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Marc Wilmots to be named Team Melli’s manager: report

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    Originally posted by Doctor DOOM View Post
    anyone knows why he didnt work for 2 years?
    no takers, or personal matters kept him?
    If the former, then it could be alarming
    why do you think he was available for this job ?
    “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


      Originally posted by beri486 View Post
      صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ
      روح برانکو آمد

      Bienvenue à Iran Monsieur Wilmots!

      most of us Iranian Football fans don't speak IR language ....... can you please translate ?
      “It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled." - Mark Twain


        Originally posted by beri486 View Post
        صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ
        روح برانکو آمد

        Bienvenue à Iran Monsieur Wilmots!

        I sincerely hope Mr. Wilmots has a better record vs Angola once his tenure is over


          is he confirmed yet..?


            Had never heard of him before but then again I am not very knowledgeable about the football world. He seems more like a rugby guy, warm,down to earth. Kind of a Depardieu vibe about him, has his moments of brilliance.

            You know what people? We're lucky we even have a coach given the circumstances. Give him a chance, he's inheriting a dynamic united team,the future looks fairly ok.

            He will probably bring in a few younger players, make a few changes but stick to the current team in the beginning.

            I'm sure he's been warned about how challenging the job is going to be, lol. Leekens is in Iran too, he might feel less homesick, Belgian connection.

            Apparently his wife is a lawyer and she's quite the boss.

            Hope he's able to create some bright moments with TM!
            Keep calm and believe in Fairies and Footballers Roxanaz


              Guys, how is his " mentor " linkens doing with tractor? i think we can get a little of what has to come in TM with the way linkens is playing and arranging his players in Tractorsazi.


                is not the best , but we have to see how he can deal with iranian players,media, ipl coaches, iff and iran in general. getting his salary and all that.


                  مهاجرانی: ویلموتس می*تواند کاری که کی*روش نکرد را انجام دهد

                  سرمربی پیشین تیم ملی فوتبال ایران تاکید کرد که مارک ویلموتس یک مربی بین*المللی است و می*تواند یک تیم آسیایی را هدایت کند.

                  حشمت مهاجرانی در مصاحبه با خبرنگار ورزشی خبرگزاری تسنیم، در خصوص انتخاب مارک ویلموتس به*عنوان سرمربی جدید تیم ملی فوتبال ایران گفت: ویلموتس یک مربی بین*المللی است و می*تواند یک تیم آسیایی را هدایت کند. باید انتظار داشته باشیم که با این مربی در فوتبال پیشرفت کنیم، اتفاقی که در زمان مربیگری کی*رش رخ نداد. ما در دنیا تبدیل به تیم مطرحی شدیم ولی فوتبال*مان پیشرفت نکرد، امیدوارم حضور ویلموتس به پیشرفت فوتبال ایران و تیم ملی کمک کند و کاری که در زمان کی*روش انجام نشد، صورت گیرد.

                  سرمربی پیشین تیم ملی تاکید کرد: اتفاقاتی که در زمان مربیگری کی*روش رخ داد، بزرگترین تجربه برای ما است تا بتوانیم از آنها درس بگیریم. خوشبختانه مهدی تاج قبل از جام ملت*ها خیلی خوب رفتار کرد و قرار داد کی*روش را تا جام جهانی تمدید نکرد، هر چند در این موضوع وزیر ورزش هم تاثیرگذار بود. آنهایی که فوتبال را از نزدیک دنبال می*کنند، به*خوبی می دانند کی*روش قصد داشت تا ۴ سال دیگر هم در تیم ملی بماند ولی تاج در عدم تمدید قرارداد این مربی تصمیم درستی گرفت.

                  مهاجرانی با بیان اینکه نباید در مورد ویلموتس قضاوتی زودهنگام داشته باشیم، خاطرنشان کرد: همانطور که گفتم ویلموتس یک مربی بین*المللی است و دلیلی هم ندارد که در خصوص این مربی منفی صحبت کنیم. منطق حکم می*کند که باید منتظر باشیم تا عملکرد این مربی را در تیم ملی ببینیم و سپس قضاوت درست داشته باشیم. دلیلی ندارد در مورد این مربی فضای منفی ایجاد کنیم، امیدوارم ویلموتس کارش را به بهترین شکل ممکن انجام دهد.

                  وی در پایان در رابطه با اینکه کدام تیم قهرمان لیگ برتر خواهد شد، گفت: روی کاغذ شانس پرسپولیس زیاد است ولی در زمین فوتبال ممکن است هر اتفاقی رخ دهد.

                  سرمربی پیشین تیم ملی فوتبال ایران تاکید کرد که مارک ویلموتس یک مربی بین‌المللی است و می‌تواند یک تیم آسیایی را هدایت کند


                    Hopefully we will get even better with Wilmots so that we can claim from the Angolan tire to CQ to Wilmots TM stats have been constantly improving.
                    I went to Sharif University. I'm a superior genetic mutation, an improvement on the existing mediocre stock.


                      Did he sign officially?


                        Signature delayed because of sanctions and payment issues :


                          Solid signing, once it goes through. Wilmots coached Belgium from 2012 to 2016 -- when he took over they were 21st in the world, he got them to #1 in 2015, and they were #5 the next year. This was the highest ranking Belgium ever received until today!

                          He also coached at the club level in Germany and Belgium before becoming Leekens' assistant with the national team, learning from a true pro. And then had his record run at the helm too.

                          I think its a very good and exciting signing. I hope Marc brings some of the attacking flair from Belgium to TM, along with his own energy and leadership (he was Belgium NT captain during his playing days). I think we might be on the verge of some big things!


                            Originally posted by PSGman#19 View Post
                            Signature delayed because of sanctions and payment issues :
                            So they announced a hiring knowing there were going to be payment issues and still they are not resolved.

                            Furthermore how did Wilmots not know of payment issues before traveling to Iran?

                            This seems like stupid meets stupid.


                              Originally posted by OFFSIDE_1 View Post
                              why do you think he was available for this job ?
                              lol. sure, copy that.
                              there's always some sort of an air of desperation with anyone who might be ready to work in Iran. I just wonder what was the reason for this 2 year hiatus.

                              I remember his playing days. He used to be a solid player in the old belgian team. But coaching can be very different from mere playing.


                                Hes in Tehran trying to figure out how IFF can transfer his $1.2 M salary to his account in Europe with the new tougher sanctions, other than this, hes all in to coach the team as he KNOWS he will get a LOT of exposure from world media and that in itself will enhance his profile, ESPECIALLY if he can get results with TM and get us to the WC and maybe to the 2nd round!

