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Ali Karimi...

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    Ali Karimi...

    We all have great memories of him being a fancy player whose skills although short-lived, but still having drawn the world's attention at a point in his career, hence landing him in Germany with one of the most popular and historic clubs of the world "Bayern Munich"

    The biggest barrier throughout his entire footballing career and as a player was his unmotivated and rebellious attribution. Felix Magath the coach of Bayern Munich at the time described Karimi as a naturally gifted, yet unmotivated player. He had even criticized Karimi for not having learned even a few words of German language during his 2-year spell at Bayern.

    I don't think I need to elaborate on countless occasions he got into fights with his coaches, causing chaos in those clubs. His controversial and unnecessary interviews with reporters and in press conferences, both as a player and coach have all been painful to watch. Seeing a once "legendary" football icon sinking so low by resorting to name callings and constantly creating drama and noise just to get his message across.

    Who remembers his infamous interview in the plane on TM's flight back to Iran from Germany WC 2006? How he bashed Branko and blamed the whole TM fiasco in Germany on him? Now I am not siding with Branko or anyone else. I am in general against players who think they can stir things up when they feel like matters don't go their way. Every single coach he has worked with he has had problems with. Every single club he played at he created some sort of drama. Every single team he has coached thus far, he has had to pull the same...

    His latest drama is now his beef with 90 mainly Adel and Mohammad Hossein Misaghi. Here is the story:

    علی کریمی اسطوره باشگاه پرسپولیس و سرمربی فعلی سپیدرود رشت در پستی اینستاگرامی به عادل فردوسی*پور و محمدحسین میثاقی حمله کرد.
    به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛ در برنامه نود آیتمی از بازی ملوان بندر انزلی و سپیدرود رشت پخش شد که علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود را حسابی عصبانی کرده است. در این آیتم مشخص شد که هواداران سپیدرود با سنگ ملوانی ها را زده اند. علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود در پستی اینستاگرامی به عادل فردوسی پور و محمدحسین میثاقی حمله کرد و نوشت:«نوچه هاى كيروش ، اين تيم بى كس و كار نيست، فكر نكنيد هر غلطى دلتون ميخواد توى فوتبال ، ميتونيد بكنيد!از بازى بعد بهتون نشون ميدم كه چه خبره!
    شما و رفقاتون رو يه كارى ميكنم از اين فوتبال ، فرار كنيد
    شما بريد فعلاً قرارداداد دلاله رو ببنديد ، بعدش بياين از فوتبال حرف برنيد.
    از امروز يه تنه جلوى تو و داردستت در فدراسيون ( فدراسيون جانبازان فوتبال)

    i get he has anger issues but why is he so mad with adel?


      Apparently he believes 90 did not cover the truth and actual story of the Gilan derby. And merely made that report to smear Sepidrood and Rasht.

      SMH it’s hard to produce this show, because every single PGPL team at some point accuses 90 to have conspired against their team... 🤦🏻*♂️

      Here is a screenshot of his Instagram post:

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




          Karimi is like little kid, at almost 40 he acts like he was 22 and slapped the referee and got banned for a year or when he was 27-28, he made that stupid reaction to his sub in WC. He was a special talent who never delivered to even 30% of his potential but i have almost zero respect for such a character. Good player but there are tons of players in TM who are before him in my book.
          The guy look for attention once in a while.


            Don't forget he was banned from football for one year, after that I think he only had one red card in his entire career after that and I think it was in Iran. So he did learn his lesson on the field.
            Original Ehsan of IK ISP and PFDC from 1999/2000!


              It's honestly really too bad what happened to Karimi.

              He was definitely the biggest hope we had for producing a world class footballer. He had better ball handling skills than almost any player on the planet and his vision was INSANE.

              Even in his first start for Bayern, he scored and i believe also assisted 1. If Roy Makaay didn't score a hat-trick in that match VS Leverkusen, Karimi would have been MOM in his first start in Bundesliga!
              He performed quite well in his first year and won MOM few times, and was definitely one of Bayern's best players.

              Unfortunately, and ironically, he was injured so badly in that mid-season friendly against Mahdavikia's HSV, and he was never the same again. This was the WORST timing ever too. It just HAD to happen right before the 2006 World Cup!

              Anyways, he moved to Europe way too late, and like many have said, he just lacked the motivation and professionalism to reach his potential.

              I'd say our next biggest hope is definitely Sardar Azmoun. - Let's hope he rejoins TM in next camp and moves out of Russia after this season.


                lol @ Karimi calling Adel "Noche haye CQ" though. Pretty accurate, pretty funny too.

                It would have been fine if he had picked a fight just with Adel but he also picked a fight with Taj (Making fun of his disability from the war). So he's gonna have the IRGC goons up his ass too. If he doesn't end up at Evin he's probably gonna get banned from all football related stuff for years. I swear, this guy just can't hold a job...


                  Wonderful player. Always a turd of a personality.
                  "Formerly known as AliDaeiClone"


                    Originally posted by AliDaeiClone View Post
                    Wonderful player. Always a turd of a personality.
                    - good one!


                      Originally posted by Iran_19 View Post
                      like he was 22 and slapped the referee
                      He was 19 at the time but yeah...


                        Karimi's big problem now is that he is uneducated. Unfortunately, this on-field genius played at a time when most (not all) of TM's star players either were either educated/intelligent or at least quiet.

                        Having someone like him embroiled in the mess of iranian club football will only be a recipe for disaster...

                        Frighteningly, now our only real intelligent players are Jahanbakhsh and Kaveh, and social media is going to make everything worse....


                          Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                          Karimi's big problem now is that he is uneducated. Unfortunately, this on-field genius played at a time when most (not all) of TM's star players either were either educated/intelligent or at least quiet.

                          Having someone like him embroiled in the mess of iranian club football will only be a recipe for disaster...

                          Frighteningly, now our only real intelligent players are Jahanbakhsh and Kaveh, and social media is going to make everything worse....
                          And Ghoddos!


                            In my view, the less this and similar problems are discussed, the better for all of us.
                            چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


                              Originally posted by Leicester City View Post
                              And Ghoddos!
                              Doesn't Amiri have a law degree as well? probably takes the cake then

