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Shame on Perspolis social media

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    I hope the geezer hanging out the Lexus outside the stadium last night shouting "faghat Branko" was involved in a car accident in which he and only he was hurt and in need of hospital treatment. That is all.


      I agree man. I'm a perspolis fan but they need to cut this crap out. It's shameful. There was a small group saying "branko.... Branko.... Branko" at the stadium after the game ended, but I honestly doubt anyone heard them

      Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


        this show just how low iranian fans can be, pp fans are bad at this but i have seen this kind of behaviour from other fans.


          Originally posted by Adesor Vafaseya View Post
          I as a PP fan am totally ashamed by my club’s behavior.......
          Your clubs behavior? what's that supposed to mean? what behavior?


            sorry but some of you guys just sound like a bunch of sore losers. if there were another coach sitting on our bench and we played the same way, YOU will be the ones shitting on the coach for bullshit tactics of "long balls" and "otdasti". it's just this time around you liked the coach, so you don't like the reaction of some of the fans.

            go look at what we did with our coaches after exiting the same Asian tournament for the last 43 years. god knows we have plenty of such occasions.


              Originally posted by NFL View Post
              Your clubs behavior? what's that supposed to mean? what behavior?
              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

              Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

              Persepolis official instagram page has posted all of these. Fan reaction could have been understandable, but THIS?!


                Originally posted by mahzi View Post
                Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                I didn't read the comments, but just the initial posts. what's wrong with them?

                کی*روش بدون عذرخواهی از ملت ایران بابت نتیجه بازی با ژاپن کنفرانس خبری را ترک کرد.
                راحت باش.
                بله آقای کیروش
                اشتباه از ما بود که هشت سال به شما اعتماد كرديم
                هشت سال بی حرمتی شما به صغیر و کبیر این فوتبال را دیدیم و دم نزدیم
                هشت سال از باخت هایتان حماسه ساختید و ما در هوای برد تیم های ناشناخته خوابیدیم
                هشت سال بيشترين پول را گرفتيد و گرانترين مربي تاريخ ايران بوديد

                what's wrong with that? that's being ANTI Team and cheering that Iran lost? or are you upset that Persepolis club is not kissing CQ's ass after his 8 years of world class coaching??

                or this:
                آخرین باری که تیم ملی در جام ملت*های آسیا
                روی سکو رفت .
                حسرت قهرماني ٤٧ ساله شد
                حذف با سنگين ترين شكست تيم ملي با كيروش
                خداحافظ آقا كيروش و باندش
                مدت هاست فوتبال ملي ما خوب نفس نميكش

                what's wrong here?

                تیمِ ملّی امشب نباخت،
                تیمِ ملی اونروزی حذف شده بود که سیدجلال بالباسِ پرسپولیس از تیمِ ملی خداحافظی کرد!
                ‏خداحافظ آسیا
                ‏خداحافظ کاپ قهرمانی
                ‏⁧ #هشت_سال_بدون_جام⁩

                or this:

                قبل از شروع جام ملتها گفتیم با آگاهی از قرعه خوبی که نصیبمون شده و توجه به اینکه با هیچکدام از قدرتهای آسیا تا این مرحله روبرو نمیشیم چالش اصلی برای کیروشی که هشت سال تمام اختیار فوتبال ما رو در دست داشته از این مرحله شروع میشه، از مرحله*ای که به اولین زمین سفت آسیا میرسه به جایی که نمیشه با وجود داشتن امکانات و بازیکن و شانس خوب فقط به اشتباهات حریف چشم داشت، چون این حریف دیگه یمن و ویتنام و عمان و چین نیست، این زمین سفته و میپاشه تو صورت خودت مستر سی کیو، اینار باید فوتبال بازی کنی تا بتونی پیروز بشی ولی... ولی حیف بیشتر از تو ما تاوان دادیم، فوتبال ملی ما تاوان داد، تاوان ۸ سال اختیار تام دادن به تو، به مردی که میزد و ما می*رقصیدیم، به مردی که توهین میکرد و تطمیع میکردیم

                کاش یه مرد تو بن زاید بلند میشد میکروفن رو از احمدی میگرفت و می*گفت خداحافظ جام ملتهای آسیا، خداحافظ دفاع مطلق، خداحافظ اوت دستی های بلند، خداحافظ امیدواری به اشتباهات حریف، خداحافظ توهین و تهمت و تحقیر، خداحافظ شانتاژ و بزرگنمایی رسانه ای، خداحافظ حذف های حماسی، خداحافظ جناب کیروش

                where is the celebration or the "shameful" act by Perspolis club.

                and for the new found Nationalists you forgot to see this:
                دوست عزیز پس معلومه اخبار رو دنبال نمبکنی..همین چندوقت پیش مدیررسانه ایی پرسپولیس گفتش که این پیج ربطی به باشگاه نداره و تتفاقا همین پیجم یه پست گذاشت که پیج رسمی نیست و یه پیج هواداریه

                so what ever Perspolis fans do is the club's problem or some how Branko's doing??

                like I have said before, sore losers lead by non other than CQ himself, who couldn't stand Iran's representative (Persepolis) making it far in ACL stood against Iran's team in Azadi Stadium with Japanese flag are now crying like babies about some of Persepolis fans shitting on CQ and calling it Anti TM.

                Fans have every fucking right to be mad at CQ. go watch Iran vs Iraq and see for yourself what 8 years of World Class parking the bus got us. but hey, we only lost 1-0 to Spain and Argentina. and we made it to the WC two times in a row.


                  Originally posted by NFL View Post

                  like I have said before, sore losers lead by non other than CQ himself, who couldn't stand Iran's representative (Persepolis) making it far in ACL stood against Iran's team in Azadi Stadium with Japanese flag are now crying like babies about some of Persepolis fans shitting on CQ and calling it Anti TM.

                  Fans have every fucking right to be mad at CQ. go watch Iran vs Iraq and see for yourself what 8 years of World Class parking the bus got us. but hey, we only lost 1-0 to Spain and Argentina. and we made it to the WC two times in a row.
                  I predicted this type of reaction ever since I started seeing certain members, carefully almost in a legal sense, craft their words in order to set up expectations that will mean a lynching if Iran did not win the Asian cup. The pure definition of snakes.

                  Always very selective information choice. Take CQ's bad games put them under a magnifying glass. Act like the good games are part and parcel of Iranian football. Such cunning snakelike behavior. I'll tell you the meltdown we had vs Mexico was 10000x worse than any game under CQ era. First game of the world cup for us, broadcast everywhere. A world cup in Germany. A MELTDOWN by our unorganized golden generation with some of the most amateurish mistakes ever seen. A locker room brawl. Total chaos. No management. Camps forming. Can't even beat adamkhorhaye Angolayi. This characterization is basically how our fans in Iran treated this Asian cup.

                  Cut the bullchit I am a Persepolis fan and watched the ACL finals desperately hoping we can get a star on our badge to counter Esteghlal's 2. Watching the game in Azadi?? We were toothless against a Japan side IN AZADI. East Asians are supposed to be scared chitless of Azadi but what kind of game did we play where the Japanese looked like they were jogging and playing with their kids? And how come our fans were dead quiet while this game was happening? What kind of elite team has a fanbase that is quiet during a continental final?

                  Our fans/establishment in Iran have serious mental/psychological issues and they lash out at anything they can because they aren't allowed to most of the time for other reasons. In this occasion, it most definitely was Persepolis fans. During the Rahmati/Aghili era, it was Esteghlal's fans.

                  Do you remember our Iranian fans and the uproar during 2014, when they attacked that Brazilian model's page for getting the WC draw broadcast off the air in Iran?

                  Animals. Manically depressed. Oghdei. Animals.


                    I'm a big Persepolis fan (and will continue to be), but the sports media in Iran is generally quite bad and Persepolis' social media accounts are no exception.


                      These toxic brankoholics make me ashamed to be a perspolis fan


                        Originally posted by perspolis#1 View Post
                        Our fans/establishment in Iran have serious mental/psychological issues and they lash out at anything they can because they aren't allowed to most of the time for other reasons. In this occasion, it most definitely was Persepolis fans. During the Rahmati/Aghili era, it was Esteghlal's fans.
                        Do you remember our Iranian fans and the uproar during 2014, when they attacked that Brazilian model's page for getting the WC draw broadcast off the air in Iran?
                        Animals. Manically depressed. Oghdei. Animals.

                        first of all, Animals are *** edited***and those who brought Japanese flags to our stadium and stood against Iranian Flags in Azadi, and then turned around and called Seyd Jala Hosseini and Ali Karimi and so many other former TM players and coaches "Vatanforoush". they are the true animals and oghdei people in this discussion. I may have shit on CQ, but I never said anything against a TM player (which is my right to), but I would never ever under any circumstance allow myself to call a footballer or a coach "Vatanforoush".. Vatanforoush are those who aid the enemy. as in taking opposition flag to our own stadiums!!
                        second of all, as far as fans having mental issues, I have followed American/European sports on and off for 30 years and I have seen far worse reactions from Fans towards coaches and players, be it national or club. so I don't know why Iranian fans can't have their share of "mental issues", without being labeled vatanforoush. this whining is a loser mentality that CQ installed in our TM and some of the fans followed it. Whine, whine and whine. and Ironically, it was the same whining by our players that lead to Japan's first goal.

