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CQ Resigns During Press Conference (Thank You CQ Thread)
Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View PostWell regardless, I think it takes a very "special" intelligence to state "I will gladly take Mayeli Kohan over CQ instead" and all the other genius things you've come out with.
Keep on trucking, champ. You'll get there one day....United We Stand, One nation one heart one goal
Originally posted by bozghaleh View PostDon't waste your breathe, there's one in every crowd, those claiming post-Revolutionary Iran is better than pre-Revolutionary Iran based on "stats."
Originally posted by perspolis#1Why is it always the solutions of like minded people to these toxic Persepolis fans that someone needs to die.. why is "Marg bar" such a large part of this subculture? I don't care about CQ's stats. It is just funny that whenever Branko gets goaded the gloves are off and his supporters lose their cool/feigned impartiality toward TM coaches..Originally posted by tooleh khers View PostI am making fun. But your statement in bold is just hilarious. Branko getting graded? no sir it is CQ getting graded and it is you losing your cool. Its not for nothing the country is in this shape. People have 0 sense.
I wonder how long this CQ’s rubbishing is going to go on for? They are all coming out of hiding.
FFS the Man has finished with his post and left the country, just because he can’t hit back, stop this nonsense.
Goodness knows what the likes of Mayel-be-Kohan, ZolfagharNasab, Rezaie, Azizi, GhaleNoei, Khiabani, va, va, va going to be talking about in few weeks from now. I guess CQ had created a new breed of jobs and topics for these guys and likes of them.sigpic
Long Live 3 Rang'e Iran
Current TM needs to stay calm and organized.Naneh gs will start to divide them, pressure them to pick sides,forced testimony kind of thing. Hope Taj and some of our wise men are able to keep this team going gven the current dire economic situation.
People are not at peace, u can't expext them to be wise.
If we had reality tv shows a lot of this naneh talk could be vented out there and not on sports programmes, the news etc...it would have a light entertainment quality to it.Keep calm and believe in Fairies and FootballersRoxanaz
Originally posted by Roxanaz80 View PostCurrent TM needs to stay calm and organized.Naneh gs will start to divide them, pressure them to pick sides,forced testimony kind of thing. Hope Taj and some of our wise men are able to keep this team going gven the current dire economic situation.
People are not at peace, u can't expext them to be wise.
If we had reality tv shows a lot of this naneh talk could be vented out there and not on sports programmes, the news etc...it would have a light entertainment quality to it.
Very well said.
Bakhtiarizadeh interview!
Sohrab Bakhtiarizadeh who is now assistant coach for our Olympic nteam (Omid) has given an amazing interview discussing our performance, CQ, Salimi, etc:
He says:
One reason the team lost its organization was that the high expectations that was placed on the team. The players wanted to answer the critics and were emotionally involved. Also players really wanted to gift CQ the championship for his farewell as he was very popular among them.
Salimi.... I had better expectations from him. If he is concerned about the finances of ordinary people he should speak about the high costs of living ( price of meat and Kia Pride.
CQ was a great coach and we should have learned to extract as much knowledge from him as we could.
Old coaches and analysts that have 60s mentality... especially those critics who were PP fans.... first said TM is not using PP players...our club is our national team. Then TM was getting good results...they said we must become champions. That put too much pressure on the team. When we lost they start criticizing coach and bplayers.
If we we want to bring good coaches we must change our own culture so that we can learn from them. In these conditions even Guirdiola would not be successful.
Really heartening to hear such insightful thinking inside Iran.
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