Originally posted by Tehranto
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i cant find anything on this in english..!??
Sardar's possible last gasp transfer to a decent league in likely a team which is desperate for firepower was about the only semi-realistic Juicy Winter Transfer, i was somewhat looking forward to..!!
Sardar HAD a good chance to garner a juicier transfer to a higher profile EU team, but he clearly blew it by opting to chase after his papa berdie and following that up with lackluster league and WC performances (im not even gonna mention his Wanking off the pitch during and after WC..!! oh wait, just did ..!

He is unlikely to get any better offers, especially during Winter Transfer where desperate for survival teams are panic-buying..!!
besides 10m valuation aint nothing to sniff @..!! if any truths to this rumor?? (the only thing making it believable is that CP has been somewhat of a long time admirer and they are an EPL club actually capable of parting with such large sums on a winter transfer...!
he really must push for this move, even if an ounce of truth to it..!! he'd be a fool not to..!
its getting well past the time for a transfer outa RPL, dareh torshide mishe oonja..!