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Branko to coach Iraq?

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    I sure as hell hope so. It was like yesterday when he headed Iran's Team melli, everybody wanted his head on a platter. They guy is useless. The reason PP and Ess win so many titles is because the get the pick of the talent, and not coaching. when I was a kid i finished 4th in a wrestling competition in Tehran my granma asked how I did I said I finished 4th she asked how many wrestlers were there I said 4 she said well if I was there I'd finish 5th.


      Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
      It is just a personnel thing then.
      Because I think winning trophies in professional sport is considered an accomplishment.
      And to Ghalenoei, Branko as well as their respective fans, winning the PGL means so much to their personnel pride and abilities.
      Branko destroyed Iranian football and its future for a decade. I couldn't give a crap if he (or Ghalenoi or whoever else) wins PGL 10 times in a row for whatever club. I am happy for you as a fan of Branko that he has won for your club. He is probably a little less corrupt than some domestic coaches and I gather his Dynamo Zagreb bungs keep his lifestyle... good.

      Queiroz has changed Iran's football.


        I would be HAPPY if Branko leaves.

        After 2006, and going to Arab countries and because of tax evasion not coming to Iran until it was forgiven, he has been mediocre with big mouth arguing with CQ.

        CQ has changed Iran's football. I support him. I wish the fans pay CQ so that IFF gets the F out of ordeal.
        چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


          Originally posted by Iranianarsenal11 View Post
          A Branko fan?? Im so sorry bro
          I enjoy Branko's style of football which is based on keeping the possession of the ball. In general, we do not have that in our football.
          But I also enjoy Schafer and what he has brought to the Esteghlal football club by giving them a new identity. When he was first hired, not many people gave him a chance to succeed. But he has done a good job with the blues so far, just like Branko has done a good job with the reds.


            Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
            I enjoy Branko's style of football which is based on keeping the possession of the ball. In general, we do not have that in our football.
            But I also enjoy Schafer and what he has brought to the Esteghlal football club by giving them a new identity. When he was first hired, not many people gave him a chance to succeed. But he has done a good job with the blues so far, just like Branko has done a good job with the reds.
            hmmm, are you Branko's agent? or perhaps the Professor himself is making an appearance on PFDC? =)


              Originally posted by diz View Post
              hmmm, are you Branko's agent? or perhaps the Professor himself is making an appearance on PFDC? =)
              No I am neither.
              As I explained, I enjoy the results that he has achieved with the reds so far, even though I am not a red fan. And I also enjoy his style of football.
              I can't possibly be the only one who supports Branko.


                Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
                No I am neither.
                As I explained, I enjoy the results that he has achieved with the reds so far, even though I am not a red fan. And I also enjoy his style of football.
                I can't possibly be the only one who supports Branko.
                I think there was someone named PersianLegion who shared identical views with you. You’ve probably never heard of him though.


                  Originally posted by ali alipour View Post
                  I think there was someone named PersianLegion who shared identical views with you. You’ve probably never heard of him though.
                  As a matter of fact, I have heard of him and this is because some forum members thought that I am in fact Persian Legion who has returned with a new user name.


                    Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
                    Is that that the best that you can do?
                    dude im not even going to discuss with you about brangoh, you can't come up with good examples of what he has done to our football to praise him. if you come up with a good argument then i will consider answering your reply. but for now brangoh is one of the reasons our football is not making progress.



                      I am a huge Perspolisi to the fact that I have its club logo

                      Tattooed on my arm but I can tell you all that although Branko has

                      been a good coach for us , he is no where near the coach CQ is.

                      And when it comes to TM I support CQ %100 .


                        Originally posted by euphory View Post
                        dude im not even going to discuss with you about brangoh, you can't come up with good examples of what he has done to our football to praise him. if you come up with a good argument then i will consider answering your reply. but for now brangoh is one of the reasons our football is not making progress.
                        Branko has managed to turn Perspolis which next to Esteghlal is the most popular team in Iran into a respectable strong team again.
                        And if that is not progress, please explain what is?


