We all have great memories of him being a fancy player whose skills although short-lived, but still having drawn the world's attention at a point in his career, hence landing him in Germany with one of the most popular and historic clubs of the world "Bayern Munich"
The biggest barrier throughout his entire footballing career and as a player was his unmotivated and rebellious attribution. Felix Magath the coach of Bayern Munich at the time described Karimi as a naturally gifted, yet unmotivated player. He had even criticized Karimi for not having learned even a few words of German language during his 2-year spell at Bayern.
I don't think I need to elaborate on countless occasions he got into fights with his coaches, causing chaos in those clubs. His controversial and unnecessary interviews with reporters and in press conferences, both as a player and coach have all been painful to watch. Seeing a once "legendary" football icon sinking so low by resorting to name callings and constantly creating drama and noise just to get his message across.
Who remembers his infamous interview in the plane on TM's flight back to Iran from Germany WC 2006? How he bashed Branko and blamed the whole TM fiasco in Germany on him? Now I am not siding with Branko or anyone else. I am in general against players who think they can stir things up when they feel like matters don't go their way. Every single coach he has worked with he has had problems with. Every single club he played at he created some sort of drama. Every single team he has coached thus far, he has had to pull the same...
His latest drama is now his beef with 90 mainly Adel and Mohammad Hossein Misaghi. Here is the story:
The biggest barrier throughout his entire footballing career and as a player was his unmotivated and rebellious attribution. Felix Magath the coach of Bayern Munich at the time described Karimi as a naturally gifted, yet unmotivated player. He had even criticized Karimi for not having learned even a few words of German language during his 2-year spell at Bayern.
I don't think I need to elaborate on countless occasions he got into fights with his coaches, causing chaos in those clubs. His controversial and unnecessary interviews with reporters and in press conferences, both as a player and coach have all been painful to watch. Seeing a once "legendary" football icon sinking so low by resorting to name callings and constantly creating drama and noise just to get his message across.
Who remembers his infamous interview in the plane on TM's flight back to Iran from Germany WC 2006? How he bashed Branko and blamed the whole TM fiasco in Germany on him? Now I am not siding with Branko or anyone else. I am in general against players who think they can stir things up when they feel like matters don't go their way. Every single coach he has worked with he has had problems with. Every single club he played at he created some sort of drama. Every single team he has coached thus far, he has had to pull the same...
His latest drama is now his beef with 90 mainly Adel and Mohammad Hossein Misaghi. Here is the story:
علی کریمی اسطوره باشگاه پرسپولیس و سرمربی فعلی سپیدرود رشت در پستی اینستاگرامی به عادل فردوسی*پور و محمدحسین میثاقی حمله کرد.
به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛ در برنامه نود آیتمی از بازی ملوان بندر انزلی و سپیدرود رشت پخش شد که علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود را حسابی عصبانی کرده است. در این آیتم مشخص شد که هواداران سپیدرود با سنگ ملوانی ها را زده اند. علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود در پستی اینستاگرامی به عادل فردوسی پور و محمدحسین میثاقی حمله کرد و نوشت:«نوچه هاى كيروش ، اين تيم بى كس و كار نيست، فكر نكنيد هر غلطى دلتون ميخواد توى فوتبال ، ميتونيد بكنيد!از بازى بعد بهتون نشون ميدم كه چه خبره!
شما و رفقاتون رو يه كارى ميكنم از اين فوتبال ، فرار كنيد
شما بريد فعلاً قرارداداد دلاله رو ببنديد ، بعدش بياين از فوتبال حرف برنيد.
از امروز يه تنه جلوى تو و داردستت در فدراسيون ( فدراسيون جانبازان فوتبال)
به گزارش خبرگزاری خبرآنلاین؛ در برنامه نود آیتمی از بازی ملوان بندر انزلی و سپیدرود رشت پخش شد که علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود را حسابی عصبانی کرده است. در این آیتم مشخص شد که هواداران سپیدرود با سنگ ملوانی ها را زده اند. علی کریمی سرمربی سپیدرود در پستی اینستاگرامی به عادل فردوسی پور و محمدحسین میثاقی حمله کرد و نوشت:«نوچه هاى كيروش ، اين تيم بى كس و كار نيست، فكر نكنيد هر غلطى دلتون ميخواد توى فوتبال ، ميتونيد بكنيد!از بازى بعد بهتون نشون ميدم كه چه خبره!
شما و رفقاتون رو يه كارى ميكنم از اين فوتبال ، فرار كنيد
شما بريد فعلاً قرارداداد دلاله رو ببنديد ، بعدش بياين از فوتبال حرف برنيد.
از امروز يه تنه جلوى تو و داردستت در فدراسيون ( فدراسيون جانبازان فوتبال)