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Sardar Azmoun retires from TM

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    I would like to announce MY retirement from TM too.
    seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days!!
    Iranians are so emotional! Godddddd....!!!

    But worse than that are the braindead "fans" on social media.
    They've become the worst sect of garbage anywhere in the world.
    No wonder many say Iran doesnt deserve democracy. The first thing it does is ruin itself! With socially stunted and morally backward attitude prevailing in our society, the worst thing that can happen to Iran is a free society.

    That's not to say we shd not get rid of the present backward religious system (coz they are the reason for society's backwardness). But we certainly have a looooooooooong way to be a mature society ready for democracy


      Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
      I would like to announce MY retirement from TM too.
      seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days!!
      Iranians are so emotional! Godddddd....!!!
      I don't want to go too far off-topic, but you are not the first on these forums to complain about Iranians being "too emotional". I agree with the idea that they are more emotional, but I also believe it's a good thing. Iranians tend to be FAR more empathetic than Americans (who are generally almost dead in that respect), and their emotional nature plays a part in that difference.


        Before bashing Azmoun for not scoring goals for us, look at Lewandowski's bad perfomance. He scored zero goals for poland, missed two 100% and even criticized his teammates and blamed them for his poor perfomance.
        Also the difference is that his tasks were not to work/play defensive unlike Azmoun which atleast created some chances for us. Did he criticized his teammates or Queiroz? No..


          Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
          I would like to announce MY retirement from TM too.
          seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days!!
          Iranians are so emotional! Godddddd....!!!

          But worse than that are the braindead "fans" on social media.
          They've become the worst sect of garbage anywhere in the world.
          No wonder many say Iran doesnt deserve democracy. The first thing it does is ruin itself! With socially stunted and morally backward attitude prevailing in our society, the worst thing that can happen to Iran is a free society.

          That's not to say we shd not get rid of the present backward religious system (coz they are the reason for society's backwardness). But we certainly have a looooooooooong way to be a mature society ready for democracy
          Aziz - can we stop this "Iranians don't deserve democracy" narrative that is very dangerous and lays the foundation for how IR manages the country.

          Social media, in all countries, is a cesspool of ignorance, racism, stupidity, childishness etc. It is terrible everywhere, even in established democratic countries.


            Masoud Shojaei posted this for Sardar Azmoun:

            لطفا براى يكبار هم كه شده با دقت و تمركز اين نوشته را كه حرف دل خيلى از فوتباليستهاست با تامل و دقت بخوانيد.

            اگر برخى از شما شايد حتى يكبار به بازيكنى كه مورد علاقه شما نبوده و شايد روزش نبوده توهين و فحاشى كرده درخواست دارم كه فقط و فقط براى يكدفعه و براى چند دقيقه خودتان را جاى همان بازيكن بگذاريد!

            چقدر به دور از فرهنگ و تمدن دنياى امروز و چقدر شنيع و به دور از اخلاق و معرفت است كه شما بازيكن مورد علاقه من نيستيد و يا از شما خوشم نمى ايد و من علاوه بر توهين به شما به زشت ترين حالت ممكن در فضاى حقيقى و مجازى به پدر ،مادر و خواهر شما فحش و نا سزا بگويم و ايشان را با كثيف ترين الفاظى كه به سختى ممكن است بر لبان يك انسان متمدن و با فرهنگ جارى شود خطاب قرار دهم!چه حس و حالى داريد توى اون وضعيت!تصور كنيد كه همان عضو خانواده شما كسالتى هم داشته باشد و در بستر بيمارى باشد!!

            لطفا به من ياداور نشويد كه ما فوتباليستها پول مى گيريم و وظيفه مان اينست كه در قبال ان خوب بازى كنيم و اگر خوب نباشيم خانواده هاى ما سزاوار اين باشند كه مورد بى احترامى قرار بگيرند!

            بهتر است كه همه ما تمركز و دقت كنيم كه وظايف خود را به نحو احسنت انجام دهيم و براى يكديگر شرح وظيفه ندهيم.

            از شما هواداران و عاشقان فوتبال خواهش مى كنم كه كمك كنيد كه فرهنگ فوتباليمان را تغيير بدهيم و اين مسئله را درك كنيم كه با توهين به خانواده بازيكن هيچ كمكى به بهتر شدن و پيشرفت او نمى كنيد و تنها باعث دلسردى و اُفت او و ايجاد فاصله و نفرت بين بازيكن و هوادار مى شويم.

            امروز كه با سردارجان صحبت كردم تا او را قانع كنم كه از تصميمش صرف نظر كند،حرف هايى در مورد تشديد كسالت مادر نازنينش بعد از مطلع شدن از ناسزاهاى مجازى زد كه به شدت متاثر و متاسف شدم و كاملا به او حق دادم و براى تصميمش احترام قائلم.

            سردارجان قبل از هرچيز ارزوى سلامتى براى مادر محترمت دارم و سايشان هميشه مستدام باشد.بعد از ان ارزوى موفقيت و شادكامى براى خودت و خانواده ات و در اخر ارزوى تفكر و تامل براى ناسزاگويان مجازى و سلامتى و اسايش و زندگى بهتر براى همه هموطنان دارم و طلب ارامش از خداوند براى عزيزانى كه در كنار ما نيستند🙏🏽🇮🇷


              Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
              I would like to announce MY retirement from TM too.
              seems to be the fashionable thing to do these days!!
              Iranians are so emotional! Godddddd....!!!