                          Originally posted by sarbaz View Post
                          I am a huge Perspolisi to the fact that I have its club logo
                          Tattooed on my arm but I can tell you all that although Branko has
                          been a good coach for us , he is no where near the coach CQ is.
                          And when it comes to TM I support CQ %100 .
                          I think CQ is a better coach than Branko is.
                          Having said that, Branko has become a much better coach than he was during the 2006 world cup.
                          Back in 06, he was not a very strong leader and this is why Iran's team was not as united as CQ's teams were in both 2014 and 2018 world cups.
                          But in his second spell in Iran as the Perspolis head coach, Branko has had much more grips on all aspects of his team by being a better leader.
                          This is why we haven't heard much issues coming out of the dressing room of the red club.
                          He has also become a better tactician in his overall planning of the game.
                          Again, the results that Perspolis has achieved in the last 3 seasons is the perfect example of how overall he has become a better coach.


                            Originally posted by Irandoust View Post
                            I think CQ is a better coach than Branko is.
                            Having said that, Branko has become a much better coach than he was during the 2006 world cup.
                            Back in 06, he was not a very strong leader and this is why Iran's team was not as united as CQ's teams were in both 2014 and 2018 world cups.
                            But in his second spell in Iran as the Perspolis head coach, Branko has had much more grips on all aspects of his team by being a better leader.
                            This is why we haven't heard much issues coming out of the dressing room of the red club.
                            He has also become a better tactician in his overall planning of the game.
                            Again, the results that Perspolis has achieved in the last 3 seasons is the perfect example of how overall he has become a better coach.
                            OK, well good for him. Good for Ghalenoi and anyone else who has had success with clubs in iran's league.

                            The fact remains that he has been a cancer for TM. I don't care if he wins a hundred league titles for Perspolis. So you can keep batting for him here but for the vast majority of us you are just hitting against a brick wall. You aren't going to convince us, and clearly we're not going to convince you as you have repeated either the same or similar posts ad infinitum.

                            Only TM.


                              Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                              OK, well good for him. Good for Ghalenoi and anyone else who has had success with clubs in iran's league.
                              The fact remains that he has been a cancer for TM. I don't care if he wins a hundred league titles for Perspolis. So you can keep batting for him here but for the vast majority of us you are just hitting against a brick wall. You aren't going to convince us, and clearly we're not going to convince you as you have repeated either the same or similar posts ad infinitum.
                              Only TM.
                              When you use words like cancer for Branko, you make me continue this discussion.
                              Let me take you back all the way to December 2005 when after qualifying for the 06 world cup, team Melli had a series of friendlies against different opponents including a 2-0 loss against Korea which judging by that game and the following games in the LG Cup which was held in Tehran, things became evident that under Branko and if things don't imporove rapidly, we will have a tough time in the world cup in few months time.
                              I personally sent an E mail to then head of the IFF Mohammad Dadkan, explaining to him that as an average Iranian football fan, I believe that the current team Meli needs Branko to be replaced by another foreign coach which at the time Arie Haan was available as the temporary coach of Perspolis , or needs to be reinforced by the addition of a qualified Iranian coach to the Branko's staff.
                              These ideas and concerns were something that most Iranian football fans were generally having during those days. But Mohammad Dadkan insisted on keeping Branko and we all saw what happened to that talented team Meli of 06.
                              I was among the millions of Iranian fans who wanted the heads of both Dadkan and Branko after our 2-0 loss against Portugal in our second game which guaranteed our elimination.
                              Now, fast forward 9 years and after traveling and coaching around in different countries, a more experienced Branko reappears in the Iranian football as the new head coach of Perspolis in 2015.
                              Being a kind of a person who believes in second chances and fresh starts, I thought to my self let's see how he does with Perspolis in his second spell in Iran. And sure enough, he gradually but consistently began to deliver results proving that he is indeed a better coach than he was back in 06.
                              Even if he destroyed the team of the 06, he has become a big part of the progression that the Iranian football somewhat enjoys nowadays.
                              And this is why I became Branko's fan because he learned from his past mistakes and became better at his profession.

