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Military Service

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    Originally posted by St_Mark View Post
    Why Now?

    It began even before document fabrication by few clubs specially Foulad and IFF forcing Foulad to send their best players including Bakhtiar, Abdollahzadeh, and Soroush to Tractorsazi for free.

    1-Unfair Policy & Discrimination
    Many clubs specially Fouad, Sepahan, Zobahan... complained about the unfair practice of Military service .discrimination and damages to their clubs.

    2- Cheating.
    Clubs and Journalists even few MP complained about bad policy and argued Playing football for few militarily related club should not consider Military service and those players they get money to play football and has nothing to do with military service.

    Last year there were several proposals to correct a broken system and to address above concerns since it contributes to cheating and corruption.
    The current policy was drawn last year as one of option but it was announced this week

    Does SM, IFF or CQ has anything to do with this policy or timing?
    They have nothing to do with policy but they could have an influence on timing.
    I just think CQ's demand was raised now. This is not the best time people have had in Iran and IR know that. The last thing they want is to make people more angry and dissatisfied than already, hence implementing the rule in an attempt to keep CQ during these bad times.

    I believe this is the time for CQ to demand. I bet anything he said would be accepted and fixed! I wished he raised the women in the stadium issue.




        رئیس اداره سرمایه انسانی سرباز ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح در گفت وگو با فارس خبر داد

        سردار موسی کمالی رئیس اداره سرمایه* انسانی سرباز ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح در گفت وگو با خبرنگار انتظامی خبرگزاری فارس با اعلام خبر فوق اظهار داشت:

        به موجب قانون سرباز قهرمان،
        نفرات اول تا سوم مسابقات المپیک، نفرات اول و دوم مسابقات جهانی و نفرات اول مسابقات بازی های آسیایی از انجام خدمت دوره ضرورت معاف بودند.

        رئیس اداره سرمایه انسانی سرباز ستاد کل نیروهای مسلح تصریح کرد: براساس پیشنهاد ستادکل نیروهای مسلح و موافقت مقام معظم فرماندهی کل قوا مدظله العالی، تسهیلات سرباز قهرمان به همه ورزشکاران مدال آور که در عرصه های جهانی و آسیایی برای اهتزاز پرچم مقدم جمهوری اسلامی ایران و اعتلای نام ایران اسلامی عزیز تلاش می کنند نیز تعمیم داده شد. وی خاطرنشان کرد:

        با این مصوبه از این به بعد
        نفرات سوم مسابقات جهانی و نفرات دوم و سوم مسابقات آسیایی نیز در شمول مقررات سرباز قهرمان قرار گرفته و از انجام خدمت دوره ضرورت معاف
        خواهند شد

        This is great news for U23 and TM players. If they make it among top 3 in Asia, they are exempt from Military service.

