforts!
جم تیم ملی در هنگامی که می*خواست درباره عملکرد خودش در بازی*های جام جهانی روسیه صحبت کند، بغض کرد و با گریه ادامه داد: من از مردم ایران گله دارم زیرا آن*ها فکر می*کنند من هیچ تلاشی نمی*کنم. من انتقادهای بی*دلیل زیادی را می*شنوم. آن*ها نمی*دانند که چقدر من تلاش می*کنم. اینجا هستم تا برای تیم ملی بجنگم و مردم ایران را شاد کنم. در مقدماتی جام جهانی مردم را شاد کردم و هدفم این بود که در این جام نیز همین کار را ادامه دهم.
According to ISNA, Sardar was in tears after the game, not because of the loss, but due to criticism to his game!
Iranian people think that I am not making enough efforts! I hear many unreasonable criticism! They don’t know how much Effort I put in. I’m here to fight for Team Melli and bring happiness to Iranians and this has been my goal in this World Cup!
I think it’s time to get behind our boys, specially Sardar and to show them our appreciation for what they have done for us! It is a shame that a small groups of people forget that we wouldn’t have been here without Saradar and other players team efforts!