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100 Games under CQ/ Full Stats and statistical breakdown

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    Yes in terms of all games it is better when it comes to a winning%. In terms of Win/Draw MK is not. And he is not worth the time to actually look at his competitive record minus the friendlies to see his true record. As far as benefits of CQ its way beyond stats. Its just that his stats were so solid that it should always be looked upon as a standard or even better and then the other great benefits that came with him.


      Here is a great interview with Jalal Cherahgbpour about TM and CQ in particular:

      تحلیل شرایط فوتبال ایران پس از رفتن کی*روش/ برگشت به عقب داریم!

      سرمربی اسبق تیم ملی و کارشناس فوتبال در تحلیل اتفاقات پیش روی این رشته پس از جدایی مرد پرتغالی گفت: فوتبال ایران و کی*روش به انتهای خط رسیدند و امکان ادامه همکاری وجود نداشت.

      جلال چراغپور در گفتگو با خبرنگار مهر، درخصوص شرایط فوتبال ایران برای انتخاب سرمربی جدید تیم ملی گفت: مشکل اساسی فوتبال ایران زیرساخت هاست. دغدغه ای که ساله های زیادی داشتیم و دیدید که همین موضوع کارلوس کی روش را هم فرسوده کرد.

      سرمربی اسبق تیم ملی فوتبال ایران با ذکر این نکته که نداشتن برنامه تدوین شده برای تربیت بازیکن یکی از مشکلات اساسی فوتبال ایران است افزود: مشکلات فراوانی در بالغ کردن بازیکن فوتبالیست داریم. بهتر از هرکسی می دانید برخی فسادها مانع از رشد و تربیت می شود.

      وی درباره اینکه ایا با رفتن کارلوس کی روش سبک فوتبال ایران هم تغییر خواهد کرد افزود: فوتبال در دنیا به پنج سبک متفاوت اجرا می شود. البته بسیاری از مدیران ورزشی تلاش می کنند سبک های فوتبالی را برای تیم های باشگاهی و ملی مخلوط کنند. برای این ادعا هم می توان از مورینیو نام برد که سعی کرد در منچستریونایتد سبک متفاوتی را نسبت به بازی های گذشته این باشگاه اجرا کند. فوتبال در تمام دنیا سبک های متفاوتی دارد اما در ایران، سرمربی تیم ملی است که تعیین می کند بازیکنان چگونه عمل کنند.

      چراغپور افزود: در واقع کی روش هشت سال ما را با سبک خودش هدایت کرد. پس از این هم هر مربی بیاید سبک و دیدگاه خاص خودش را به همراه خواهد آورد. بر فرض مثال اگر شخصی مثل برانکو از شرق اروپا بیاید تیم ملی همان سبکی که پرسپولیس در این ماه ها بازی می کند را اجرا می کند.

      وی با اشاره به حضور کارلوس کی روش در راس کادرفنی تیم ملی کلمبیا اظهار داشت: کی روش می تواند در کلمبیا موفق شود. سبک فکری او با آمریکای لاتین بسیار نزدیک است. اگر می دیدیم مهدی ترابی را به تیم ملی فوتبال ایران دعوت می کند به خاطر دیدگاهش است. او در کلمبیا هم چنین بازیکنی را پیدا می کند تا در استراتژی خود از آن استفاده کند.

      چراغپور با بیان اینکه سرمربی سابق تیم ملی دچار اصطکاک با مسئولان شده بود تصریح کرد: کی روش صراحتا اعلام کرد من برای به دست آوردن هر چیزی در ایران جنگیدم. او می توانست از کلمه لطیف تری استفاده کند اما واقعیت این است که ارکان فوتبال ما کی روش را کاملا خسته کرده بود. باید به صراحت بگوییم او کاربلد بود. در مسائل فنی روی هر آنچه که توانایی داشت استادانه نقشه هایش را به بازیکنان خود آموزش می داد.

      کارشناس فوتبال ایران افزود: کی روش متفکر بود و نظم تیمی*اش را کاملا حفظ می کرد. یادمان نرفته است که در گذشته ها دو بازیکن تیم ملی در یکی از ادوار جام ملت ها با هم کتک کاری کردند اما باز هم بازی کردند و عوض نشدند. ولی در برهه دیگری از زمان یکی از دفاع وسط هایمان تکل دوپا رفت و پنالتی داد تا سرمربی تیم ملی تصمیم بگیرد او را عوض کند. این موضوع تفکرات را نشان می دهد که چقدر با هم متفاوت هستند. فوتبال ما کی روش را خسته کرده بود. او به سایش عصبی رسیده بود و با کوچکترین مشکل واکنش نشان می داد. اگر قرار باشد واقعیت را بگوییم باید به حرف های کی روش توجه کرد.

      چراغپور در پاسخ به این سوال که آیا با رفتن کی روش فوتبال ایران ضرر می کند تصریح کرد: کی روش بلافاصله نشان داد هیچ ضرری نکرد. او بلافاصله به کلمبیا رفت. با اینکه مشخص بود قبل از جام ملت ها با انها به توافقات اولیه رسیده است اما وجدانش اجازه نداد تا ذهن بازیکنان را در این تورنمنت درگیر رفتنش کند. منتظر ماند تا جام تمام شود و سپس به کلمبیا رفت و قرارداد بست.

      سرمربی تیم ملی فوتبال ایران اظهار داشت: برای هر دو طرف این همکاری تمام شده بود. کی روش در طول هشت سال واقعا تمام شد. واقعیت دیگر هم این است که کی روش چیزی برای ما نگذاشت چون زیرساخت نداشتیم. ما ضرر کردیم.

      چراغپور درباره مشکلات سرمربی بعدی تیم ملی نیز صحبت کرد و گفت: کی روش در سال های اخیر به تیمش دست نزد تا با آنها در جام ملت ها ثمره بگیرد و جام به ارمغان بیاورد. او غریبه ای را راه نداد اما اتفاقات فوتبالی باعث شد تیم ملی در بازی با ژاپن شکست خورد. هرکس به جای کی روش بیاید بازهم باید از صفر شروع کند. کسی که بخواهد بیاید نزدیک به ده بازیکن تیم ملی فعلی دیگر نخواهند بود چون سن آنها به جام جهانی ۲۰۲۲ نمی خورد. تیمی که می آید اخلاق قبلی و تربیت قبلی را ندارد. پس از رفتن کی روش برگشت به عقب صد درصدی داریم.

      وی در پایان درباره اینکه سرمربی بعدی تیم ملی ایرانی باشد یا خارجی خاطرنشان کرد: گزینه ایرانی را برای تیم ملی باید فراموش کنیم. اگر ایرانی بیاید در بهترین حالت ممکن حداقل شش گل از همین قطر که قهرمان شده است عقب هستیم. چون چیزی برای ارائه کردن ندارند. فوتبالی که در لگی می بینیم را باز هم اجرا می کنند.

      سرمربی اسبق تیم ملی و کارشناس فوتبال در تحلیل اتفاقات پیش روی این رشته پس از جدایی مرد پرتغالی گفت: فوتبال ایران و کی‌روش به انتهای خط رسیدند و امکان ادامه همکاری وجود نداشت


        Originally posted by OSTAD POOYA View Post
        If anyone looks at all time stats of national team coaches and those coaches that have coached more than 25 games CQ has the best record of all time hands down and nothing comes close. IF you look at 20 plus games then Daei has a slight edge which I have spoken about before when it comes to winning % and then the win/draw ration against total games played. If you want to look at coaches with more than 15 games in hand then its GN that has the best record of all time. For me personally the 20 or 25 threshold should be look upon as those other guys did not get to show full consistency over a long period of time.
        Obviously incorrect. Stats have been posted numerous times.


          Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
          Obviously incorrect. Stats have been posted numerous times.

          Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
          Whether people like it or not only stats matter.
          I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


            What a mediocre record. Barely getting a pass out of 100 games playing on average 90th ranked teams. Did not win anything, did not advance. Not even a WAFF which is not even considered an achievement by many. I would add that he was fortunate also to get the mediocre results he got. Many important games we won due to a complete fluke and untimely blunders.


