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CQ just destroyed branko (porfossor poison) on live TV

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    who remembers that oid IFF mafia photoshop pic with Daei, taj, GN etc.. Someone update that


      Lol, CQ makes it so easy to not like him. Noway anybody would be putting up with his shit-stirring if he was Iranian.

      Like dude, you're a good coach, but you gotta stop scapegoating. You don't control club football. No other country can a national team coach get away with the shit.

      Brangoh isn't the reason you wasted spot by inviting an unfit askhan.


        who can forge the epic FAIL by bronko in 2006. I think it was the game against Portugal, when camera shows bronko, can bronko sees himself on the screen and starts moving his arms as if he is giving instructions to the players. Epic Fail. can someone find that video looool
        IRI = FAILED


          "Queiroz was simply brilliant. He simply used to walk into my office saying we need to discuss some changes. Most of the times, he used to lay down tactics and training plans for me, which ideally would be my job. He was the closest to being a manager of Manchester United without actually taking the designation." - Sir Alex Ferguson
          "If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend."~Bruce Lee


            I think we can all collectively agree that Branko just had a 2x4 delivered in a spot where most men hope to never enter.
            “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


              CQ says he's a sore loser, but damn that was next level. Probably not a good look for Iranian football. Imagine Joachim Loew talking trash on Jupp Heynckes like that. I think CQ just wants to be Iranian Football Supreme Leader. What is it with the vibe in Tehran that makes everyone super power hungry?

              I'd vote him in to supreme leader tho tbh.


                Originally posted by toopchi View Post
                CQ says he's a sore loser, but damn that was next level. Probably not a good look for Iranian football. Imagine Joachim Loew talking trash on Jupp Heynckes like that.
                Let Jupp Heynckes accuse Loew of trying to sabotage Bayern Munich in a pathetically transparent attempt not just to smear his integrity but to also provoke Bayern fans against the national team... then we'll see how Loew responds

                Recognizing open attempts at sabotage by self-serving con artists like Branko and Karimi and refusing to put up with it is not a sign of being power hungry. It just means you're a man with pride in yourself, your work and your team.


                  branko Invanovic was not professional at all compare to Carlos Quiroz. It is for noghting that Carlos is 7th in World as a coach. I Always though Branko is the best and will make Iran the best at World Cup but now after 7 /8 years of Carlos Quiroz with Iran CQ is the best and we must not lose him. There was a moment when they wanted to bring Branko again back to team-melli and we would even not make it against Spain and Portugal and Morocco. CQ show how the team is and did very good during the World Cup, it just was not our luck and we almost finished as number 1 of the group of Death.

                  It is all clear that east-europeans working for there own packets and saving allot of money to go back to there home country's. It is here in Europe the some from East-Europe they come to Germany and they working 24 hours only to get the money and they are happy in there country.

                  I am happy we got CARLOS QUIROZ! I hope he remain until World Cup 2022!


                    Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
                    Any team that wants to win trophies, needs championship players. And so it is normal for a big club like Perspolis to acquire the services of those talented players that you mentioned.
                    There is no question that Schafer has done a good job with Esteghlal, but so has Branko with Perspolis and I say this as a non Perspolis nor a Esteghlal fan.
                    One of the biggest reasons that Perspolis was eliminated by Al Hilal in the quarters of the last years champions league was because three to four key players were missing. And any team without those key players would get hurt.
                    And now Perspolis is back in the quarters just like last year, and Branko as a head coach deserves the credit for guiding the team in the last eight.
                    I would only give credit to a coach when I see vast improvement in all aspects not by just winning trophies. Our system needs restructuring and improvement. This is why I support CQ because I see fundamental changes and improvement that I have not seen from any other before in TM. TBH I don't see any real improvement in our top league at all despite all these foreign coaches with international coaching experiences. As members are saying here, Branko et al are in Iran for money and to me they don't seem to want to make any substantial changes that would benefit Iranian football as a whole. To me they seem to be going with the flow and status quo and don't dare to push too hard. Certain aspect of our football needs real change and naturally those who are comfortable and secure in the current system would resist. But what is certain is that the current system is way too mediocre and would not even measure up to our own continent's standards.
                    هرگاه شما بازیکنی دیدید که از نظر تکنیک و قدرت بدنی فوق العاده است و همیشه یکسان است و تحت هیچ شرایط هیچ افتی ندارد شما یک فوق ستاره پیدا کرده اید در غیر اینصورت شما به یک بازیکن معمولی
                    نگاه میکنید.
                    I am Persian. I used to rule the world. I will never be subservient to anyone.


                      Brango only achieved what he achieved for PP because there were no other decent coaches in charge of other clubs. Let's see how he does this time when there are other foreign coaches in charge of SS and tractor and ...
                      Brango hes been fired from every job he has so far and he will be fired from PP most probably before end of this season and get all the money left of his contract.


                        Biero needs to get the hell outta PP before branko ruins his career

                        he has the potential to end the Hejazi Abedzadeh debate by exceeding both of them
                        SHOW TIME!


                          Originally posted by Keano View Post
                          With you on all accounts. Our culture has always been all about hush hush and hala velesh kon baba dige gozashte, khoobiyat nadaare etc. Hypocrisy and lies and 2-faced mentality. We need people like CQ to address issues and publicize the culprits rather than hushing them all just like how it's been getting done in IR. Public needs to know about these details. People responsible for screw ups and lies must get exposed.
                          I commend him for being brave and speaking out loud on TV in a live show. Hurray to him!
                          I agree with you 100% bu after living in Iran for three years and working with Iranians for the first time, unfortunately we have tendencies to create unwanted tension with people we despise. I feel we enjoy watching people fight. I am saying this from personal experience, my first partner in Iran was French and our homies managed to create alot of conflict between us as he was stationed in a different city. The same goes for CQ and branko (don't get me wrong i dont like him and never did even when he was coach of the national team) they are surrounded by people who might like conflict and every now and then pouring gasoline on the fire.
                          United We Stand, One nation one heart one goal


                            Originally posted by toopchi View Post
                            CQ says he's a sore loser, but damn that was next level. Probably not a good look for Iranian football. Imagine Joachim Loew talking trash on Jupp Heynckes like that. I think CQ just wants to be Iranian Football Supreme Leader. What is it with the vibe in Tehran that makes everyone super power hungry?

                            I'd vote him in to supreme leader tho tbh.
                            Its all the tea they drink here, every tea sipper wants to rule
                            United We Stand, One nation one heart one goal


                              Queiroz and Taj's coup proceed:

                              Taj said he is going to have a chat with PGL coaches:


                              I think that Queiroz and Taj az iranians say "hamahang kardan". They're in cahoots together. Queiroz wouldn't do that without the support of his players and Taj.


                                Originally posted by puddha View Post
                                "Queiroz was simply brilliant. He simply used to walk into my office saying we need to discuss some changes. Most of the times, he used to lay down tactics and training plans for me, which ideally would be my job. He was the closest to being a manager of Manchester United without actually taking the designation." - Sir Alex Ferguson
                                I think if he took the MAN~U job after fergusen left he would still be there winning one cup after another every year
                                چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد

