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This is goodbye

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    This is goodbye

    I had come on this forum a couple of times through the years without signing, but joined in excitement of this World Cup and also to get feedback on an article I wrote about the Iran team for a magazine.

    Being half-Iranian, I already knew of the famed inquisitive and respectful (and boisterous) Persian nature, but I was still taken aback by the respect people showed each other, even in disagreement. I had found a forum where people treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.

    But this has changed the past few days. I don't know whether it is a load of new members or if a World Cup just brings out a darker side of people, but suddenly it seems like an offence to disagree with someone's opinion, and an even bigger offence to try and engage in discussion about it. When I've respectfully disagreed with people and taken the time to explain why, the response is always now that I'm being condescending, or negative, or some other form or rude... often in a post hurling insults at me.

    Perhaps it's also no coincidence I got this after I got my 1 and only neg rep, from a member with ridiculous rep power, because of an opinion (that if at the 2015 Asian Cup Pooladi was Iraqi, we'd be calling the ref biased if he didn't give him a yellow for his antics). Reps are meaningless, but if you glance at any post I make it now looks like it comes from some 'troll' account and perhaps subconsciously and naturally you get disrespectful because your mind thinks "just some troll".

    One person PMed me to apologise, and it's fine... but this is across the site.

    Whatever the reason, maybe you'll scoff and say "that is how Iranians are", and because I'm only half-Iranian and half-English I just don't get it and I shouldn't take it to heart. But we are not all the same, and I don't see it as an excuse to slander and insult everyone all the time. I mean, insult a guy if they insult you, maybe, but why insult someone for talking with you?...

    I come here to talk and get excited about Iran. There's no point being here if it's going to be a bad experience that only hurts.
    And keep in mind I'm also kind of neutral, in the sense I'm not from Iran and have an outside view. I know I'm not the only one, but I think I'm in the minority there. And I can tell you any neutrals who come across this forum will see a bunch of Iranians saying the world's out to get them and attacking each other. We may as well be dancing in the streets burning a flag shouting "allahu akbar", that's how it looks.

    I don't want to be insulting, I'm giving my honest view on what I am seeing and my experiences. And it has driven me away. Goodbye. You can now insult me one last time and laugh. I probably won't be here to see it (who knows, I visited this site so much that I'll probably accidentally click on it out of habit). Enjoy your target and sling your stones one last time.

    It's a shame you want to walk out when some words get said in the heat of the moment. In the end we all love TM and the game that's called football.
    Also keep in mind, when a member is disrespectful towards you, you could also report the post, in that way the moderators can take a look at the post and judge it.


      If anyone is being disrespectful please report or PM one of the staff.

      [[As for rep power, I don't think most of us even pay attention to it. After reading your comment about "rep power" I noticed mine is 42 million and so is Kasra's. Frankly I have no idea how we got 42 million and whether this is low or high (compared to other older members here), but I think now I will give some neg reps to Kasra to get his lower than mine point is, don't read into things like that, most of us don't]]


        I also have been occasionally disrespected by some members because of my opinions but remember sometimes you are dealing with immature 13 or 14 year old fans in this forum or at least the one that act as one, but the majority are great members and writers in this forum. There is no other forum like this.


          Originally posted by Under Lahaf View Post
          If anyone is being disrespectful please report or PM one of the staff.

          [[As for rep power, I don't think most of us even pay attention to it. After reading your comment about "rep power" I noticed mine is 42 million and so is Kasra's. Frankly I have no idea how we got 42 million and whether this is low or high (compared to other older members here), but I think now I will give some neg reps to Kasra to get his lower than mine point is, don't read into things like that, most of us don't]]
          how do you give neg rep? I want to knowwwww
          هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
          نگاه میکنید.
          I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


            Hey Ozzy, you come across as if you dont interact with sports fan all that much, do you?
            coz if you did, you'd have developed a thicker skin and an ability to discard/ignore silly, childish comments & arguments.But as a journalist, it makes this all too ironic & ... well, amusing that you're actually hurt by disrespectful argumentative SPORTS fans!!!

            Fans are fans. If they dont argue over silly stuff and press on, then they are NOT fans.
            now, chill it mate'

            and "rep power"??
            what's that?
            I thought those were Esfahani tiles, to make the site more ornate and ethnically persian


              Originally posted by OzzyOscy View Post
              I had come on this forum a couple of times through the years without signing, but joined in excitement of this World Cup and also to get feedback on an article I wrote about the Iran team for a magazine.