              This guy's quotes read like someone with dissociative identity disorder. I hope I've highlighted in bold, words or phrases which cannot co-exist together in the same argument. Either he has multiple personalities or is just trolling.

              About CQ:

              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
              What a mediocre coach. .
              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
              Both are great coaches and have worked hard in our football. I dont know about who has what in their heart but Cq is definitely more demanding and I am assuming perhaps i am wrong but he is more detailed oriented as well.


              Again, about CQ:

              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
              Do not get me wrong. I appreciate and thank him for all his efforts and will always love and respect him for being a TM coach. .
              But on the same day,

              Originally posted by tooleh khers
              I hope you are wrong. I will gladly take Mayeli Kohan instead.

              Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
              Colombia will not be signing a contract with CQ.
              from 29/1/2019


                Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                This guy's quotes read like someone with dissociative identity disorder. I hope I've highlighted in bold, words or phrases which cannot co-exist together in the same argument. Either he has multiple personalities or is just trolling.

                About CQ:


                Again, about CQ:

                But on the same day,


                from 29/1/2019

                Thought about it more and mediocrity has started to shine through. What grade is 60%? adjust for opponents rankings in the 90s. Did not win anything. Fixed it for you though. Mediocre record!



                  Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                  Whether people like it or not only stats matter.
                  I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                    Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                    Thought about it more and mediocrity has started to shine through. What grade is 60%? adjust for opponents rankings in the 90s. Did not win anything. Fixed it for you though. Mediocre record!
                    So you accept your statements are very different? That the words "mediocre" and "great" are different adjectives?

                    Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                    You have debunked nothing. There is nothing to debunk. Branko was appointed TM coach in 2003 not 2002.
                    Do you finally accept that Branko was officially coach of the national team (and not just the U-23) for 2002 for the following full national team games?

                    1 06/02/02 Friendly Slovakia 2-3
                    2 01/03/02 LG CUP Venezuela 1-0
                    3 03/03/02 LG CUP Algeria 0-0
                    4 04/04/02 WAG Palestine 2-2
                    5 12/04/02 WAG Kuwait 0-0
                    6 30/05/02 Friendly Kuwait 3-1
                    7 11/08/02 Friendly Azerbaijan 1-1
                    8 21/08/02 Friendly Ukraine 1-0
                    9 30/08/02 WAFF Jordan 0-1
                    10 03/09/02 WAFF Lebanon 2-0
                    11 05/09/02 WAFF Iraq 0-0
                    12 07/09/02 WAFF Syria 2-2
                    13 17/09/02 LG CUP Morocco 1-1
                    14 19/09/02 LG CUP Paraguay 1-1

                    Originally posted by tooleh khers View Post
                    You have debunked nothing. There is nothing to debunk. Branko was appointed TM coach in 2003 not 2002.
                    Also, please respond to KC McElroy's table. Chakerim.


                      Originally posted by KC McElroy View Post
                      are you kidding me? Iran has never passed through the group stage and those points mean nothing.
                      also branko should have ddone better in wc 2006


                        Originally posted by Galactika View Post
                        also branko should have ddone better in wc 2006
                        True but he won the Asian Games with pretty much Iran's full national team ( beating Japan's U-19 team in the final ( . Also the informal 6-team WAFF tournament which Iran didn't even enter during CQ's tenure. The point is that "Stats are everything" and Branko has some very good stats for these crucial tournament like WAFF, LG Cup etc...

                        It's a question of win rates. Branko has an above-average Win-Draw-Loss ratio at 58.9% based on the full national team matches when he was coach on (P56 W33 D14 L9) during his entire time as coach of Iran's full national team. He also has good stats as the official U-23 coach for the Asian Games. His fans in the Perspolis social media clubs should be happy about that.


                          As the racist, criminal and general POS Sir Winston Churchill, spit on his grave, allegedly said, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

                          You can come up with numbers and play around with them as much as you want or claim it was a "failure" because he didn't win the Asian Cup, but at the end in football, it's about feelings. Before Quieroz came, we had a team in decline where no one thought we would see too many World Cups in our lifetime as everyone in Asia was catching up and we were falling behind. Then we had 2 great world cups, and two heartbreaking Asian Cups. If you, after all these 8 years, still feel like hating on him, your choice, but then no one can really help you.

