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QUEIROZ vs BRANCO Discussion!

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    Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
    On a positive note, both these guys are pretty much the same age: 65 and 64, and they look good for their age ( btw)
    At the world cup in Russia I was really shocked by how out-of-shape Iranian men are getting on average, especially after a certain age, and in particular I noticed the ones who lived in Emirates looked really unhealthy. This is just my experience but I feel Iranians who are 35+ are getting less and less fit and healthy and this is worrying.
    I hope they look at these two coaches and subconsciously correlate losing weight, fitness with longevity and success...
    Yes, they do look quite dapper and fit being in their 60s.
    Interesting, should be continued in general discussion.

    Long working hours, booze and a plate full of fruit after a heavy dinner late at night is pretty common...

    It's not uniquely related to fitness, their fashion, hairstyle, general grooming tends to go downhill. Don't think it is limited to eastern men.
    Some tend to be very demanding with their wives but nevermind when it comes to themselves. Not a good deal in the long run...
    Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


      Originally posted by K. Nader View Post
      "His fans"? You are aware that "his fans" are the ones that prioritize Team Melli above clubs, right? It's the Persepolisi contingent that have gone viral with the 'Team Mellie Man Persepolise' nonsense.
      Secondly, why are you posting selective statistics? The FIFA ranking formula was changed shortly after the 2006 WC and again after the 2018 WC. When you're not using like-for-like metrics, that argument is irrelevant.
      In a nutshell, yes, Branko won several trophies with Iran (Asian Games, WAFF, 3rd place Asian Cup) but he was a tactically incompetent and inflexible manager that relied on the brilliance of individual players. He made no effort to give the team an identity, nor did he make any effort to nurture the next generation to ensure Team Melli's continued success. Lastly, he did nothing to improve the culture or infrastructure of football in Iran; maybe it's not necessarily a national team's coach to do so but either way, Branko was and is incapable of doing so.
      CQ has been the opposite; on the trophies front, he has not won any (although I argue that the only tournament that he is in a position to win is the Asian Cup). That said, he has given the team an identity which is now globally recognized through quality World Cup performances that receive 100x the international attention of the Asian Cup, Asian Games, etc. We have world class ex-footballers and pundits praising the team and the capabilities of the team. CQ has done all this while tailoring a new generation of Team Melli footballers (most of which won't even peak for another 4-5 years) and revolutionizing our physical and mental conditioning. He has done this through initiatives such as PEC, bringing in world class staff, and yes, by being hot-headed and openly making demands until they are actually met.
      Alternatively, I think the demand for Team Melli to win is a laughable one. Think of it this way: TM competes with the national teams of countries all over the world (but primarily those in Asia). All these nations have their own initiatives to improve their football so regardless of what we do in Iran, they will push forward. Post 2006 showed signs of what happens when you don't keep up and we had essentially become a tier 2 Asian side. As a modern coach with modern methods, CQ has built a side capable of playing modern football; it's even more amazing when you consider how we are practically a tier 3 Asian side at almost all of the youth levels. Those same players that can't beat the likes of Vietnam at the Asian Games will come into CQ's system to successfully compete against the likes of Chile, Spain, Portugal, and others one day.
      In contrast, Persepolis is an Iranian club and aside from the ACL, their primary opposition are Iranian clubs. As the 'Real Madrid' or 'Manchester United' equivalent of Iran, their pockets are filled more than 95% of all Iranian clubs and they can attract just about nearly any Iranian player that they want. Despite this, following Ghotbi's era, they have spent millions on top footballers in the league only to throw them in the trash several months later, recycled through 12 managers in 7 years (2008 - 2015), and have done nearly nothing to nurture youth players and improve their infrastructure. Despite having the greatest means, they produced the least for the better part of 7-8 years. If anything, since they are in an environment that is comparable to their opposition, it is Persepolis that MUST be getting results on a regular basis considering that they have greater means. The same can't be said of national teams since each one operates in its own sphere and the actions which take place within those sphere determine success when sides collide.
      Paas already gave you and everyone else in this thread a great reply so refer to his reply in the previous page. I will add one thing however regarding my comment about CQ fans. A lot of them and many in this thread cannot be labled TM fans since they pretend TM was Bangladesh before CQ came along; since they insult TM legends, ex players, ex coaches as oghdeyi nothing losers because the say something about CQ; since they belittle our teams trophies and records, current players just to assert that CQ is this great savior for our football. I and other members who are arguing for TM and actual stats are the real TM fans. We respect former coaches and players and our team and hope CQ is more successful than Branko and the previous coaches and hope the same for anyone who comes after. Many of your statements I respectfully disagree with and see them as your biased opinion as it was already pointed out to you that they are contrary to reality. Thanks.


