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Sorry state of affairs

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    Sorry state of affairs

    Leandro Padovani an old esteghlal favorite who had a spinal injury last year and had to retire from football just posted on Instagram thanking the Iranian people for supporting him but saying it is making him sad that esteghlal is not paying him per contract, they’re behind by three months and he needs money for the treatments. What a shame, especially for someone with so much love clearly for Iran as in his many pictures and videos. Hope Leandro just gets lawyers involved early and stops waiting for esteghlal to get its act together. How long do teams have to pull this stuff before FIFA just bans IPL teams from international competitions? It feels like the only thing these teams understand is FORCE.

    yea i saw that, its really sad. they need to pay him up, other players are posting messages of support and im sure that his friends in iran will be helping him, especially jabbari. such a disgrace to see that this poor guy isnt being paid by such a reputable club.


      saw the postings on instagram. will he be able to walk again? feel so sad for him.
      A Singapore girl who supports Iran Football


        Very sad news!!! Sorry that you had to come and play in such a horribly run country where teams make money but it’s only the directors and 3pa getting paid.

        Saipa who apparently earns millions a week from car (pride) sales is not paying its players. What a joke this league is turning out to be.


          I’m not even an Esteghlali and this pisses me off..

          Pay Padovani, he bled blue for you and he got injured for you. This is embarrassing from our football and from Esteghlal management.

          Before I get attacked, I would have said the same thing if it was Persepolis.

          This guy needs money for his treatments. He could’ve been in a worse situation than he is now because he played for his team. Just because he isn’t in a worse situation, it shouldn’t mean the club just forgets about paying him.. He needs to be treated. Absolutely ridiculous.

