khob better late than never..!! excited to see how this guy pans out for us..!!?
soooo relieved they didnt just pass the dutchie left hand side to some domestic coaching clown and put our football program on that good-ol destructive, merry-go-round...!
he could pass for Taj's brother from another mother on these pics..!! interesting how quickly he adapted himself to the sloppy kotshalvar wearing antics of the local homeboys..!!

wondered earlier how Hashemian wasnt even in the picture for TM-Omid coaching i see why..!! i suppose he is lucky to get this impressive appointment to finally kickstart his hands on aspect of his coaching career ..!
as a TM player, Vahid had a bit of an onogh personality which i wasnt very fond of, yet his do-gooder/combative personality could come as a very welcoming addition to his new position, especially during the times when (IFF/scandalous football media/political IR cronies) would over-reach their boundaries and meddle in our TM technical affairs..!!
i'd trust that IFF/Sports Ministry had learned from their contractual mistakes with CQ and they've put all kinds of new clauses in Wilmot's contract to limit his influence on all Non-football Specific matters....!! so its good to have a no nonsense guy in mold of Vahid there to step up when TM staff need to have such grievances heard..!!
Best wishes and Best of luck to our aghaye VEEL--MOTE ..!
needless to say that he has gotten a huge shoes to fill and he is taking our football program while at its near continental peak and with everything looking good at least on paper..!! lets see if he can add a bit of attacking flavor to TM's style of play without having us leaking goals left n right and completely destroying our currently very impressive Defensive Might...!??

soooo relieved they didnt just pass the dutchie left hand side to some domestic coaching clown and put our football program on that good-ol destructive, merry-go-round...!
he could pass for Taj's brother from another mother on these pics..!! interesting how quickly he adapted himself to the sloppy kotshalvar wearing antics of the local homeboys..!!

wondered earlier how Hashemian wasnt even in the picture for TM-Omid coaching i see why..!! i suppose he is lucky to get this impressive appointment to finally kickstart his hands on aspect of his coaching career ..!
as a TM player, Vahid had a bit of an onogh personality which i wasnt very fond of, yet his do-gooder/combative personality could come as a very welcoming addition to his new position, especially during the times when (IFF/scandalous football media/political IR cronies) would over-reach their boundaries and meddle in our TM technical affairs..!!
i'd trust that IFF/Sports Ministry had learned from their contractual mistakes with CQ and they've put all kinds of new clauses in Wilmot's contract to limit his influence on all Non-football Specific matters....!! so its good to have a no nonsense guy in mold of Vahid there to step up when TM staff need to have such grievances heard..!!
Best wishes and Best of luck to our aghaye VEEL--MOTE ..!

needless to say that he has gotten a huge shoes to fill and he is taking our football program while at its near continental peak and with everything looking good at least on paper..!! lets see if he can add a bit of attacking flavor to TM's style of play without having us leaking goals left n right and completely destroying our currently very impressive Defensive Might...!??