        Originally posted by IranPuma View Post
        93 games vs 42....statistically speaking the whole thing is skewed. Plus with a lot of more qualifiers for Asian Cup and the World Cup against low tier Asian teams on hand of course the rankings of his opponents appear lower.

        Looking at the state of Team Melli and the players available to both coaches when they took over, how in the world can anyone argue pro Branko and use these statistics as their backing point? Really
        I swear it feels like yesterday when Branko was the TM coach and everyone was calling for his head. Have we forgotten the debacle of players fighting each other? Players having zero discipline? Have forgotten the lack of motivation his teams were always blamed for?


          Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
          many in this thread cannot be labled TM fans since they pretend TM was Bangladesh before CQ came along; since they insult TM legends, ex players, ex coaches as oghdeyi nothing losers because the say something about CQ; Thanks.

          No one thinks Iran was like Bangladesh. CQ brought some things to Iranian football that we have never had(At least after the revolution). Accountability, physical training(and dieting), as well as a system. I rooted for Iran under GN, Ghotbi, Daei, Branko, and Ivic/Talebi. I know the defects we had as a team and they were never addressed because our football didn't have the source material that those in Europe have.

          What I do know is the disconnect between prediction threads (6-0 we got this, 11-0 Iran goal for Mirazapour.) and heart attacks we would get everytime under other coaches whenever we had to play a Bahrain or UAE about grassrolling/partybazi/gaavbandi/high level conspiracy/poisoning our players. Then when the actual game comes a 0-0 tie or an individual goal taking us through. We haven't struggled with Arabs a lot since CQ took over and hopefully whoever the future coach is keeps these lessons.

          A lot of our past football players(esp the ones in this argument) were individualistic great players. Our football was helped and also hindered by that mindset. CQ brought a system that increased team chemistry which is welcome. As someone who grew up a Manchester United fan, I appreciate when a coach beats his players over the head and makes sure its known no player is above the team.

          As a Perspolisi I lament how many fans of the team have a full out vendetta against TM. Iranians are not in a position to put club football over the national team yet. There are forces that are trying to destroy our TM from the very first day CQ said there is corruption/partybazi in IFF. Whether Branko is complicit ,or at the very least aware, is unknown.


            Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post

            No one thinks Iran was like Bangladesh. CQ brought some things to Iranian football that we have never had(At least after the revolution). Accountability, physical training(and dieting), as well as a system. I rooted for Iran under GN, Ghotbi, Daei, Branko, and Ivic/Talebi. I know the defects we had as a team and they were never addressed because our football didn't have the source material that those in Europe have.

            What I do know is the disconnect between prediction threads (6-0 we got this, 11-0 Iran goal for Mirazapour.) and heart attacks we would get everytime under other coaches whenever we had to play a Bahrain or UAE about grassrolling/partybazi/gaavbandi/high level conspiracy/poisoning our players. Then when the actual game comes a 0-0 tie or an individual goal taking us through. We haven't struggled with Arabs a lot since CQ took over and hopefully whoever the future coach is keeps these lessons.

            A lot of our past football players(esp the ones in this argument) were individualistic great players. Our football was helped and also hindered by that mindset. CQ brought a system that increased team chemistry which is welcome. As someone who grew up a Manchester United fan, I appreciate when a coach beats his players over the head and makes sure its known no player is above the team.