                          Hala, facts, macts, come
                          __________________________________________________ __________________
                          formerly known as westwienmaskulin and used to post on ISP


                            Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                            So you accept your statements are very different? That the words "mediocre" and "great" are different adjectives?

                            Do you finally accept that Branko was officially coach of the national team (and not just the U-23) for 2002 for the following full national team games?

                            1 06/02/02 Friendly Slovakia 2-3
                            2 01/03/02 LG CUP Venezuela 1-0
                            3 03/03/02 LG CUP Algeria 0-0
                            4 04/04/02 WAG Palestine 2-2
                            5 12/04/02 WAG Kuwait 0-0
                            6 30/05/02 Friendly Kuwait 3-1
                            7 11/08/02 Friendly Azerbaijan 1-1
                            8 21/08/02 Friendly Ukraine 1-0
                            9 30/08/02 WAFF Jordan 0-1
                            10 03/09/02 WAFF Lebanon 2-0
                            11 05/09/02 WAFF Iraq 0-0
                            12 07/09/02 WAFF Syria 2-2
                            13 17/09/02 LG CUP Morocco 1-1
                            14 19/09/02 LG CUP Paraguay 1-1

                            Also, please respond to KC McElroy's table. Chakerim.
                            You have not answered my question yet. Before we go any further we must establish that you subscribe to rules of math. What is there to respond to Kc's Table? His first 3 rows are either incorrect or irrelevant. The next 4 are not comparative. How do you compare 6 games with 3 in the manner that he has done. I absolutely agree that CQ has done better inn 6 games at the world cup than Branko in 3. Albeit due in large to an own goal but hey stats are stats. I will not argue that Branko has done better overall in the world cup. I will argue however that overall considering all stats Branko is the best coach we have had in the last 40 years. Best coach in terms of what he achieved with us not best coach with best resume. So please spare me the he parked the Bus with Madrid or he trained Man u arguments. What they did in Iran is what is relevant.


                              Originally posted by DR Strangemoosh View Post
                              True but he won the Asian Games with pretty much Iran's full national team ( beating Japan's U-19 team in the final ( . Also the informal 6-team WAFF tournament which Iran didn't even enter during CQ's tenure. The point is that "Stats are everything" and Branko has some very good stats for these crucial tournament like WAFF, LG Cup etc...
                              It's a question of win rates. Branko has an above-average Win-Draw-Loss ratio at 58.9% based on the full national team matches when he was coach on (P56 W33 D14 L9) during his entire time as coach of Iran's full national team. He also has good stats as the official U-23 coach for the Asian Games. His fans in the Perspolis social media clubs should be happy about that.
                              Incorrect. He did enter and lost in groups if I am not mistaken. He could not win even an informal tournament. But I suppose it is the fault of the coaches before him and Iran's level was so low that it could not even win the informal WAFF. It is astounding how you do not get it. Whether you dispute a percent here or there the elephant in the room is he did it against teams ranked 20 spots higher than CQ, he won Asian games gold, Asian cup bronze, Waff title, intercontinental title with much much less investment. Do you get it how it is not even close? Only a troll would argue this.


                                Originally posted by westwien View Post
                                As the racist, criminal and general POS Sir Winston Churchill, spit on his grave, allegedly said, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics.

                                You can come up with numbers and play around with them as much as you want or claim it was a "failure" because he didn't win the Asian Cup, but at the end in football, it's about feelings. Before Quieroz came, we had a team in decline where no one thought we would see too many World Cups in our lifetime as everyone in Asia was catching up and we were falling behind. Then we had 2 great world cups, and two heartbreaking Asian Cups. If you, after all these 8 years, still feel like hating on him, your choice, but then no one can really help you.

                                Hala, facts, macts, come
                                Your last sentence says it all really. Facts, macts. No one is hating on anyone. those are his stats. He did not achieve anything with Iran that was above Iran's level. It was our failure as much as his not trying to blame or break all kaseh koozeh on him.

