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    Carlos Queiroz se acerca a Colombia

    La selección colombiana sigue trabajando en la búsqueda de un seleccionador que ocupe el lugar que dejó libre Néstor Pékerman el pasado mes de septiembre. El que más gusta entre los dirigentes de la selección 'cafetera' es Carlos Queiroz.El portugués mantuvo recientemente una reunión con los directivos de la selección colombiana, en la cual acercaron posturas. Los 'cafeteros' tenían como prioridad que la incorporación fuese inmediata, sin embargo, Queiroz que es el actual seleccionador de Irán se ha comprometido a disputar la Copa Asiática con los iraníes en el 2019 (se disputa del 5 de enero al 1 de febrero). Ambas partes se emplazaron a tener una próxima reunión en la que se decidirá si la negociación sigue adelante o bien se desestima la incorporación del portugués. Queiroz llegaría a tiempo para los compromisos de la fecha FIFA de marzo del 2019 que servirían de preparación para la Copa América del 2019 en Brasil.Al portugués le agradaría la idea de dirigir a una selección del nivel de la colombiana. Lo que parece claro es que su compromiso con Irán terminaría después de esa Copa Asiática y buscaría nuevos retos en su carrera como técnico.Tres Mundiales y cien victoriasCarlos Queiroz cuenta con una dilatada trayectoria en los banquillos de selecciones (Sudáfrica, Portugal e Irán). Con los portugueses disputó un Mundial (2010) mientras que con los iraníes estuvo en las dos últimas Copas del Mundo (2014 y 2018).Su currículum es más que respetable, con 182 encuentros dirigidos y 101 victorias. Hace poco alcanzó el centenario de victorias que dejó satisfecho al entrenador luso: "No ha sido un transcurso fácil, se trata de algo que me deja feliz y muy orgulloso". Colombia espera resolver pronto un asunto que se ha dilatado en el tiempo, pero que pronto encontraría una resolución definitiva.

    Cocaine is worth more than the Iranian oil these days! So.....


      god know where this rumors coming from


        got a bad feeling about this rumor

        just sounds like a sorta team and coaching challenge he would swap iran for after AC...!!

        barring winning the AC and khayemaling the shitt outa him, he looks a gonner to elswhere regardless..!!


          I'm expecting him to leave after AC 2019 - and that's ok.

          Calm yourselves down people.


            We cant keep him forever. CQ did some great things for us for a high price tag, unfortunately the cost of bringing quality coaches to Iran nowadays.


              could be bazargarmi...
              Hope he stays until next WC, he's resilient, has great work ethic, players respect takes years to create a united consistent elite team. If he leaves, not sure local coaches are going to be of much help.
              Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


                If he doesn't win the cup or at least make the final he should be fired.


                  I wanna bang sharon stone. Lets see who gets lucky first
                  WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                    If he wins the cup or at least makes the final you should have your nationality revoked.

                    But seriously, if he stays for a minute past the end of our AC tournament, I may just get a tattoo of the man on myself or something. Any person with a lack of a genuine bond with us as a country/people/culture would have walked years back. I'm OD-ing on gratitude as it is.


                      would be a pretty bad choice for them. I can't see CQ coaching a high caliber attacking team with his style of play.


                        Originally posted by Mr Pouya View Post
                        would be a pretty bad choice for them. I can't see CQ coaching a high caliber attacking team with his style of play.
                        CQ on Switzerland or Italy would be terrifying.


                          I actually think someone like CQ will be offered a very lucrative contract to coach Qatar in WC 2020. Its one of few methods they can save themselves embarrassment in terms of performance.


                            Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                            I actually think someone like CQ will be offered a very lucrative contract to coach Qatar in WC 2020. Its one of few methods they can save themselves embarrassment in terms of performance.
                            he has too much of a yekdadengi personality and principals ..! he wont stand for them undermining his work constantly just because of shitton of money being thrown at him..! besides it hits too hard home for TM fans to see him on Gutter's sideline and he probably doesnt wanna ruin his good graces he has with the genuine TM fans worldwide, regardless of him leaving..!
                            all that offensive talent for Columbia aint gonna do them jack shitt in terms of elevate their football to higher echelons of SA football...! like iranians, they are rich in footballing talent and passion for the game, what they lack is Discipline and Organization, which he will deliver in spades, be it in a more conservative game approaches..!


                              He is due to leave at the end of Asian Cup 2019. He has made it clear that he will leave Team Melli after Asian Cup 2019.

