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Reza Shekari @ Rubin Kazan | 2018-2019

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    Originally posted by milad_b View Post
    Oh ok thanks ! can you check if they made any offer to for him ? Is there any chance that he might have signed a contract with them?
    No they didn't, it's just name dropping.
    I've read this article and they say:
    Originally posted by Buisness Gazeta
    В остальном же все последние новости об интересе к Азмуну то от «Байера», то от «Брюгге» – чаще всего это вбросы, либо работа агента игрока, который, таким образом, пытается поднять статус клиента. На деле же в это зимнее трансферное окно прямых обращений в клуб из Европы о продаже или аренде Азмуна практически не было.
    the Azmoun agent offered him to these clubs (Leverkusen and Club Brugge), but they did not show any interest, he's just doing it to raise the "value" of Sardar.
    Разумеется, «Рубин» при прочих равных условиях предпочел бы продать Азмун в европейский клуб и не исключено, что получит конкретное предложение. Пока помимо «Зенита» на горизонте только два клуба: представители «Галатасарая» узнавали у «Рубина» насчет аренды Азмуна, но без последующего права выкупа, что казанский клуб не очень устраивает.
    Also they write Galatasaray was interessted to for a loan, but without a option to buy him. Rubin refused.
    Известно, что «Зениту» очень нужен нападающий такого плана, как Александр Кокорин, который до сих пор сидит в «Бутырке» и чьи перспективы возвращения в футбол становятся всё более туманными с каждым днём пребывания игрока в СИЗО. А Артём Дзюба и Антон Заболотный – нападающие совсем другого плана. Юркого и быстрого форварда, который бы играл чуть в оттяжке, в команде Сергея Семака сейчас нет.
    They say Zenit is really interessted to buy him, firstly Kokorin is still in jail (lol), secondly Dzyuba and Zabolotnij need a second striker who can assist them due their limitations.


      Originally posted by Surenas View Post

      They say Zenit is really interessted to buy him, firstly Kokorin is still in jail (lol), secondly Dzyuba and Zabolotnij need a second striker who can assist them due their limitations.


        so no transfer after all?

        dark times...


          PAG to Qatar and no Sardar/Milmo transfers.. Iranian football is crumbling before our very eyes


            Azmoun wanted to join the Wolves, the clubs couldn't agree on the terms, that's all. It was outside him.

            At least he has big ambitions, compared to the likes of Morteza POOLaliganji.


              Originally posted by milad_b View Post
              "he was close to singlehandedly keeping them in the premier league" OMG the things that i read from fans in this site makes me want to bang my head on the keyboard ! And other players who scored the goals and assist the goals where "pashmaks"! Specially berbatov lol this is the crappy mentality that we iranians have ! We are the best every where we go we do the best we save everyone blah blah blah ...

              Also note that Fullham alread had 5 wins before ashkan joined them.

              Well im used to it in this website ! if you say nice and false things about iranians they like you and agree with you but if you actually point out the facts against their "taasob/gheirat" people will go mad lol ! also as far as i know he scored 5 goals in 2nd season 13/14

              Tell me one fact that you've given me! you just read random articles and state what they've said! I live in uk ! i watch premier league I followed ashkan when he was in Premier league! BTW Sharu naraji is a family member of mine.

              Also i can't be bothered wasting time and giving out facts and stats !
              AHHHH yes the I live in UK so i am in expert in everything premiership. Gotta love these types of fans. Yes you are so incredibly intelligent and knowledgable.
              As I was saying, Dejagah came in to a struggling fulham team. He was a fan favorite and voted player of the year or some shit too. He wasnt voted this for no reason. He was the spark that almost kept them up. You expected him to score 20? please. Again, congratulations on living in the UK. Add it to your resume lmao


                Originally posted by milad_b View Post
                "he was close to singlehandedly keeping them in the premier league" OMG the things that i read from fans in this site makes me want to bang my head on the keyboard ! And other players who scored the goals and assist the goals where "pashmaks"! Specially berbatov lol this is the crappy mentality that we iranians have ! We are the best every where we go we do the best we save everyone blah blah blah ...
                Also note that Fullham alread had 5 wins before ashkan joined them.