                        DO NOT INSULT MENBERS!
                        Last edited by Adesor Vafaseya; 01-29-2019, 05:10 PM.


                          Originally posted by kian_khosh View Post
                          These toxic brankoholics make me ashamed to be a perspolis fan
                          I really dislike how PP and Branko approached TM. I am torn as I was an opponent of CQs tactics over the past 4 years but never felt PP and it's supporters had a right to create such of divide.

                          One of my criticisms of CQ was giving these imbeciles the time of day. Wish he would have just never engaged them because I fear whoever comes in next will have to deal with a PP that has learned to act belligerently in order to maintain some semblance of control or power over TM...

                          Sent from my Google device using Tapatalk
                          Remember RESPECT BEGETS RESPECT & Zob Ahan


                            Originally posted by NFL View Post
                            first of all, Animals are the likes of you and those who brought Japanese flags to our stadium and stood against Iranian Flags in Azadi, and then turned around and called Seyd Jala Hosseini and Ali Karimi and so many other former TM players and coaches "Vatanforoush". they are the true animals and oghdei people in this discussion. I may have shit on CQ, but I never said anything against a TM player (which is my right to), but I would never ever under any circumstance allow myself to call a footballer or a coach "Vatanforoush".. Vatanforoush are those who aid the enemy. as in taking opposition flag to our own stadiums!! .
                            Why do you keep doing this? "likes of you". "vatanforoush".


                              Originally posted by NFL View Post
                              first of all, Animals are the likes of you and those who brought Japanese flags to our stadium and stood against Iranian Flags in Azadi, and then turned around and called Seyd Jala Hosseini and Ali Karimi and so many other former TM players and coaches "Vatanforoush". they are the true animals and oghdei people in this discussion. I may have shit on CQ, but I never said anything against a TM player (which is my right to), but I would never ever under any circumstance allow myself to call a footballer or a coach "Vatanforoush".. Vatanforoush are those who aid the enemy. as in taking opposition flag to our own stadiums!!
                              second of all, as far as fans having mental issues, I have followed American/European sports on and off for 30 years and I have seen far worse reactions from Fans towards coaches and players, be it national or club. so I don't know why Iranian fans can't have their share of "mental issues", without being labeled vatanforoush. this whining is a loser mentality that CQ installed in our TM and some of the fans followed it. Whine, whine and whine. and Ironically, it was the same whining by our players that lead to Japan's first goal.
                              Here's a perfect example of an Iranian who when you call them out on something they bring up Americans/Europeans, Israel, Poshte Pardeh and all types of khorafaat or conspiracy bullshit to cover up their deficiencies in their arguments.

                              Haji mousa, are you stating that all the Perspolisi fans who posted throughout this tournament that they want the other team to win or that "PP> TM" are indeed vatanforoush? That is openly and blatantly supporting the other team is it not? Isn't that aiding the enemy? Is that not being a vatanforoush?! Can't even make a decent argument without incriminating your own.

                              Me personally, I just told you that I desperately rooted for Persepolis to win against Japan. I woke up early middle of the night to watch the away leg too. What we got was a steaming pile of chit esp with the second half in Japan reminiscent of every fault Branko has as a coach. Then in Iran, these Perspolis fans who think of our club as a cult gave some of the weakest support I've ever seen and no that's not those olaghs who brought Japan flags. These are the people you claim are so innocent. At least the toxic and oghdei Turkish fans you see on the Internet do really bring the heat when teams visit them in Turkey. Idk what the fans in Iran were doing. We raised hell in Russia from all over the globe but they couldn't do anything in Iran?

                              LOL I'm dying of laughter. CQ gave our team a whining mentality? So Karimi kicking a water bottle on the bench vs Angola during Branko's time wasn't whining? Rahman Rezaei and Badavi beating the **** out of each other live on tv 2-0 to Oman under Branko wasn't a result of whining? 2004 didn't one of our players also get a red card for complaining about Alavi's red card? Didn't Branko get sent to the stands? Every time a coach in IPL loses they blame the ref, the grass, the moon and the tides and you are telling me whining is a new phenomenon in Iran as of 2011.

                              Beshin jamesh kon baba.
                              Last edited by perspolis#1; 01-29-2019, 09:47 AM.


                                NFL, you are just embarrassing yourself with nonsense conspiracies