            As a Perspolisi I lament how many fans of the team have a full out vendetta against TM. Iranians are not in a position to put club football over the national team yet. There are forces that are trying to destroy our TM from the very first day CQ said there is corruption/partybazi in IFF. Whether Branko is complicit ,or at the very least aware, is unknown.
            Hyperbole. There are no forces that try to destroy our TM. He has his system next coach will have his, he did not bring a system to our football that will stay. Those individualistic players would not be the same under CQ it is Branko's style to give players room and it is CQ style to give defined duties like forwards running back to our penalty box to defend. These are all opinions and at the end all of these tactics all of these "discipline" and the very reason we play this game or any game for that matter is results! If "partybazi" gets us better results than disciplined park the bus then so be it. In sports there are stats and that is the beauty and fairness about sports. You cannot take away stats. You can appreciate whatever you appreciate and think but stats are king.


              Bottom line, CQ is a master TACTICIAN, while Branco is a very good TECHNICIAN.
              Iran has always been very high level technically comparatively in Asia. We've had Daie, Mahdavikia, Ali Karimi, Bagheri etc.etc. they were all superior technical players to Asian standards. However we've never had a set Tactic. CQ changed that, now Iran has a style and tactic very much it's own that other Asian teams are copying which is very satisfying and respectful. In conclusion Iran was in a desperate need of a CQ to take the next step, where we are today is all owed to CQ whether you like it or not. Ba Tashakor.


                Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                but stats are king.
                Stats can be taken to show whatever the user wants.

                Most points in a world cup: 4

                Only coach to ever get cleansheets in a world cup game for Iran(twice).

                Only one to get us points versus a top10 european side


                Lets not even delve into the performance stats for our games(Distance run, tackles, opportunities on goal) etc.

                Anyway, you are right this is all opinion at the end of the day. Only thing that matters is we keep winning.

                I will disagree with you on partybazi because if we ever want to take the next step to become the "Mexico"/Portugal/Uruguays of World football, we need to severely and harshly clamp down on partybazi(esp government interference).


                  Jalal Talebi was a better coach than Ivic


                  Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk


                    @ toole khers,
                    With all due respect: It is not up to you to decide who is true TM and who is not. We need to stop this bs judging who is true TM supporter, who is not, who is true Iranian, who is not, who is true Muslim, who is not. It has fucked our country. If you support TM - great. But speak for yourself. Don t think you know everybody...


                      Techical abilities are not built in TM. They are built on youth level. There is not much you can do at that late stage. So the 2006 team had better technical players, especially Karimi/Mahdavikia/Zandi...but that was not Brankos work. He just got lucky to work with the golden generation.
                      Regarding CQ i totally agree...


                        Branko inherited a team that had many of the Stars of 1998 World Cup + Ali Karimi, Nekounam, etc.

                        CQ inherited a team that missed 2010 World Cup, with a star-studded cast of Mohammad and Pejman Nouri, Gholamreza Rezaei, etc.

                        If you gave Sir Alex himself that team, I think he’d have a handful of losses in there. If any of you are dense enough to believe that Branko could do the same, and build and find the players CQ has, you’re delusional. Don’t forget the backlash CQ got for suggesting bringing Dejagah, Gucci, and Davari to the team. Branko would have pissed his pants at the thought of losing Rahmati...

                        Comparing “Professor” to CQ is like comparing a ford to a Ferrari. The fact that you don’t see what Branko wasted and squandered, compared to what CQ built essentially from scratch is truly sad and shows the inherent bias.


                          If Carlos Queiroz wins the Asian Cup with TM, they need to make a statue of his Ozv-e-Sharif and install it in the middle of Zagreb downtown!


                            How much I wished for this thread to disappear! … Tired of it.