              But worse than that are the braindead "fans" on social media.
              They've become the worst sect of garbage anywhere in the world.
              No wonder many say Iran doesnt deserve democracy. The first thing it does is ruin itself! With socially stunted and morally backward attitude prevailing in our society, the worst thing that can happen to Iran is a free society.

              That's not to say we shd not get rid of the present backward religious system (coz they are the reason for society's backwardness). But we certainly have a looooooooooong way to be a mature society ready for democracy
              Oh wow you are also retiring? I did not see that coming. What a coinkydink cause I also just retired!


                It is easy to criticize Azmoun for the lack of goals. In fact, he would be the perfect scapegoat. Unfortunately, people who do not understand football seem to make the loudest noise with regards to our football.

                Simply put, Azmoun had no service in these 3 games. The only decent pass he received was the one-on-one against Morocco. Put Lewa, Icardi or Ronaldo in our line-up and they would have finished the tournament with 0 goals given the lack of creativity in which we pushed forward. Our strategy for most of the all 3 games was to thump it forward and hope Sardar somehow gets a touch to it and evades the 6'-4" defenders of Morocco, Spain and Portugal.


                  Sardar Azmoun retires from TM

                  Wow what a stupid move by sardar after the World Cup, in the transfer period.... his agent and club will be pissed... because clubs that have interest in him will walk away from these kind of weak mental players and even think he had a bad World Cup performance. TM (World Cup) was his only hope for a better club, his stats this year at Rubin is bad

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Sardar is a nice, talented kid, but he's emotional and soft.

                    He needs a good mentor like Mehdi Mahdavikia or Vahid Hashemian, and he needs to switch off his social media account.

                    I thought he performed very well in the WC, for the record.
                    Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                      My suggestion for sardar

                      1-Delete all social media
                      2-Get rid of his agent/advisors/parents
                      3-Live alone and gain independence
                      4-Hit the gym and bulk up
                      5-Make real friends and stop chasing celebs
                      6-Grow the fuck up

                      If he follows these points, he might make it.


                        one thing i never understood about most people is how they focus on the negative. for instance after the spain game, sardar was upset, went public on social media. what do fans do in response? send him videos of kind words and encouragement. so instead of focusing on this, he still focuses on the negative words that 'hurt' his mother whats a 50 years old lady doing on social media anyway. this kid will get destroyed at club level by opponents and his own teammates.

                        he needs to grow up, leave his family, and be a man, just like he told the moroccan player after own goal. he needs a girlfriend too lmaoooooooo
                        SHOW TIME!


                          Originally posted by ShirFarhad View Post
                          I'm surprised by the comments here. Sardar is our most talented player and has always fought for his country. How is it ok to insult him or his mother?
                          He has every right to choose his personal life and time with his mother over team melli after all these insults he received so far.
                          Yes, he's emotional but I have a question for everyone here. When you know someone is emotional, do you try to cheer that person up or will you continue saying things to make the situation worse?
                          It's certainly unacceptable that he is being insulted.

                          With that being said, he needs to learn to block out and ignore the insults. Any public figure will be subject to intense criticism. If they allow themselves to become affected, it becomes impossible to function.

                          The answer is not to flee the criticism and hide under the bed, but to confront and conquer the challenge.

                          He acts a little like a teenage girl with his wild mood swings and attention-seeking behavior.
                          Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.


                            Unfortunately, history has a way of repeating itself. I think 2 years ago, I was envisioning that Sardar was emulating another "most talented player", Ali Karimi, while Alireza JB was following in the footsteps of Mehdi Mahdavikia, a true professional.

                            Sardar has spend much too much time in Russia, as did Ali Karimi in UAE. They both were strong for Iran on the Asian level, but Karimi never reached any potential internationally. He is a footnote in international football history as a "pretty decent" Iranian player who had a stint in Munich.

                            Sardar will likely have a couple of seasons on a strong team, return back to Iran, and become an equestrian around 28 or 29. Maybe even a rapper. He will retire 4 or 5 times from TM, and keep coming back, then become a thorn in the side of TM when he retires.

                            Anyone who thinks this story pans out any other way is lying to themselves. This kid was given the "king of Iranian football" brand way too early. With all of his social media followers, etc. Football is not his profession anymore. He is a celebrity. This is what celebrities do, unfortunately. Sardar will be back, but I don't expect him to be any sort of savior. He will come back and help us on the Asian level, maybe 2022 World Cup, but our team has too many problems. From IFF, to our mentally weak players, I have a very grim outlook on the future.

                            I can see CQ hightailing it out of Iran if Azmoun is really retired. An important piece he spent 3 1/2 years working on is broken at this point. Rebuilding a new target striker will be difficult. Sardar is the player that fits CQ's tactics the best, and without him, we will be weaker, no doubt. Azmoun with Jahanbakhsh's attitude and character would be starting on Liverpool today. No doubt in my mind. Unfortunately Sardar has the attitude of a Kardashian.


                              Khiabani's plea to Sardar and his mother. I love Khiabani, yes, even with all his sootis. He loves our country.



                                Originally posted by Tehranto View Post
                                Khiabani's plea to Sardar and his mother. I love Khiabani, yes, even with all his sootis. He loves our country.
                                I don't get it, Sardar is a grown man, why does Khiabani have to plea with Sardar's mother to get him to come back? Has the whole world gone mad? At 23 years of age, he is an adult.