              Being half-Iranian, I already knew of the famed inquisitive and respectful (and boisterous) Persian nature, but I was still taken aback by the respect people showed each other, even in disagreement. I had found a forum where people treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.

              But this has changed the past few days. I don't know whether it is a load of new members or if a World Cup just brings out a darker side of people, but suddenly it seems like an offence to disagree with someone's opinion, and an even bigger offence to try and engage in discussion about it. When I've respectfully disagreed with people and taken the time to explain why, the response is always now that I'm being condescending, or negative, or some other form or rude... often in a post hurling insults at me.

              Perhaps it's also no coincidence I got this after I got my 1 and only neg rep, from a member with ridiculous rep power, because of an opinion (that if at the 2015 Asian Cup Pooladi was Iraqi, we'd be calling the ref biased if he didn't give him a yellow for his antics). Reps are meaningless, but if you glance at any post I make it now looks like it comes from some 'troll' account and perhaps subconsciously and naturally you get disrespectful because your mind thinks "just some troll".

              One person PMed me to apologise, and it's fine... but this is across the site.

              Whatever the reason, maybe you'll scoff and say "that is how Iranians are", and because I'm only half-Iranian and half-English I just don't get it and I shouldn't take it to heart. But we are not all the same, and I don't see it as an excuse to slander and insult everyone all the time. I mean, insult a guy if they insult you, maybe, but why insult someone for talking with you?...

              I come here to talk and get excited about Iran. There's no point being here if it's going to be a bad experience that only hurts.
              And keep in mind I'm also kind of neutral, in the sense I'm not from Iran and have an outside view. I know I'm not the only one, but I think I'm in the minority there. And I can tell you any neutrals who come across this forum will see a bunch of Iranians saying the world's out to get them and attacking each other. We may as well be dancing in the streets burning a flag shouting "allahu akbar", that's how it looks.

              I don't want to be insulting, I'm giving my honest view on what I am seeing and my experiences. And it has driven me away. Goodbye. You can now insult me one last time and laugh. I probably won't be here to see it (who knows, I visited this site so much that I'll probably accidentally click on it out of habit). Enjoy your target and sling your stones one last time.
              My friend, where ever you go and whatever nationality, there are always idiots and hooligans ill-educated, emotionally and intellectually challenged people etc etc. This is an open and free forum, and there is no filter that checks members before they simply fill a join form. So this site by default is not responsible for the behaviour of those idiots that join in to troll or vent their anger or satisfy their mental and craziness or indeed come here to destroy the atmosphere. the list of such people can actually be long. But surely you know you should just ignore them? If someone is rude or trolling just report them. The staff here are really fighting each other to to get there first to ban these idiots, such is the pleasure of doing so for them.
              هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
              نگاه میکنید.
              I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                This is a forum, have you ever been on a forum before?
                ballast parcham bi boro bargard refigh negaran nabash bikhod to aslan


                  Originally posted by CanadianEh View Post
                  This is a forum, have you ever been on a forum before?
                  Just wanted to say your screen name is freaking awesome.


                    Dear Ozzy. I have not had any dialogue or discussions with you. I didn't know of your existence here at the forum. Thats why what I tell you goes for you or any other member that might feel like you.

                    There are idiots every where, I mean every where. But fortunately there are always many more reasonable and sensible people like yourself. And you should never give up and leave space for idiots. On the contrary. You should stay and try to educate the ignorant and disrespectful persons that want to make you leave.

                    This is also a matter of trying to behave in accordance to democracy. Express your opinion freely but also respect others, even if it is in conflict with yours.

                    Zendeh bad IRAN
                    Marg bar dictator


                      Really? You created a thread just to announce you will be leaving pfdc? As if we are going to sleep not knowing what happened to you. Narcissist much?


                        Wow on this forum since May 2o18...hardly ever read about / from you....and now opening a thread "i m leaving you guys"....really? that must be english Humor or some sort of psychological disorder. otherwise i cant explain it. anyways good luck in your private life.


                          Dude, you were saying how Iran didn't get robbed and stuff. Your assessment of yesterday's match was off.

                          And just to let you know, this forum is probably one of the nicer places on the Internet. If you don't think so, go check out Youtube or LiveLeak and see how disgusting people act towards each other on there.


                            Mr. Ozzy

                            I have been here in this forum for 21 years since it’s birth, this is just a short phase right after

                            An extremely emotional period for our football in the WC.

                            This happens every time during WC and Asian Cup.

                            Don’t let it get to you in such wat that makes you wanta leave us.

                            I just hope you reconsider.



                              Ozzy Ozzy Oscy

                              Oi! Oi! Oi!

