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Depression Thread - Team Melli

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    Guys, CQ has given TM an international image and identity. He was great when it came to discipline and took no $h*t from Iran's football mafia and the government. But if you think about it now.....

    1. We could always beat teams like China, Oman and Vietnam even with Daei, Ghalenoeii and Ghotbi in charge (only with CQ it was more comfortable).

    2. If we can not beat Iraq, we do not deserve to beat a professional team like Japan! It's as simple as that!

    Let's face it......until the state if our country is not well enough and we can not get quality preparations and friendlies, we'll always be a step or 2 behind teams like Japan, with or without a top coach!


      Originally posted by Bagg10 View Post
      We were the better team for 60 mins, and then we collapsed. We lacked mental strength, discipline and focus. Part of that is on CQ.
      However, most of it is a problem with the IPL and the development of our players.
      Losses like this help us grow. As long as we get someone with a vision, we continue with this core and continue to give young talents a chance.
      The lack of friendlies against decent opposition has a huge effect as well. Japan is the first decent opponent we've faced since the WC. This isn't how you build a champion. The federation needs to do more.
      CQ will be missed. It has been years since we lost to an Asian team. But today we were not so good. If you saw the game CQ asked Voria AF and Torabi to warm up during first half.
      It must have been since he was not happy with Ramin Amiri and ARJ. Later he asked them to seat again. Why didn't we have Jalal Hosseini while Majid Hosseini and kananizade were playing this bad. I think CQ is to blame too. It may be a good idea to change CQ if IFF has a good idea who should replace him.


        The 2nd Japan!?

        Maybe we should be happy that with all our troubles we even came this far and reached the semis however it was much more bitter than 4 years ago due to the amateurish protests leaving almost half of the team out of play resulting to a horrible goal followed by a draining penalty minutes later and last but not least a 0-3 loss that only happened 8 years ago last time facing the Brazilians in a friendly. A 0-3 loss to an Asian side last happened 20 years ago against Kuwait and again in a friendly.
        Let us not forget Japan is a free, reputable and progressive nation (Part of the seven largest advanced economies in the world known as G7) who hosted the 1956 Tokyo Olympics (Over 60 years ago) co-hosted the 2002 World Cup and will be hosting the next Olympics in 2020. Iran taken captive by a theocracy for 40 years is still struggling with clear natural basic rights! During the Shah Japan was an example and it used to be said Iran aims to become the 2nd Japan.


          Originally posted by DireStraits View Post
          CQ will be missed. It has been years since we lost to an Asian team. But today we were not so good. If you saw the game CQ asked Voria AF and Torabi to warm up during first half.
          It must have been since he was not happy with Ramin Amiri and ARJ. Later he asked them to seat again. Why didn't we have Jalal Hosseini while Majid Hosseini and kananizade were playing this bad. I think CQ is to blame too. It may be a good idea to change CQ if IFF has a good idea who should replace him.
          Na, i wanted Seyd Jalal to be included in our WC squad but not in this tournament. It was good to get our younger defenders some international experience. CQ reign with TM was not perfect but he was almost a perfect coach for Iran and the Iranian mentality.

          What we need and lack is what I said in my above post.


            To the younger lads; cheer up, there is only one cup and only one team can win it
            Hold your head up high and wait for the next one!!

            Life goes on my brothers!

            Always look forward to new beginnings!

            Long live Iran!
            چو ایران نباشد تن من مباد


              Whenever something like this happens its best to just sit back, maybe go for a walk, take your mind off of everything.
              Music helps a lot; this song personally brings me back to a better mental state every time I listen to it:

              I hope it can help some fellow forum members too. Never forget that at the end of the day, football is entertainment and a way to cure boredom so don't let it take over too much of your life. Especially on its sadder days.


                Originally posted by val View Post
                To the younger lads; cheer up, there is only one cup and only one team can win it
                Hold your head up high and wait for the next one!!

                Life goes on my brothers!

                Always look forward to new beginnings!

                Long live Iran!
                Yeah that's the truth. I used to cry in such situations but I guess now I'm old enough to not cry lol today feels like the end of the world but tomorrow will be the new beginning. I was already checking the dates for the 2022 WC qualifications. the football never ends and I love TM no matter what. and I will follow their matches as usual

                but I'm starting to believe that's not going to happen in my life time. by that I mean Iran winning the Asian Cup.


                  It deeply hurts, Its like a girl that you love so much breaking up with you. Thankfully im almost 31 years old and I can deal with these days alot better. This one stings because, this time I actually believed that we deserved it. Looking back at all the other heart breaks we didnt deserve it but this time, we did.
                  Iran is just cursed until things change in the country, And it wont be in my lifetime. I will find joy in my personal life with my family and other achievements, success. I recommend everyone find personal accomplishment so these days dont hurt as much
                  WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS


                    Originally posted by persiangodfather View Post
                    It deeply hurts, Its like a girl that you love so much breaking up with you. Thankfully im almost 31 years old and I can deal with these days alot better. This one stings because, this time I actually believed that we deserved it. Looking back at all the other heart breaks we didnt deserve it but this time, we did.
                    Iran is just cursed until things change in the country, And it wont be in my lifetime. I will find joy in my personal life with my family and other achievements, success. I recommend everyone find personal accomplishment so these days dont hurt as much
                    exactly my thoughts...

                    it´s tough to be iranian


                      I’m older now but these losses still sting. Especially when they are from self inflicted wounds.

                      Also because we have not won the cup in 43 years, I just want to get the monkey off our back. If we can just win it once (post revolution) I’ll be fine going out. I honestly think this was the issue, our players have so much stress and expectation and everyone is saying it’s our year. Meanwhile japan has won it so many times recently their team is not as stressed


                        What i noticed today about myself is that im really sad, much sader than after the WC, maybe the Asian Cup really hurts more than WC


                          Originally posted by P-Money View Post
                          What i noticed today about myself is that im really sad, much sader than after the WC, maybe the Asian Cup really hurts more than WC
                          Its because you believed we could win
                          WE ARE THE UNDER DOGS

