I am writing to express my gratitude to you as an Iranian and a TM fan. Thank you for believing in us in the first place so much that you stayed with our TM for the last 7 years despite all the hardship, frustrations with IFF, lack of proper infrastructure, proper facilities, and the effects of international sanctions that has directly and unjustifiably affected our preparations for the World Cup Final. Thank you for showing the world that we can be and are as good as any top teams and should be respected. Thank you for being a caring head coach and treating our national team like a true Iranian national with pride and passion.
Please everyone write a letter to Mr Carlos Qeurioz. And the best parts from each letter can be taken and put together in one final letter from PFDC forwarded to him after we advance to the next round and we play our last game be it in the next round or quarter final. . I urge the moderators to support this.

Please everyone write a letter to Mr Carlos Qeurioz. And the best parts from each letter can be taken and put together in one final letter from PFDC forwarded to him after we advance to the next round and we play our last game be it in the next round or quarter final. . I urge the moderators to support this.