                Well im used to it in this website ! if you say nice and false things about iranians they like you and agree with you but if you actually point out the facts against their "taasob/gheirat" people will go mad lol ! also as far as i know he scored 5 goals in 2nd season 13/14
                Tell me one fact that you've given me! you just read random articles and state what they've said! I live in uk ! i watch premier league I followed ashkan when he was in Premier league! BTW Sharu naraji is a family member of mine.
                Also i can't be bothered wasting time and giving out facts and stats !
                You having a laugh mate , stop being an arse. Stop being personal, I don’t care where you live, guess what I live in the UK too mate. As I said I was disagreeing with you , it’s called a forum board where people have opposing views. I gave you a lot of facts so get your head out of the clouds and jog on.


                  Rubin Kazan sucks so bad. Its almost impossible to watch any games, and even when I can, its really hard to even care about that shitty league.

                  Yet another sad day for Iranian football.


                    His disgusting behavior at the end of the Japan game should get him suspended from International football. I hope he spends the rest of his career warming benches in Russia. I donèt care how talented people think he is. the dude is an emotional wreck.


                      Originally posted by The View Post
                      His disgusting behavior at the end of the Japan game should get him suspended from International football. I hope he spends the rest of his career warming benches in Russia. I donèt care how talented people think he is. the dude is an emotional wreck.
                      Dear Mr. Perfect, who has never lost control of his temper, please enlighten us with some of your zen techniques which allow you to stay calm in ANY and ALL situations, including getting goaded all game during the most important game of your career, as a 24 year old, while your entire team is out to lunch.
                      Thank you


                        Originally posted by koush22 View Post
                        Dear Mr. Perfect, who has never lost control of his temper, please enlighten us with some of your zen techniques which allow you to stay calm in ANY and ALL situations, including getting goaded all game during the most important game of your career, as a 24 year old, while your entire time is out to lunch.
                        Thank you
                        Keep making excuses for this man-child. Let's see how that works out.


                          Originally posted by The View Post
                          Keep making excuses for this man-child. Let's see how that works out.
                          I am not making any excuses for him. I am just saying your reaction of "he should be banned from international football forever + deserves to rot on Russian benches," might be a little overkill.

                          I am sure you have reacted similarly in far lower pressure situations (assuming so, as most people I know have, even while, for example, driving).


                            Originally posted by The View Post
                            His disgusting behavior at the end of the Japan game should get him suspended from International football. I hope he spends the rest of his career warming benches in Russia. I donèt care how talented people think he is. the dude is an emotional wreck.
                            Yea it's ok, why are ya exaggerate that much? It's Football, it's emotional, it was the 1/2-Final for us the opportunity to reach the final after 43 yrs. nothing special.


                              Originally posted by koush22 View Post
                              I am not making any excuses for him. I am just saying your reaction of "he should be banned from international football forever + deserves to rot on Russian benches," might be a little overkill.

                              I am sure you have reacted similarly in far lower pressure situations (assuming so, as most people I know have, even while, for example, driving).
                              I did not say he should be banned for ever. I said suspended for his dirty behavior.

                              He whines and throws a tantrum every time he doesn't get a pass, he quit on team melli, and his latest actions against Japan prove the dude is an emotional liability.


                                Originally posted by Leicester City
                                The true favor is not having to read your idiotic/moronic posts and seeing your face. Whether it’d be football discussion or general Sirvan takes Ls left, right, and center.
                                You're the last person who should be mentioning the words idiotic and moronic, if you look up the words idiotic and moronic you'll find a picture of leicester city smiling.

                                Go support your shitty leicester city, we don't need fake fans with your loser mentality, or fake Iranians like you. People with your mentality are like poison. Be a man and do as you say, stop supporting TM fake fan, goodbye.

