Hello all! There's been some talk about there being contacts between an iranian agent and a portuguese player agency, where the aim is basically to find a european club (I imagine a portuguese one) for Delfi and Sharifi to move to. Could be quite interesting.
From what I have gathered they are regarded (along win Taha Shariati) as the two most promising Iranian players, but personally I have never seen them play and know next to nothing about them, so I was wondering: how highly do you guys rate them? What are the main strengths / weaknesses in their game, and to which players would you consider them similar to?
Any info you could give would be much appreciated!
From what I have gathered they are regarded (along win Taha Shariati) as the two most promising Iranian players, but personally I have never seen them play and know next to nothing about them, so I was wondering: how highly do you guys rate them? What are the main strengths / weaknesses in their game, and to which players would you consider them similar to?
Any info you could give would be much appreciated!