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Saman Ghoddos @ Amiens SC | 2019-2020

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    Some more news on Saman have arised. According to the new news he was threatened by Östersund (his former team) to end the contract he wrote with the Spanish team Huesca... If he did not agree on ÖFK terms they would force him to play for them until the end of his contract and not accept any other bid that was comming for him. This is new info that Saman have said to FIFA. Furter more its writen he is fined by Fifa to pay 4 million Euros to Huesca and Saman says he dont even have this much Money so how will he be able to pay it... Very sad for Saman all this…
    Link is bellow


      ^suspected this shittt being the case all along ..... as soon as he signed that stupid contract extension with Oster while he was being linked to all sorts better clubs, i knew the club was conning him...
      can you C&P the article for us .... cant read the whole thiing without subscription ty


        Sure i can copy paste it. Den förre Östersundsspelaren Saman Ghoddos är avstängd från spel och ska betala över 40 miljoner kronor i böter efter förra sommarens transferhärva.
        Nu framkommer att han uppgett för internationella fotbollförbundet Fifa att ÖFK hotade honom till att bryta ett avtal med spanska Huesca.
        Detaljer i affären framkommer i Fifas beslut, som Östersunds-Posten tagit del av.
        Ghoddos sade enligt dokumentet till Fifa att ÖFK ”hotade att behålla honom över nästa säsong och att tacka nej till alla övriga bud om han inte skrev på en uppsägning av avtalet”.
        Ghoddos sade enligt Fifa att han ångrade att han skrivit på ett uppsägningsavtal med Huesca, att han verkligen ville till klubben men att han manipulerades av Östersund att bryta avtalet.
        Det var i somras som DN kunde avslöja att Huesca anmält Saman Ghoddos och Östersund till Fifa och att en utredning startats kring Ghoddos övergång till franska Amiens, som han nu tillhör. Enligt Huesca hade Östersundsspelaren redan skrivit på ett giltigt kontrakt med den spanska klubben innan han kom överens med Amiens.
        I augusti kom beskedet att Fifa gav Huesca rätt, att Saman Ghoddos skulle stängas av för spel i fyra månader och att den spanska klubben hade rätt till ett bötesbelopp på 4 miljoner euro, över 40 miljoner svenska kronor.
        Ghoddos reste till Huesca förra sommaren, och syntes på en bild som lades ut på nätet av agenten Quique Pina, där han tycks signera ett papper.
        Östersunds dåvarande ordförande Daniel Kindberg, som i går dömdes till fängelse för ekonomisk brottslighet, gjorde omedelbart klart att Ghoddos inte skulle säljas till Huesca. Kort därefter skrev han i stället på för Amiens.
        – Saman skrev på papper som han inte hade någon aning om vad det var för något, eftersom det var på spanska, har Daniel Kindberg tidigare sagt till Aftonbladet.
        I det underlag till Fifas beslut som ÖP nu återger framgår att ÖFK visste att Saman Ghoddos skrivit på ett kontrakt, och sade därför till honom att komma tillbaka till Sverige. Där ska ÖFK ha försökt övertala honom om att kontraktet med Huesca var ogiltigt.
        ÖFK och Saman Ghoddos har överklagat Fifas beslut till Idrottens skiljedomstol Cas.
        I en intervju med Aftonbladet som gjordes innan uppgifterna om hot från ÖFK kommit fram, berättar Ghoddos om beskedet om domen.
        – Det var hemska dagar. Jag fick inte spela. Jag var tvungen att sköta mitt jobb och träna precis som vanligt. Men i mitt huvud var jag förstörd. Helt knäckt. Jag var helt tom. Jag tränade men tankarna var på ett annat ställe. Efter träningen satt jag bara tänkte: ”hur tar jag mig igenom det här?”
        Han menar att böterna inte är realistiska.
        – För jag har inte ens pengarna! Hur har de tänkt egentligen? Hur ska jag kunna betala över 40 miljoner kronor? Men jag vill inte kommentera det mer just nu eftersom vi har överklagat, säger han.
        Han säger att hans bild av ÖFK inte har förändrats.
        – Jag har samma kontakt som förr med Östersund. Som om allt det här aldrig har hänt. Med folk i klubben och i styrelsen.

