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CQ Resigns During Press Conference (Thank You CQ Thread)

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    Only 26 pages of thank you's to CQ? Not nearly enough...

    Thank you coach Quiros for the amazing job you did for TM and Iran. Wish you all the best.
    "Evil is rare, but ignorance is epidemic"


      Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
      I can tell you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
      Indeed. I don't think any of us can ever match your unique intelligence and insight.

      Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk


        Thank you CQ for bringing millions of Iranians around the world so much joy, happiness, and pride. A fantastic coach and even greater human-being.


          Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
          Those are facts according to him from interviews, countries invitations for friendlies that were refused. He called Karimi a bozdel. Parking the bus was not invented by CQ any team at any time can park the bus and not concede goals. Your evaluation of our performance is not based on football metrics but on the belief that we should lose 8-0 against Spain thus if we lose by one we have gotten a great result. No sir, a loss is s loss. Back to back world cup, he is the only one afforded that opportunity and we were not supposed to qualify over Uzbekistan and Qatar? Are we not better than these teams in Azadi by at least a goal?
          People say he made great decisions getting rid of Rahmati and seyed Jalal but this is opinion. Maybe we would not have lost To Iraq in the Asian cup had we had a proper goalie. Maybe seyed jalal would not have made the mistake Kananizadegan made. Maybe he should have taken Azmoun to the world cup in Brazil. There are lots of assumptions that can be made. fact is he did not exceed our capabilities and capacity. The semis was our 9th! I ask you since you are such a respectful person, what is bekesh ziresh football? What is park the bus? We have never played such bad football. We played Iraq like they were Brazil. In fact we played alot of teams like that. He is known for that internationally. He parked the bus with Portugal and Ronaldo. He parked the bus with Madrid. He will continue to park the bus. It is easy to do and it is also genius because people dont know how powerful of defense it is to get 12 men behind the ball. It truly is 80s defense. CQ is like Puff Daddy making new hits of old 80s songs.
          "Every breath you take" by the Police became "Every step I take" by Diddy lol


            Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
            Indeed. I don't think any of us can ever match your unique intelligence and insight.

            Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
            Its okay after all the average IQ for our country is 85.


              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
              Its okay after all the average IQ for our country is 85.
              IQ is meaningless and subjective.
              No real IQ testing has ever taken place in Iran and is based off an average of other countries in the region.

              IQ is a tool for supremacists to crush minorities.


                Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                IQ is a tool for supremacists to crush minorities.
                Is that why East Asians consistently score highest on it?...Because it was designed by Westerners "to crush minorities"?


                  Originally posted by FutbolGods View Post
                  Is that why East Asians consistently score highest on it?...Because it was designed by Westerners "to crush minorities"?
                  Which East Asians? The sample population for those tests are usually kids in intense academic schools which have been designed to do well on those tests.

                  Go to a rural village and I am sure results will be different.


                    Originally posted by Nokhodi View Post
                    Which East Asians? The sample population for those tests are usually kids in intense academic schools which have been designed to do well on those tests.

                    Go to a rural village and I am sure results will be different.
                    The samples compared are from similar cohorts. When we say East Asians score highest, we don't mean a fluke test here or there. They score highest compared to all other racial groups on a consistent basis. There is no getting around that fact. And once you understand it, the whole racial conspiracy stuff loses all meaning.


                      We have forgotten to thank Daie, Nekounam, Shojaie and all the TM players who tried to make CQ's stay and work environment as pleasant as possible given the ongoing challenges.
                      Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


                        President of Columbian Federation confirmed that CQ is nearly a done deal if i understand it right ( used google translator).
                        The Portuguese Carlos Queiroz is about to sign a contract as the new coach of Colombia, confirmed Friday to local media the president of the Colombian Football Federation (FCF), Ramón Jesurún.


                          El portugués Carlos Queiroz está a punto de firmar un contrato como nuevo seleccionador de Colombia, según confirmó este viernes a medios locales el presidente de la


                            Originally posted by P-Money View Post
                            President of Columbian Federation confirmed that CQ is nearly a done deal if i understand it right ( used google translator).
                            The Portuguese Carlos Queiroz is about to sign a contract as the new coach of Colombia, confirmed Friday to local media the president of the Colombian Football Federation (FCF), Ramón Jesurún.
                            Good for CQ, he deserves everything he gets and more. "Noosheh jaan" Queiroz and we'll be rooting for you (and Colombia).


                              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                              Its okay after all the average IQ for our country is 85.
                              Well regardless, I think it takes a very "special" intelligence to state "I will gladly take Mayeli Kohan over CQ instead" and all the other genius things you've come out with.

                              Keep on trucking, champ. You'll get there one day....


                                Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                                Well regardless, I think it takes a very "special" intelligence to state "I will gladly take Mayeli Kohan over CQ instead" and all the other genius things you've come out with.
                                Keep on trucking, champ. You'll get there one day....
                                Don't waste your breathe, there's one in every crowd, those claiming post-Revolutionary Iran is better than pre-Revolutionary Iran based on "stats."

                                On a serious note, anyone of the PFDC Gods want to do something for CQ (Plaque/money/GoFundMe etc)? I'm willing to chip in.
                                زن زندگی آزادی