                              Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                              Branko inherited a team that had many of the Stars of 1998 World Cup + Ali Karimi, Nekounam, etc.
                              CQ inherited a team that missed 2010 World Cup, with a star-studded cast of Mohammad and Pejman Nouri, Gholamreza Rezaei, etc.
                              If you gave Sir Alex himself that team, I think he’d have a handful of losses in there. If any of you are dense enough to believe that Branko could do the same, and build and find the players CQ has, you’re delusional. Don’t forget the backlash CQ got for suggesting bringing Dejagah, Gucci, and Davari to the team. Branko would have pissed his pants at the thought of losing Rahmati...
                              Comparing “Professor” to CQ is like comparing a ford to a Ferrari. The fact that you don’t see what Branko wasted and squandered, compared to what CQ built essentially from scratch is truly sad and shows the inherent bias.
                              Not only did we miss out on the 2010 WC, but we failed to even qualify for the intra-continental play-offs; we finished in fourth place out of a group of five teams. That's just an embarrassing placing, and not characteristic of an Asian powerhouse.

                              We were also the only team that failed to defeat the UAE in their home and we actually needed Rahmati to mirror a prime Buffon just to prevent us from losing that game with an embarrassing scoreline.

                              CQ took that same demoralized team and qualified us for the WC as group leaders for the first time since the revolution. This feat is even more impressive when you consider that he was missing his two best players (Dejagha and Pooladi) due to injury for many of the qualifiers, and that we no longer had any legionaries, at their peak, playing in first-rate European leagues (i.e. Bundesliga, Serie A) to carry us.
                              Zendebahd Iran


                                Originally posted by Afat11 View Post
                                Branko inherited a team that had many of the Stars of 1998 World Cup + Ali Karimi, Nekounam, etc.
                                CQ inherited a team that missed 2010 World Cup, with a star-studded cast of Mohammad and Pejman Nouri, Gholamreza Rezaei, etc.
                                If you gave Sir Alex himself that team, I think he’d have a handful of losses in there. If any of you are dense enough to believe that Branko could do the same, and build and find the players CQ has, you’re delusional. Don’t forget the backlash CQ got for suggesting bringing Dejagah, Gucci, and Davari to the team. Branko would have pissed his pants at the thought of losing Rahmati...
                                Comparing “Professor” to CQ is like comparing a ford to a Ferrari. The fact that you don’t see what Branko wasted and squandered, compared to what CQ built essentially from scratch is truly sad and shows the inherent bias.
                                Branko inherited many stars from the 98 wc team? Really?
                                I count two. Mahdavikia + 35 year old Daei.

                                Also in 2011 besides Gh. Rezaei, Mohammad and Pejman Nouri, we also had the likes of Nekunam, Shojaei, Ando (your profile pic), Hosseini, Rahmati, even Karimi who was playing for Schalke at the time. etc.

                                In fact aside from a few changes (which is natural) the only major changes from the 2011 Asian cup team and the 2014 world cup teams was the introduction of Gucci and Dejagah. And I don’t recall CQ getting backlash for bringing them in. In fact everyone was happy with their inclusion.

                                So maybe you should double check some of these things before calling others “dense” and “delusional”

                                Originally posted by Abedzadeh View Post
                                Not only did we miss out on the 2010 WC, but we failed to even qualify for the intra-continental play-offs; we finished in fourth place out of a group of five teams. That's just an embarrassing placing, and not characteristic of an Asian powerhouse.

                                We were also the only team that failed to defeat the UAE in their home and we actually needed Rahmati to mirror a prime Buffon just to prevent us from losing that game with an embarrassing scoreline.

                                CQ took that same demoralized team and qualified us for the WC as group leaders for the first time since the revolution. This feat is even more impressive when you consider that he was missing his two best players (Dejagha and Pooladi) due to injury for many of the qualifiers, and that we no longer had any legionaries, at their peak, playing in first-rate European leagues (i.e. Bundesliga, Serie A) to carry us.
                                The whole problem with some of you here is that all you do is undermine anything that Branko has done and glorify everything that involves CQ.

                                For example you say the 2010 wc campaign was horrendous (which I actually agree with you) but lets be honest, the only difference between 2010 and 2014 was that we kept the 1-0 lead away to Korea in 2014 but lost it in 2010 at the 82nd minute.
                                Plus in 2014 we were also very fortunate to have 3 big referee mistakes go our way (Uzbekistan away goal, Qatar away pk, Korea away red card). ie it wasn’t this clean no stress campaign like in 2006 and 2018. It literally went down to the wire (again). But somehow that gets pushed under the rug.