        Translated to English (google translate):

        Former Östersund player Saman Ghoddos is suspended from gambling and will pay over SEK 40 million in fines following last summer's transfer leg.
        Now it appears that he stated to the international football association Fifa that ÖFK threatened to break a deal with Spanish Huesca.
        Details of the transaction can be found in Fifa's decision, which Östersunds-Posten has taken note of.
        According to the document, Ghoddos told Fifa that ÖFK "threatened to retain him over the next season and to refuse any other offers if he did not sign a termination agreement".
        Ghoddos said, according to Fifa, that he regretted that he had signed a termination agreement with Huesca, that he really wanted to join the club but that he was manipulated by Östersund to break the agreement.
        It was this summer that DN could reveal that Huesca has notified Saman Ghoddo's and Östersund to Fifa and that an investigation has been started about Ghoddo's transition to French Amiens, which he now belongs to. According to Huesca, the Östersund player had already signed a valid contract with the Spanish club before agreeing with Amiens.
        In August, the message came that Fifa gave Huesca the right, that Saman Ghoddos would be suspended for four months' play and that the Spanish club was entitled to a fine of EUR 4 million, over SEK 40 million.
        Ghoddos traveled to Huesca last summer, and appeared in a photo posted online by agent Quique Pina, where he appears to be signing a paper.
        Östersund's then-chairman Daniel Kindberg, who was sentenced yesterday to prison for financial crime, immediately made it clear that Ghoddos would not be sold to Huesca. Shortly thereafter he wrote for Amiens instead.
        - Together he wrote on paper that he had no idea what it was, because it was in Spanish, Daniel Kindberg has previously told Aftonbladet.
        The basis for Fifa's decision, which ÖP now reproduces, shows that ÖFK knew that Saman Ghoddos had signed a contract, and therefore told him to come back to Sweden. There, ÖFK should have tried to persuade him that the contract with Huesca was invalid.
        ÖFK and Saman Ghoddos have appealed Fifa's decision to the Sports Arbitration Court Cas.
        In an interview with Aftonbladet, which was done before the information on threats from the ÖFK appeared, Ghoddos says about the message about the verdict.
        - Those were terrible days. I was not allowed to play. I had to do my job and train just as usual. But in my head I was devastated. Completely cracked. I was completely empty. I trained but the thoughts were in another place. After the workout, I just thought, "How do I get through this?"
        He thinks the fine is not realistic.
        - Because I don't even have the money! How did they really think? How should I be able to pay over SEK 40 million? But I don't want to comment on it anymore right now because we have appealed, he says.
        He says that his image of ÖFK has not changed.
        - I have the same contact as before with Östersund. As if all this has never happened. With people in the club and on the board


          [QUOTE=BacheLot;2664111]^suspected this shittt being the case all along ..... as soon as he signed that stupid contract extension with Oster while he was being linked to all sorts better clubs, i knew the club was conning him...
          can you C&P the article for us .... cant read the whole thiing without subscription ty[/QUOTE

          Yeah… that was really strange… But he wanted to help his former team by makeing them more Money... He did not know they were going to con him in the end... Hopefully FIFA will consider this new news and bring down his fine or ask OFK to pay parts/whole part of it... Saman financial situation wount allow him to pay this high fine. Daniel Kindberg was sentenced to jail yesterday


            His advisers and agents should be ashamed.



              Surely this has to back up Saman, this guy has been proven in a court of law that he was corrupt.


                Originally posted by koorosh View Post
                This is my take:

                Fact: Ostersund is nearly bankrupt
                Fact: Kindberg, its chairman, is accused of stealing millions.
                Fact: Saman's agent is a good friend of Kindberg
                Fact: Saman had re-signed a contract with Ostersund so that the club could earn money from an impending transfer.
                Fact: Saman signed a contract with Huesca himself, with no agent.

                Educated guess: Ostersund was desparate to sell Saman to the highest bidder. Saman had already indicated he wanted to go.
                Speculation: Saman was getting worried and tired, as the transfer season was running late and still no transfer. Perhaps worried he might be sold to a shitty league for lots of money. He decides to take matters into his own hands and force the issue. Gets permission to visit the Huesca and while there, signs a contract. Gets back to Sweden, and Kindberg blows up. Probably a higher bid from France had come in and Kindberg needed every penny. Convinces Saman that he will support him when shit hits the fan (or threatens him for breach of contract etc), sells the player, collect the money and decides to deal with whatever may come in the future.
                This new evidence is pretty close to my deductions.

                CAS has to decide clearly who owes the 4 million. The club had indicated they may consider helping but they are broke so they may change their minds.



                  Suspension is finished I believe


                    Good. Team Melli badly needs a healthy, fit, and productive Saman for the rest of the WCQ.


                      I've waited long time before Saman is finally coming back, his performances at Amiens were always solid. They are going to need him badly, as they are currently 17th which means they will fight against relegation through play-offs. Last but not least, we need him the most in our remaining qualifying games. Let's hope the 4 month suspension didn't ruin his form...


                        Saman is backkkkkk


                          Ghoddos his suspension will end at 1 January 2020, which is 3 days from now. That means he can possibly feature in the French Cup game against Rennes on 4 January, depending on his match fitness.



                              On the bench!


                                Happy new year!

